A long article, no doubt. I got through most of it, but was thoroughly turned off by the part where he described the sport as a "dehumanizing spectacle that debases both the people who play it and the people who watch it". Also calling it "a spectacle of violence, for entertainment." That's a pretty high horse to climb onto, and a pretty strong insult to the league, it's members, and it's fanbase, in my opinion.
Yes, football is violent. It's the nature of the sport. Boxing and mma (which are pretty much the only other sports I closely follow outside of the NFL) are also violent. Yet when I'm spectating ANY of those sports I'm certainly not pumping my fist cheering for violence. The violence aspect is secondary to the strategy, skill, and craft that's being put on display by the participants.
Just because a sport has aspects that are violent, it doesn't mean the violence itself is the focal point for all of the viewers.