Chris Henry: Assault Accusation...Claims are false *Updated*


The Boognish
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silverbear;1530220 said:
Uhhh, you were still on ignore when you guys first went round and round on this one, so I had no idea what you were arguing...

When I read this thread this evening, and saw the claims you were making, I set out to find out how long it would take me to uncover the relevant portions of the NFLPA...

So I typed in "NFL/NFLPA collective bargaining agreement" in my Yahoo search engine, and either the first or second link took me to a pdf of the actual CBA... the first thing that showed up when I opened the pdf was a table of contents, I looked down it until I found Appendix C, and there were a number of headings that seemed to be relevant, so I clicked on them, and found the quotes provided...

From the time I started my search on Yahoo to the time I left that pdf with the relevant quotes to use in this thread covered no more than 15-20 minutes, tops...

But I'll admit, I am rather good at researching such things... would that you were, too... :D

You do remember that I had you on ignore, not once but twice, don't you?? As it happens, when you were challenging people to put their money where their mouths were, I wasn't reading your posts...

ROTFLMAO... that standard player's contract was an APPENDIX to the CBA... IOW, it was indeed a PART of the CBA...

Well, it's pretty hard to respond to arguments you don't SEE... but I guess you lack the ability to grasp a simple concept like that...

The final question is why exactly did you NEED Adam to point out the truth to you, when it would have taken you mere minutes to look up that truth for yourself??

Whatever like i said its real easy for you to know to look at the players contract after you see me mention it and when i was sking for it at the time no one brought it up or quoted it.

A day late and a dollar short.

Bob Sacamano

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FuzzyLumpkins;1530111 said:
Im well aware of why he would do it but making scapegoats is widely held as unfair to those who are made scapegoats of. It may be a 'reality' but if it is its a crappy one.

uh, I think I already said that, and it is unfair

FuzzyLumpkins said:
This is complete and utter BS. There is nothing in the CBA that compells the commsioner has to act. If anything it says the commisioner has discretion. Quote something or quit telling this lie.

LOL, these guys broke their player contract, it's not about discretion, it's about a binding contract being broken, no **** he has to react

FuzzyLumpkins said:
Use cases that are already closed or deferred or use the arrests that he failed to report. He had his choice.

he had his choice, and went w/ this course, I see no problem w/ it, among many, and you do, among many

FuzzyLumpkins said:
Have any evidence to support this statistic. i remember a few years ago when Carruth, Lewis and Pittman were running around and it sure seemed the polic blotter was full. Weell lookie HERE. This is evidence that says that the NFL players arrest rate is half of what the general population is. And you claim that im always the one that is wrong?

LOL, you do know this contract has more than 170 million people right? the arrest rate for NFL players has been on the upswing, I don't have the statistics in hand, but I remember it being posted on here before

FuzzyLumpkins said:
Im going to assume you meant breach because broach makes even less sense than this does. im not saying hes breaching contract im saying hes acting irresponsibly.

I'm not talking about the contract, since we both know what it is, just I wanted to use a word, such as broach of what is right

FuzzyLumpkins said:
That was in the very beginning of his reign where he was still trying to establish power. later on he deported whole cultures east and had them killed/enslaved with little to no justification.

yes, I know, and I said that in the 1st reply to you which you called me out on it

FuzzyLumpkins said:
Im not denying that he needed to have a clear and concise cause. What im saying is that he should have a clear and concise list of cause that doesnt include pending cases.

most of PacMan's cases are pending, and one was thrown out, so he might as well just forget about suspending him then

FuzzyLumpkins said:
Now you are just all over the place. What happened to he had to just say that a player was detrimental and that was that?

I dont' think I said that

I'm not responding to the rest because it's nothing more than you trying to goad me on


The Boognish
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silverbear;1530217 said:
I'm saying that Jones' lawyers are paid to put the best possible spin on all things related to this suspension... I'm also saying that you still haven't provided anything from Goodell, or the league, outlining the reasons for the suspension...

Let's think a bit about that; the REASON we haven't heard from Goodell and/or the league is because such matters are supposed to be CONFIDENTIAL... indeed, the letter you cite was also SUPPOSED to be confidential, yet somehow it leaked to the press... it's a pretty good bet it wasn't leaked from the league office, which logically means that Pac-Man's lawyers themselves leaked it... obviously, if that's the case, they did it to pursue their own agenda... equally obviously, if that's their motive here, then we should be suspicious of the claims they make in that letter...

And youre not even paid yet you put the absolute worst possible spin on the situation. i offer eveidence that shows that it was based on 4 events and the best you can come up with is they might be lying without any reasoning behind it. Exactly how would it be in Jones' interest to lie like that in a letter to the league office? How do you know it was the league office that leaked it? oh wait thats right your just assuming not only that Jones' counsel falsified it which im pretty sure the bar might have an interest in and that they are the ones that leaked it again with no proof.

Once again, you demonstrate a failure to grasp simple concepts, so let me try once again... I'll use easy words, to help you out:

If any team wrote a contract for a player that violated the CBA, that contract would be judged null and void in a court of law... so no, no contract in the NFL can "stand on its own", it has to be in line with the provisions of the CBA...

How can you not understand that it can stand on its own and be irrelevant to the CBA?

You're not really STUPID enough to think I'll do anything other than laugh at your demands that I shut up, are you??

Youre really not stupid enough after all this crap youve made up to try and bolster your position that I wont take anything you say at face value.

Note that I'M the one who's been clubbing you over the head with the facts of his failure to report those arrests as justification for the suspension, right from the start...

And if you acknowledge that those failures by themselves are sufficient justification for suspending him, then your arguments about the other reasons you THINK were given aren't really germane at all, are they?? Even if Goodell did indeed list those as reasons-- and you have no proof that he did-- the failure to report those arrests are CLEAR cause for suspension...

KK at this point im really beginning to be concerned about your intelligence. How many times does it take for me to tell you that I know it is completely within his power but I still feel he is acting irresponsibly' for you to finally figure it out?

So basically, you have no legitimate complaints about the guy getting suspended, but you still carp on and on and on and on and on...

You're like the Energizer bunny of contrarianism... LOL...

Well you are the energizer bunny of cluelessness. I think his policy of suspending players on pending cases is irresponsible even if it is within his power. This whole conversation wouldnt require so much time if would finally figure that out.

And yet, I'm schooling you... :rolleyes:

This from the guy that still has yet to figure out what I am saying. You seem to think Im arguing Goodell doesnt have the authority to do this even despite being told this is not the case for quite some time.

I'm guessing you haven't actually read the CBA... specifically, Appendix C, which covers player contracts...

I'd suggest you do so before trying to go down that road again... if you do, you'll read in section 11 (Skill, Performance and Conduct):

I said the conduct policy not the players contract. Section 11 talks about the club and not the league so once again you dont know what youre talking about how unusual.

I reiterate the conduct policy itself is not in the CBA.

This sentence clearly establishes a code of personal conduct as part of the collective bargaining agreement, the standard for said conduct being the club's reasonable judgement... a bit later on, in section 14 (Rules), we read that:

This sentence clearly establishes the CBA as one of the controlling factors in the personal conduct policy...

Next, in section 15 (Integrity of Game), we read that:

What was that about the CBA not spelling out the Commissioner's powers to suspend players, again?? There it is, in black and white, in section 15 of Appendix C of the most recent collective bargaining agreement...

Blah blah blah. The conduct policy is not in any of that. It doesnt even mention the conduct policy rather about how the league and clubs can handle conduct detrimental. You finally get a clue.

Now, I'll meet you halfway, and agree that the CBA does not spell out exactly how the Player Conduct Policy is defined, that was left up to further negotiations between the Management Council and the NFLPA... but it does clearly establish that there IS a player conduct policy in place, and outlines what would constitute a violation of said policy... go read it for yourself, if you don't believe me...

Thats not meeting me halfway that conceding my point. The conduct policy is not in the CBA whiich despite your blather from the previous quote still holds true.

It actually brings up an interesting point. The old conduct policy denoted a way of handling violations ie waiting on a conviction that is at odds with the powers granted in the CBA.

Yes, I realize that you have FINALLY gotten around to conceding that Goodell has the authority to suspend those players for conduct detrimental to the league... and now, I'm pointing out to you that even if you find the reasons Goodell has supposedly given for suspending Pac-Man Jones distasteful, what you think on this subject matters less than nothing...

i conceded it over a week ago. its not my fault the your so obtuse it took you up until now to figure it out when ive been saying it in plain english for days.

And what you have to think has any more weight? its my opinion that he is irresponsible toa ct in the manne rthat he does and he should look at the history of his predecessors to see why. i will speak out about it if i want to and if you dont like it then youre just going to have to deal with it.

Im just waiting for you to start arguing that suspensions on allegations is a good thing.

I'm also pointing out that yours is a minority opinion, as demonstrated by the simple fact you're the only one arguing it... and inasmuch as this new enforcement of the personal conduct policy (there is no new policy, the rules for that are still the same, it's a new emphasis on enforcing those rules that has changed) has been implemented in response to public outcry about lawless behavior by NFL players, until your position is one accepted by a much larger percentage of football fans, the NFL isn't gonna give a rat's patootie about your "elitist" views on this subject...

Everything that i have read that specifically talks about the issue of suspending before conviction in a court of law has been in a negative light. Im sure you are going to start posting a bunch of crap about how the players are behind getting something done that dont even mention that caveat.

IOW, you're bellowing your outrage at the top of your lungs, and NOBODY CARES...

Wow the old man speaking for others again. Its great for shock value if you are dealing with people that actually think you speak for others but unfortunately for you i know you dont.

Your newest "major premise", which has changed considerably since you started this argument, is that you think it's wrong for Goodell to levy a suspension on Pac-Man Jones when he's merely ACCUSED of a crime...

No it hasnt changed your just too obtuse to have figured it out until i beat you over the head with the most simplistic terms for a day or two.

And if that really WAS the only reason that Goodell had for suspending Jones, I might even AGREE with you... I wouldn't get up on my high horse about it like you have, but I'd wonder why he didn't just wait for the court cases to play out before suspending him... after all, the trial on the one is supposed to be held before training camp, which would still be plenty of time to suspend the guy...

i did wonder why he didnt wait you just didnt pick up on it as your reading comprehension blocked you from thinking anything other than me arguing authority which i lcearly wasnt. he could have waited and didnt. he could have suspended them without claiming an allegation but didnt.

its deliberate and irresponsible.

Then again, Jones' suspension is reportedly a flexible one, and could be either lengthened or shortened as a result of how his court dates come out, so if he is exonerated, and Goodell then shortens his suspension, he will still have done the right thing...

He was given terms and if he meets those terms then its shortened. thats not flexible and if one of the terms isnt 'cleared on the pending charge.' you have no point at all.

But of course, you distort the reality of the situation when you ignore the OTHER, black and white reasons Goodell had for suspending Pac-Man, reasons that don't need the outcome of a court case... I refer to the two episodes of failing to report his arrests to the league office, as is specifically spelled out in the Player Conduct Policy...

i didnt ignore them i actually brought them up several times. You are going back to the old authority argument. Goodell can suspend as he sees fit for whatever reason. He still listed a pending case which establishes a disturbing precedent on Goodells first major action as commsioner.

Jones is GUILTY of violating those provisions of the Player Conduct Policy, and as such is legitimately subject to suspension...

Your obtuseness is getting really boring.

Once you've accepted that fundamental truth, the rest of your arguments re: his court situation are completely irrelevant... he was suspended for failing to report his arrests, plain and simple... and Goodell had every right to suspend him for that...

He has every right to list pending cases as cause for suspension as well. He did just that and its irresponsible.

Once again, you ignore that the insult in question was not aimed at me, but at Bobby... beyond that, you have no need to apologize for ever insulting me, inasmuch as your opinion of me means less than nothing to me... I'm merely pointing out that the guy who whined about me engaging in insulting behavior has himself gleefully engaged in such behavior when he felt the urge...

As the saying goes if the shoe fits.....

You called people on this board flaccid male members and I described my distaste. The mods deleted your diatribe BTW. And again Im sorry that pointing out your actions or failures is insulting to you. It funny you dont deny them though.

Given that, your complaints about my insults, which were not aimed at anybody specifically, unlike yours, ring quite hypocritical...

Except you don't know if it cited his suspension ACCURATELY, or if it puts a spin on the reasons designed to make their client look better... you just ASSUME that you're getting the straight story from those lawyers, which is pretty naive of you...

Yeah its pretty naive to me that I dont think jones counsel lied in that letter seeing that both the league and the bar would have issues with it. Beyond that please explain how listing those offenses if they were not actually listed as cause would bolster Jones' position. it certainly bolsters mine but i dont see hwo that would help Jones and that is who they are worried about.

In an article dated 4/3/07, AP writer Dave Goldberg wrote:

"Around the NFL" means owners, management, team officials, league officials and PLAYERS...

This says the problem has gone to far and that they are looking for action but im failing to see the part where it says the players are okay with allegations being subject to suspensions. i really like your next one though.

Joe Theisman weighed in on this issue as well, saying:

But hey, what would Joe know about it, right??

:lmao2: YOU USED NORMAN EINSTEIN AS A SOURCE. Thats just rich. This is the guy that criticized Quinn because of his tie know. Youre right Theismann doesnt know jack.

Next up, an article found on Dallas' CBS 11's website:

There's Goodell himself, saying that over 50 players were interviewed about the personal conduct policy... and the head of the NFLPA, the union that represents the players' interests, saying he and his union support that policy...

Continuing in that vein, we have this from the USA Today:

So, the Commish has included the input of players, both directly and from their representatives in the NFLPA, in the formulation of his new approach to the Player Conduct Policy... but what comes next in this article is all I need to demonstrate my claim is accurate:

Now, you don't have to take MY word for it, but are you prepared to blow off what Greg Aiello from the league's office had to say about player support for this new policy??

So, I guess you were WRONG yet again, when you said you "didn't think" that I could come up with "evidence" regarding the player's disposition on this one... frankly, I was surprised to hear you challenge that assertion, it leads me to believe you really haven't studied up on this situation like you should if you're gonna hold yourself out as some kind of expert on the subject...

Wow a bunch of quotes from before the suspensions being handed down and again nothing that talks about suspending based on allegations. You didnt show anything other than the players wanted something done.

Perhaps that's because I'm more focused on the possible, indeed likely, GOOD it could cause...

I guess you don't think the league has a problem with lawless behavior by its players, eh??

Well seeing that the average NFL players is half as likely as the average american to get arrested and that the incidents of violent crimes by NFL players has actually dropped then i would say the league has a problem with propaganda by the media and less of a problem with what the players are actually doing.

It does when the league is bowing to the pressure of that public consensus, which is precisely what's occurring here...

Wow this is simply amazing insight here. Your reasoning is just so clear. :rolleyes:

ROTFLMAO... the league is doing what it's doing precisely because of that "popular opinion"... they are acting to prevent themselves from killing the goose that lays the golden egg, i.e., in recognition that their game's popularity, and thus their profit margin, is rooted firmly in that public opinion...

The evidence actually shows the league growing at a higher rate then ever. There is no evidence to support that league revenues are dipping because of players activity off the field.

If you can't even grasp that economic reality, then you're not nearly as smart as you seem desperate for us to believe you are... Goodell isn't acting because he's a goody two shoes who wants all of the league's players to be angels, he's acting out of fear the sponsors will go away if the league gets a negative image in the public's mind...

And again youre speaking on the behalf of others. Its a trend and i doesnt mean feces. Have any proof to back this claim up? If you look at NFL revenues it spells a different picture.

Only that you don't seem to have any allies in this fight you've picked... but hey, maybe the rest of the board is so intimidated by Bobby and me that they don't DARE sound up to support you...

Why exaclty do i need allies when i have stats and precedents to show my claim. You have summer and lets just say his opinion doesnt mean much but outside of that noone is leaping in ehre to back you up.

Yeah, RIIIIIIIGGGGHHHHTTTTT... but it is true, the only "proof" I have that you stand alone in this argument is the total lack of anything resembling an ally posting in support of your argument...

Bandwagon appeal whoopety doo. Argue the points. Oh wait you cannot. And notice how noone is coming in ehre and supporting you either?

It's called COMMON SENSE... the league depends on the support of its fans to keep the commercial revenue rolling in; if the public turns on their product because they perceive it to sanction lawless behavior, then the sponsors of all those commercials will take their money elsewhere... let's remember, it was precisely that court of public opinion that got Don Imus fired, which is one demonstration of the importance of keeping the public (in this case, the football fan) on your side...

And commercial revenue was increasin before the suspensions. look at the leagues policy towards end zone celebrations. the fans dont seem to like that policy and the term No Fun League gets tossed about. once again youre speaking on behalf of the leagues accountatnts and CFO as if you know anything.

this still doesnt address the point that its irresponsible to suspend players based on allegations especially when there is no need to.

While admitting that I'm not privy to the inside deliberations at the league office, I feel quite confident that this new enforcement of the personal conduct policy is motivated by a desire on the part of the NFL not to start losing sponsors as a result of a negative public image... or if not losing sponsors, then having to give those sponsors deals more favorable to the sponsor, and thus less profitable to the league, to keep them on board...

No you dont know whats going on in league circles so your assertion ahs no basis. The salary cap keeps goingup which means the league keeps making more money.

OK, why do YOU think the league is suddenly cracking down on this behavior?? I've told why I think this is happening, and again, my argument is rooted in both economic reality and good ol' common sense...

Your economics have no basis in reality. Show some evidence that league revenues are decreasing. Your common sense is crap without basis.

I'm not the one saying I'm a liar, you are... and you're the guy who has disingenuously edited quotes to distort what you actually said, so being called a liar by somebody like that doesn't sting at all...

i didnt call you a liar im saying you make stuff up like your common sense and economic reality. if you think that makes you a liar that on you and not me.

No matter what my assorted character flaws are-- and you'll recall that I have never once protested your assertion that I'm too fond of slinging insults-- I am one of the more honest individuals you'll ever encounter on these boards... so your attempts to paint me as a liar are quite laughable, and pathetic, all at the same time...

i never called you a liar but you do make up fiction. And poor honest insulting silverbear.

Actually, I have backed up each and every claim you have challenged me to back up... so once again, you're the one being a bit dishonest here, not me...

How about the formation and duties of the commsioner. i see no back up. how about player support for suspensions on allegations i dont see that. how about economic figures for your economic reality? How about me taking a position just to be contrary?

Yeah, you have had a rather severe problem with that, haven't you??

You were the one saying you were having difficulty with it. im just going by what youre saying. Nice attempt to twist your anger management issues.

Clearly, you need to try thinking a little more, because I have clearly outlined the origins of the office of commissioner for a major sport... once again, the first commissioner in ANY sport was Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, appointed commissioner of MLB in the wake of the Black Sox scandal, wherein a number of Chicago White Sox conspired with gangsters to throw the World Series...

That is documented, historical FACT... the first commissioner came about as a direct response to lawless behavior by the professional baseball players of the time...

Youve vaguely talked about baseballs first commisioner a century ago but you havent shown anything about the commsioner of the NFL in 2007.

What "constitution" would that be??

that would be the NFL charter and constitution. You know the document that the league is based on. You are the one that says the commsioner has to act and Im telling you where you can find proof. Im not wasting my time verifying your baseless assertion.

I have to say, I find it sourly amusing that you rag on your antagonists for not documenting their claims, when you repeatedly invoke the James Lofton suspension back in 1996, but have yet to document what happened back then...

I quoted a link sorry if youre not saavy enough to figure it out.

I have tried using both Google and Yahoo to type in the keywords you suggested, and have yet to find anything on the subject... so perhaps it's time you held yourself to the same standards you seem to demand of everybody else, in the interest of intellectual integrity... [/qoogle]

Thats funny cause i was able to and i was nice enough to link it for you.

If you HAVE an intellectual integrity to call on...

Its not my fault your too obtuse to find it. i even linked it for you.

And when did I suggest that doling out punishment was ALL of what Goodell does?? Answer-- never... for that matter, doling out punishment is not all of what an assistant principal does, either...

No but you stated that he was compelled to act and also compared him to a vice principal.

But in the context of this debate, the only powers that are relevant is the power to suspend players... indeed, your observation that he has other powers is rather silly here, and not responsive to anything we've been discussion... as such, it's yet another non sequitur you've thrown out in a semi-desperate attempt to turn attention away from the fallacies of your arguments...

Actually youre teh one that brought up the origins of the commisioner and what powers he has and why not me. Youre right you bringing it up was a red herring.

The potential for harm for him using pending cases as cause for suspensions.

As long as the public in general, the players and the players union support him in this, there is no such potential for harm... especially not when the suspensions he levied against Pac-Man are FLEXIBLE, and can be lessened if he's ultimately exonerated when he does go to trial... of course, there's a flip side to that coin, and the suspensions can be lengthened if he's found guilty...

If he suspends someone based on an allegation and then the allegation is disproven there is harm even if you think its alright.

When did I say I wasn't sure what your position is... I have said that it has changed as time went along-- which it has-- but I'm quite clear on what your specious arguments are...

No it hasnt changed. You misinterpreted what i was saying fromt he get go. ive been talking about suspending on allegations being irresponsible from the get go. just because you finally clued in doesnt mean my position changed.

Said the guy who just put words in my mouth I never said...

You thought iw as talking about aithority until this post.

Just did, and it is utterly unresponsive to the question you were asked... all it is, is an op-ed piece on a BLOG, by somebody named Rick Karcher...

who happens to be a law professor at depaul university. it talks aobut how in 1986 Lofton was suspended on rape allegations which he was later exonerated. It caused considerable harm to Mr. Lofton and precipitated Tagliabue to change how he suspended players.

Goodell is ignoring his history.

Tell me, what exactly does my age have to do with any of this?? You have repeatedly tried to insult me by referring to how "old" I am... good thing for me I'm quite happy with being on the cusp of turning 55, so that your pathetic, juvenile attempts to insult me ultimately fail... but once again, it demonstrates that you share my fondness for ad hominem attacks, even as you protest against them...

Its based on my personal observation of older men who try to speak on the behalf of everyone to try and bolster their position. You guys do it all the time as if it means anything.

For example throughout this topic ive heard you talk on behalf of the players, the league, everyone at this board and now the whole world. You dont speak on behalf of any of them.

As for the "whole world" comment, that was obviously a bit of hyperbole... but a bit of hyperbole with an underlying kernel of truth, that truth being that you represent a decidely minority opinion on this issue...

Find me one player that says its okay to suspend someone on allegation not the genrealized before the fact garbage youve been touting.

Whassamatta, don't like it when people tell the truth on ya??

Wow, you speaking on behalf of others is now the truth. Hyperbole is now the truth. You dont even argue the point you just blather about how pwople agree with you and cannot even back it up. Find me where someone says its acceptable much less good for the commisioner to suspend on the basis of an allegation.

Like it or not, a commissioner is a tyrant... like it or not, Pac-Man's suspension has nothing to do with "guilt", and everything to do with "conduct detrimental to the game"... like it or not, the commissioner is charged with dealing with "conduct detrimental to the league"... like it or not, Jones HAS violated the Personal Conduct Policy, twice, by not reporting to the league when he was arrested...

Sorry but the NFL is the only league where suspensions are not appealed to an idependent arbitrator and it is the only league that currently suspens based on allegations. im not arguing that Jones should not be suspended either but not for allegations which he was in addition to the other reasons.

So like it or not, Jones got himself suspended... no matter how long you scream and rail about the injustice of it all, it was both perfectly legal, and perfectly PROPER for him to be suspended...

Pac-Man isn't being sent to jail by Goodell, he's been suspended from his job... employers have the right to do that, and in this case the employers (the Tennessee Titans) have designated that right as the proper province of the Commissioner of the NFL, which is one Roger Goodell...

The Titans dont designate anything. Nice job of continiuing to make crap up. And Im not talking about authority im talking about responsibility. You not once have addressed this.

Terrific, I'm happy for you... but it would be nice if you took REALITY into consideration before forming your half-baked "opinions"...

Other peoples perceptions are not reality; being told what other peopels perceptions are is definitely not reality. In all of this you nver once argued the major premise. It is not responsible for any commisioner to bow to public opinion and suspend someone based on an allegation.


The Boognish
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Bob Sacamano;1530364 said:
uh, I think I already said that, and it is unfair

LOL, these guys broke their player contract, it's not about discretion, it's about a binding contract being broken, no **** he has to react

he had his choice, and went w/ this course, I see no problem w/ it, among many, and you do, among many

LOL, you do know this contract has more than 170 million people right? the arrest rate for NFL players has been on the upswing, I don't have the statistics in hand, but I remember it being posted on here before

I'm not talking about the contract, since we both know what it is, just I wanted to use a word, such as broach of what is right

yes, I know, and I said that in the 1st reply to you which you called me out on it

most of PacMan's cases are pending, and one was thrown out, so he might as well just forget about suspending him then

I dont' think I said that

I'm not responding to the rest because it's nothing more than you trying to goad me on

He could have suspended him on the unreported arrests and the deferred assault charge without listing the pending obstruction charge. He chose to list the obstruction charge and that has me very concerned for his first act as commsioner.

Are you saying you see no problem with him suspending on alleagtions alone?

Bob Sacamano

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FuzzyLumpkins;1530399 said:
He could have suspended him on the unreported arrests and the deferred assault charge without listing the pending obstruction charge. He chose to list the obstruction charge and that has me very concerned for his first act as commsioner.

Are you saying you see no problem with him suspending on alleagtions alone?

when there are numerous allegations, something is not right

and I see no problem w/ Goodell being harsh in order to curtail the arrest rate of NFL players, especially when he is being harsh on 3 very irresponsible people


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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FuzzyLumpkins;1530341 said:
Whatever like i said its real easy for you to know to look at the players contract after you see me mention it and when i was sking for it at the time no one brought it up or quoted it.

A day late and a dollar short.

Once again, you've been given an obvious, common sense answer as to why I didn't respond to your "challenge" at the time it was given, an answer you KNOW makes sense, because you KNOW I was ignoring you at the time...

But when you respond, it's as if I never said anything at all... that's a pretty contemptible debating tactic you have there, son, one that you employ regularly...

Let's just say that if I had been reading your posts when you made that challenge, going to Yahoo and typing in "NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement" would have been my first, LOGICAL step in finding the information you requested... I am quite astounded that you couldn't have done so for your own self...

I also note with interest your oft-repeated claims that you tutored kids somewhere in your past... I can only comment that I surely hope you didn't tutor them in ENGLISH...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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FuzzyLumpkins;1530340 said:
Read the letter again. It says specefically Goodells suspension was based on 4 events. So its basically their assertion

Precisely-- it's their ASSERTION... but you have heard NOTHING from the Commissioner's office as to what he ACTUALLY suspended Pac-Man for... you just ASSUME that Jones' lawyers are giving you the straight scoop...

Which is assuming that all lawyers are straightforward and honest, which is of course quite naive... particularly when you're quoting what was supposed to be a CONFIDENTIAL document, which somehow managed to become public...

Most people with the ability to grasp simple concepts would immediately become suspicious of the agenda behind such a letter when it is made public that way... but you, you accept it as the absolute gospel, and why??

Why, because you WANT to believe it...

If you choose to believe they are lying then fine I cannot do anything about that but you have no basis for thinking that other than its inconvenient to your position.

Actually, we have COMMON SENSE-- a document that was supposed to be confidential becomes public... this obviously only occurred because somebody WANTED it to become public... there is absolutely no reason why the NFL would want it to become public knowledge, which brings us around to his lawyers leaking it, for their own reasons...

Or do you have a better explanation for why you could quote such a "confidential" document??

Now, everybody can watch while you ignore MY challenge, as you have done on every occasion that I have pointed out the logical fallacies of your argument...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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FuzzyLumpkins;1530395 said:
And youre not even paid yet you put the absolute worst possible spin on the situation.

Hey, you're the one putting a Pollyanna spin on everything, I'm merely rebutting YOUR specious arguments...

i offer eveidence that shows that it was based on 4 events

Once again, you fail to recognize the difference between EVIDENCE, and SPIN... you give us Jones' lawyer's take on why the Commissioner suspended their client, and of course they're trying to put that suspension in the best possible light for their client...

and the best you can come up with is they might be lying without any reasoning behind it.

Once again, you distort my argument... you know perfectly well what my reasoning was for why they might be lying...

It seems that your definition of "elitism" includes distorting the truth whenever it suits you... how sad, to be so desperate to "win" an online argument that you'd resort to such disingenuous tactics as ignoring arguments made by your opponent, or when you do acknowledge them, distorting them...

Exactly how would it be in Jones' interest to lie like that in a letter to the league office?

It wouldn't-- IF the letter remained confidential, as it was intended to be... but it became a matter of public record, didn't it?? Once it did, it became clear that said letter had dual purposes, one for the league, and one for the general public... it was, in effect, his lawyers trying to make their case in the court of public opinion, IOW a bit of propaganda aimed at swaying the public...

How do you know it was the league office that leaked it? oh wait thats right your just assuming not only that Jones' counsel falsified it which im pretty sure the bar might have an interest in and that they are the ones that leaked it again with no proof.

First, why would the bar be interested in their take on the charges against their client?? It's hardly an evidentiary matter...

Second, what benefit would there be to the league to release that document?? I have outlined how it might be to the benefit of Pac-Man, but honestly can see no reason why it would be advantageous to the league to leak it... particularly if what was said about the reasons for his suspension were the plain truth, it would weaken the commissioner's position... I mean, all those examples of other players screwing up, and not getting as severe a punishment WOULD make it look like the league was pursuing some kind of vendetta against Jones...

So, releasing that letter has no benefits for the league, but it does have benefits for Jones and his lawyers... and those were the only two parties that COULD have released that letter...

Logic suggests that it is FAR more likely that letter was released by Pac-Man's side, not by the league's...

How can you not understand that it can stand on its own and be irrelevant to the CBA?

Gee, I dunno, maybe the fact that it's PART of the CBA?? What you saw was a TYPICAL player's contract, IOW it was offered as guidance as to how a contract should be written under the CBA...

Youre really not stupid enough after all this crap youve made up to try and bolster your position that I wont take anything you say at face value.

Again, you accuse me of lying, but to date you have yet to demonstrate even ONE lie on my part... which makes your repeated claims a lie, doesn't it??

Unlike you, I don't care to win a stupid online argument if I have to resort to lying to get the "win"...

KK at this point im really beginning to be concerned about your intelligence. How many times does it take for me to tell you that I know it is completely within his power but I still feel he is acting irresponsibly' for you to finally figure it out?

Maybe if you quit making such a big deal out of Goodell's allegedly listing arrests without convictions as part of his reason for suspending Jones, people might start to believe that you're not arguing that he had no right to suspend him... but you keep on repeating that same tired, discredited argument...

And how exactly is it irresponsible of Goodell to suspend Jones when he CLEARLY violated the Personal Conduct Policy TWICE, by failing to report his arrests?? You keep on harping about those arrests without conviction, and steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the REAL, clearly VALID reasons for his suspension...

Well you are the energizer bunny of cluelessness. I think his policy of suspending players on pending cases is irresponsible even if it is within his power.

If he's acting "within his power", then by definition what he's doing is not "irresponsible"... the NFLPA and the Management Council GAVE him his powers, and defined what would qualify as valid reasons for suspension...

Here's another way of looking at it, sonny-- if his actions really WERE irresponsible, why did Pac-Man's lawyers DROP THE APPEAL??

This whole conversation wouldnt require so much time if would finally figure that out.

Is somebody forcing you to respond??

This from the guy that still has yet to figure out what I am saying. You seem to think Im arguing Goodell doesnt have the authority to do this even despite being told this is not the case for quite some time.

No, you're arguing he doesn't have the RIGHT to do this, which you say is a different thing from having the authority to do it... and I'm saying if he has the authority to do it, then he also has the right to do it... a right that was GIVEN to him, both by management and by the players... THEY decided it was in their best, long-term interests to give him that power...

So if all the parties involved have agreed that it's RIGHT to give the Commissioner such all-reaching powers, who are YOU to now come along and say it isn't right?? YOUR interests are not at stake here, THEIRS are...

I reiterate the conduct policy itself is not in the CBA.

You're right, and you're wrong... you're wrong because the principle of a player conduct policy IS included in the CBA, in the relevant passages that I showed you... but you're right if your argument is that the SPECIFICS of the conduct policy are not spelled out the way they are in this latest "revision" of the policy...

But I said all along that those specifics were negotiated in subsequent meetings after the CBA was signed, didn't I??

It actually brings up an interesting point. The old conduct policy denoted a way of handling violations ie waiting on a conviction that is at odds with the powers granted in the CBA.

Did it?? Kindly link me to the old conduct policy, and the passage that "denoted a way of handling violations"...

I ask because you have repeatedly distorted my arguments, and I don't put it past you to distort what the old conduct policy said... so you made the claim, now PROVE IT...

its not my fault the your so obtuse it took you up until now to figure it out when ive been saying it in plain english for days.

Hey, maybe if your "plain english" was a little less garbled, it would help... LOL...

And what you have to think has any more weight? its my opinion that he is irresponsible toa ct in the manne rthat he does and he should look at the history of his predecessors to see why.

And it's my opinion that both labor and management GAVE him the authority to act in that manner, because they WANTED him to act in that manner, in order to address what they see as a serious problem for the game... given that, there is nothing whatsoever "irresponsible" in his actions...

Which is reflected in the fact that very few people are up in arms like you are over this... one would hope that if Goodell really did something irresponsible, most folks would stand up in opposition to it...

i will speak out about it if i want to and if you dont like it then youre just going to have to deal with it.

Ooooooh, touchy... are we feeling a bit defensive these days, sonny boy??

When exactly have I even hinted that you shouldn't speak out about anything you wish?? YOU'VE told me that I should shut up (which amused me greatly), but I don't recall doing anything ove the sort to you...

Im just waiting for you to start arguing that suspensions on allegations is a good thing.

Pac-Man was suspended for perfectly legitimate reasons, even by YOUR standards...

Everything that i have read that specifically talks about the issue of suspending before conviction in a court of law has been in a negative light.

You mean like that blog you quoted??

Im sure you are going to start posting a bunch of crap about how the players are behind getting something done that dont even mention that caveat.

I'll simply post that the conduct policy was written by lawyers for both the Management Council and the NFLPA, and those boys tend to be REAL careful with their semantics... so if they decided that "conduct detrimental to the league" was sufficient justification, if they decided that they did not need to require convictions, then I'm gonna assume they meant to write it just that way...

Especially since I don't see players coming forward now to join you in saying "this ain't right"...

Wow the old man speaking for others again.

Nope, I'm merely noting-- once again-- that you're a lone voice in the wilderness, crying out your dismay... one assumes that if anybody else cared, they'd be chipping in with their two cents' worth... especially if they cared as much as you apparently do, LOL...

No it hasnt changed

Of course it's changed, and it's quite outrageous of you to say it hasn't... at first, you were clearly arguing he didn't have the AUTHORITY to suspend Jones, which eventually you were forced to concede was wrong... which then led you to a slightly different argument, that he didn't have the RIGHT to suspend the guy...

your just too obtuse to have figured it out until i beat you over the head with the most simplistic terms for a day or two.

Again, if you wish to portray yourself as ANYBODY'S intellectual superior, you really need to work on your writing... BTW, is "obtuse" your word for the day?? :D

i did wonder why he didnt wait

Uhhh, where did I say you didn't?? For somebody who goes on and on and on about "reading comprehension", you sure don't practice what you preach...

you just didnt pick up on it

Actually, I just focused on the fallacy of your argument, in particular the part about having completely legitimate reasons for suspending Pac-Man, reasons even you can't dispute-- failing to report two arrests...

With those legitimate reasons, the validity of the other reasons doesn't matter at all, at all...

its deliberate and irresponsible.

It's not irresponsible, it was his MANDATE... so if anybody was irresponsbile in all this, it was the players and the owners, who GAVE him that mandate... but they have a vested interest in this matter, and you don't, so I give them the benefit of the doubt, and assume they had perfectly good reasons for giving Goodell that authority...

He was given terms and if he meets those terms then its shortened. thats not flexible

Of course it is-- if you do A, you get result B... if you do C, you get result D... if you do E, you get result F... if you get cleared in the courts, then your suspension is shortened... if you get convicted in the courts, then you get a lengthier suspension...

You have OPTIONS, which means you have FLEXIBILITY...

i didnt ignore them i actually brought them up several times. You are going back to the old authority argument.

That's because as long as he's acting within his authority, he's not being irresponsible... as Commissioner, his "responsibility" is to use his powers as they have been granted to him... it would be irresponsible of him NOT to use his powers as they were intended (by the players and owners) to be used...

Goodell can suspend as he sees fit for whatever reason.

No, he can't... his reasons have to fall within the Player Conduct Policy... to say he can suspend as he sees fit for whatever reason is to say he could suspend Spencer because he doesn't like his Mohawk...

He still listed a pending case which establishes a disturbing precedent on Goodells first major action as commsioner.

Disturbing to you, perhaps, but I don't see a whole lot of folks getting upset about it...

What part of "conduct detrimental to the league" don't you understand?? Ten arrests in a very short time IS conduct detrimental to the league...

Your obtuseness is getting really boring.

Ahhhh, another insult... seems whenever you have nothing of substance to say, you fall back on ad hominem...

How fortunate you are that this board has rules, and I'm determined to abide by them, even if you're not... please believe me when I say that just as I'm schooling you on the facts here, I'd also school you in a flame war... I've been playing that game for a loooong time now, on other boards, and am in fact semi-legendary for it...

You called people on this board flaccid male members and I described my distaste.

No, I called them FOOLS... that Yiddish word has a number of different connotations... anybody reading the context in which I used the word would have understood which connotation I was using... but apparently, your grasp of the English (and Hebrew) language is shaky at best...

And BTW, I named no names when I called them fools... I did not get personal, and the only way anybody could have been offended is if they saw themselves in my criticism...

Apparently, you saw yourself... :D

The mods deleted your diatribe BTW.

Yeah, you pointed that out earlier, as if that proved anything... the truth is, I wondered why they did so, and none of them contacted me to explain it, but in the final analysis, it ain't no big deal...

And again Im sorry that pointing out your actions or failures is insulting to you. It funny you dont deny them though.

Wrong again-- when you called me out for being insulting, I freely admitted I was guilty... when you called me a liar, I promptly challenged you to document even ONE lie...

To date, you have failed to come up with one...

Yeah its pretty naive to me that I dont think jones counsel lied in that letter seeing that both the league and the bar would have issues with it.

Why do you think either one of them would care??

Beyond that please explain how listing those offenses if they were not actually listed as cause would bolster Jones' position.

You are aware that the letter went on to list literally hundreds of transgressions by players, demanding to know how they were punished, don't you?? His lawyers were trying to make the case that Jones was being punished far more severely than other players had been for lesser offenses...

Which he is, of course... but the league clearly announced when they instituted this new Conduct Policy that the penalties would be more severe than ever before, which is why his lawyers ultimately dropped the appeal... there is nothing either morally or legally wrong with deciding to put more teeth into your enforcement policy... especially not when the old enforcement policies were clearly not working, were not providing any form of deterrence...

This says the problem has gone to far and that they are looking for action but im failing to see the part where it says the players are okay with allegations being subject to suspensions.

It says the players support the new Personal Conduct Policy... in that policy, allegations ARE subject to suspensions, so it logically follows that they support it...

Now, maybe it's possible that you're arguing that the players were too stupid to foresee that the policy could be implemented that way... that's insulting to the players, but let's play Devil's Advocate, and say that's the case here... in that case, one would expect an outcry from the players, saying they didn't mean for Goodell to go down that road...

Have you seen any such outcry, sonny??

Wow a bunch of quotes from before the suspensions being handed down and again nothing that talks about suspending based on allegations. You didnt show anything other than the players wanted something done.

And do you have anything to show that the players are upset at what IS being done??

Absent such evidence, your argument falls apart... the players don't seem to be upset that allegations are being used as justification for suspending players, do they??

Well seeing that the average NFL players is half as likely as the average american to get arrested and that the incidents of violent crimes by NFL players has actually dropped

I'd like to see the statistics supporting that claim, please...

then i would say the league has a problem with propaganda by the media and less of a problem with what the players are actually doing.

Golly gee, then why are the players sitting still for this?? Why aren't they all up in arms, bellowing their rage for every microphone and camera they can find?? Why are they letting themselves be SCAPEGOATED this way, when as a whole they're more law-abiding than the average American??

The evidence actually shows the league growing at a higher rate then ever. There is no evidence to support that league revenues are dipping because of players activity off the field.

Not yet... but you're incredibly naive if you don't believe that fear of that happening is what's driving all this...

And again youre speaking on the behalf of others.

Well, at the very least I'm assuming Goodell's motives are what I say they are... so why do YOU think he's cracking down now??

Its a trend and i doesnt mean feces.

You "doesn't"?? ROTFLMAO...

Why exaclty do i need allies

Absent others who feel the same way, you're just Don Quixote, tilting at windmills...

And notice how noone is coming in ehre and supporting you either?

Perhaps they feel that I don't need any help dealing with the likes of you...

And commercial revenue was increasin before the suspensions. look at the leagues policy towards end zone celebrations. the fans dont seem to like that policy and the term No Fun League gets tossed about. once again youre speaking on behalf of the leagues accountatnts and CFO as if you know anything.

Again, the response is obvious-- if there was no problem here, why the need for a new Personal Conduct Policy?? Why would the players agree to such a new policy??

this still doesnt address the point that its irresponsible to suspend players based on allegations especially when there is no need to.

I've already addressed that point, quite simply, quite directly:

If Goodell is acting with the limits of his authority, if has actions are responsive to the mandate given him by the players and the owners, then his actions cannot be "irresponsible"...

No you dont know whats going on in league circles so your assertion ahs no basis. The salary cap keeps goingup which means the league keeps making more money.

Then once again, your challenge is to outline why you think the NFL put a new Personal Conduct Policy in place, and is now setting about enforcing it... there has to be a REASON why they're doing this, and a REASON why the players willingly agreed to make themselves subject to such a policy...

Your economics have no basis in reality. Show some evidence that league revenues are decreasing.

Once again, your reading comprehension has done you in... I never said that revenues WERE decreasing, I said they were AT RISK of decreasing, if the public gets the perception that the league is tolerant of criminal behavior...

We have seen evidence, quite recently, of how negative public opinion can drive off sponsors... the name Don Imus mean anything to you?? The league is clearly anxious to fend off such a possibility...

i didnt call you a liar im saying you make stuff up

Once again, you engage in PATHETIC semantic tapdancing, in order to avoid taking the blame for your own actions... somebody who "makes stuff up" is a liar...

Just like when you said Bobby couldn't grasp simple concepts, then tried to protest that you weren't calling him stupid...

how about player support for suspensions on allegations i dont see that.

I have shown you player support for the Player Conduct Policy, which contains provisions for suspensions based on "conduct detrimental to the league"... what I haven't seen is even ONE player expressing opposition to the suspensions in question... even Pac-Man himself has ultimately decided that his suspension was legit, and has dropped his appeal...

Which leaves YOU the only one protesting the whole matter, LOL...

how about economic figures for your economic reality? How about me taking a position just to be contrary?

Youve vaguely talked about baseballs first commisioner a century ago

88 years ago, actually... as for my being "vague", I cited Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, pointed out that he was the first-ever commissioner of any major sport, and gave you the specific reasons why he was hired-- the Black Sox scandal of 1919, wherein 8 players conspired with gamblers to "fix" the outcome of the World Series...

What's "vague" about that?? How many more specifics do you require??

but you havent shown anything about the commsioner of the NFL in 2007.

The point was to demonstrate that from the creation of the first commissioner of a major sports league, one of the main thrusts of that job was to enforce discipline... I'm unsurprised that said point went right over your obviously overtaxed cranium...

Thats funny cause i was able to and i was nice enough to link it for you.

Gee, I must have missed your link to that, could you kindly repost it?? I ask because I know you have a point you're trying to make, but I can't remember the Lofton situation, and need to see what it involved before I can hope to a) know what you're talking about, and b) determine for myself if you have a valid point...

No but you stated that he was compelled to act and also compared him to a vice principal.

He was compelled to act, and inasmuch as a big part of his duties are enforcing the rules of the NFL, he is rather like a vice principal, who also deals with such matters at his school...

Actually youre teh one that brought up the origins of the commisioner and what powers he has and why not me.

Except I limited my discussion to the powers he has that are relevant to the argument we're having...

If he suspends someone based on an allegation and then the allegation is disproven there is harm even if you think its alright.

Get back to me when that happens, and we can both examine the public outcry of protest...

No it hasnt changed. You misinterpreted what i was saying fromt he get go. ive been talking about suspending on allegations being irresponsible from the get go.

No you haven't, and no matter how many times you repeat that garbage, it STILL won't be true... your original argument was that he didn't have the AUTHORITY to suspend based on allegations, a position you clung to stubbornly until AdamJT13 came along and proved to you that you were wrong...

It was only THEN that you switched your argument to a moral one, rather than a legal one...

You thought iw as talking about authority until this post.

Actually, I'm pointing out that as long as he's acting within his authority, then he is within his moral right to do what he chooses... the fact that he was GIVEN that authority is a signal that the players and owners WANT him to crack down, even on "allegations"...

So does the fact that there has not been a player uprising in opposition to what he's done... by now, there's been plenty of time for such an uprising to manifest itself... apparently, the players themselves don't think they're being abused by this new player conduct policy, even if you do...

Its based on my personal observation of older men who try to speak on the behalf of everyone to try and bolster their position. You guys do it all the time as if it means anything.

It's based on your festering anger towards me for making you look foolish, and nothing else...

Find me one player that says its okay to suspend someone on allegation not the genrealized before the fact garbage youve been touting.

Find me one player who has protested what Goodell has done...

Find me where someone says its acceptable much less good for the commisioner to suspend on the basis of an allegation.

The absence of any protest of what Goodell has done is tacit approval of his actions...

The Titans dont designate anything. Nice job of continiuing to make crap up.

When the Titans signed on to the Player Conduct Policy, they agreed to let Goodell be the judge and jury... this is their "designating" him to handle these issues... so once again, you're reduced to pitiful semantic games...

And Im not talking about authority im talking about responsibility. You not once have addressed this.

Yes, I have-- repeatedly... but once more, just for you:

As long as Goodell is acting within his authority, then he's acting responsibly... if you have issues with anybody acting irresponsibly in this, it would appear that it's with the owners and the players for giving them that authority in the first place...

And given that they have a vested interest in all of this, but YOU don't, then if they judged it appropriate to give Goodell that authority, who are you to now come along and tell them they were wrong to do so??

In this case, "authority" and "responsibility" go hand in hand... you simply cannot separate the two...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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FuzzyLumpkins;1530399 said:
He could have suspended him on the unreported arrests and the deferred assault charge without listing the pending obstruction charge. He chose to list the obstruction charge and that has me very concerned for his first act as commsioner.

Are you saying you see no problem with him suspending on alleagtions alone?

Uhhhh, you just said, in this very post, that he didn't suspend Pac-Man on allegations ALONE... you even admitted that he had LEGITIMATE cause to suspend the guy...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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FuzzyLumpkins;1530395 said:
You called people on this board flaccid male members

For the record, "flaccid" appears nowhere in any of the definitions I could find of the word in question... since it appears that my post was deleted simply because I used that word (when more offensive words like damn and hell are apparently OK, which confuses me no end), I won't repeat it, but it merely refers to the male appendage, no matter what state it might be in...

it talks aobut how in 1986 Lofton was suspended on rape allegations which he was later exonerated. It caused considerable harm to Mr. Lofton and precipitated Tagliabue to change how he suspended players.

At first, you said it was 1996, not 1986... which makes sense, given that Lofton retired in 1993...

More to the point, if it was 1986, Tags was not the one who suspended Lofton... that would be Pete Rozelle, Tags didn't become commissioner until 1989...

Ooops... this makes me want to see your alleged link even more... indeed, you should copy and paste the relevant section in here, as well as linking us to it... then, I want to see some proof on your part that the Lofton incident influenced Tags when he made future decisions regarding suspensions...

Goodell is ignoring his history.

Well, YOU certainly are, saying that Tagliabue suspended Lofton... LOL...

Back to you, son...


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FuzzyLumpkins;1530340 said:
Read the letter again. It says specefically Goodells suspension was based on 4 events. So its basically their assertion versus a generalized artticle that you posit that speaks in general terms.
That wasn't a generalized article. If you checked the link, you would know that that blurb came from the official letter sent by Goodell to both Pacman and Henry and was shared for immediate release to the media. What I posted was just as official as the letter you posted by his attorneys.

If you choose to believe they are lying then fine I cannot do anything about that but you have no basis for thinking that other than its inconvenient to your position.
It's not that I think they are lying nor is it supporting a specific position. The lawyers were doing their job by asserting that the decision was based on four specific events. There has been nothing reported which states that Goodell pointed to those events as to why Pac was being suspended. An argument can be made, which is what the lawyers attempted to do, that that is what occurred. But it doesn't mean that it was true.


The Boognish
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silverbear;1530485 said:
Hey, you're the one putting a Pollyanna spin on everything, I'm merely rebutting YOUR specious arguments...

Once again, you fail to recognize the difference between EVIDENCE, and SPIN... you give us Jones' lawyer's take on why the Commissioner suspended their client, and of course they're trying to put that suspension in the best possible light for their client...

Specious is actually a nice word but youve used it about ten times not and its getting ab it old.

Do you have any evidence that jones lawyers have ever falsified documents or is your argument going to be simply they are lawyers and therefore must be liars?

And im well aware of what spin is. Im not srue exactly how detailing crimes commited by Jones is actually the best manner to portray events in a manner that makes Jones look better. Sorry that just doesnt make sense. If anything his lawyers would want to keep public attention away from his specific crimes.

Once again, you distort my argument... you know perfectly well what my reasoning was for why they might be lying...

It seems that your definition of "elitism" includes distorting the truth whenever it suits you... how sad, to be so desperate to "win" an online argument that you'd resort to such disingenuous tactics as ignoring arguments made by your opponent, or when you do acknowledge them, distorting them...

i just want to get this straight. You are claiming that his lawyers are lying and that this document is false?

BTW Im not ignoring your argument. Yoru argument is an assertion saying that they are lawyers and therefore must be lying. I know you like to stereotype but dear lord you have a nice little pigeonhole to put every person. Talk about specious.

It wouldn't-- IF the letter remained confidential, as it was intended to be... but it became a matter of public record, didn't it?? Once it did, it became clear that said letter had dual purposes, one for the league, and one for the general public... it was, in effect, his lawyers trying to make their case in the court of public opinion, IOW a bit of propaganda aimed at swaying the public...

This iss nice. Now his lawyers leaked this to the public. Again do you have any evidence to support this claim?

First, why would the bar be interested in their take on the charges against their client?? It's hardly an evidentiary matter...

No but supplying false documents on behalf of his client would be something they would be interested in. Your saying his lawyers are lying here or as you say didtorting the facts.

Second, what benefit would there be to the league to release that document?? I have outlined how it might be to the benefit of Pac-Man, but honestly can see no reason why it would be advantageous to the league to leak it... particularly if what was said about the reasons for his suspension were the plain truth, it would weaken the commissioner's position... I mean, all those examples of other players screwing up, and not getting as severe a punishment WOULD make it look like the league was pursuing some kind of vendetta against Jones...

So, releasing that letter has no benefits for the league, but it does have benefits for Jones and his lawyers... and those were the only two parties that COULD have released that letter...

Logic suggests that it is FAR more likely that letter was released by Pac-Man's side, not by the league's...

You didnt outline jack. You said they leaked it so therefore it must have had a purpose and now your saying they leaked because they had purpsoe to do so. thats a circular argument.

Fact is you can come up with no reasoning as to why they would want to list a document outlining specific crimes that pacman committed. if anything it would make sense for them to deflect attention away from his crimes.

Who says that it wasnt stolen or any other possibility? But oh no it has to have been pacmans lawyers leaked it so that Fuz could go and argue with you over the internet. :rolleyes:

And im trying to figure out how Goodell telling the truth concerning why he suspended Jones would weaken his position. That implies that it is in the leagues best interest to lie as to why they did it which makes absolutely no sense coming from you.

Gee, I dunno, maybe the fact that it's PART of the CBA?? What you saw was a TYPICAL player's contract, IOW it was offered as guidance as to how a contract should be written under the CBA...

This is a red herring so who cares. A seperate contract can stand on its own. you were saying any contract had to tie into the CBA a player signed had to tie into the CBA. Youre just moving into outer space on this one.

Again, you accuse me of lying, but to date you have yet to demonstrate even ONE lie on my part... which makes your repeated claims a lie, doesn't it??

I said you make stuff up. Youve been doing it consistently as you speak on behalf of everyone esle that posts here, the commisioner, the players, myeslf, jones lawyers etc. if you want to call it lying then so be it.

Unlike you, I don't care to win a stupid online argument if I have to resort to lying to get the "win"...

But you will certainly speak as if you have the authority of the aforementioned to try and win an internet argument. the whole liar thing is your words not mine. You certainly dont have the authority to speak on my behalf.

Maybe if you quit making such a big deal out of Goodell's allegedly listing arrests without convictions as part of his reason for suspending Jones, people might start to believe that you're not arguing that he had no right to suspend him... but you keep on repeating that same tired, discredited argument...

If youre too obtuse to grasp the concept that is not my problem. and saying youve discredited the document in question is pretty sad. circular arguments and nonexistent logic is the best youve come up with.

And how exactly is it irresponsible of Goodell to suspend Jones when he CLEARLY violated the Personal Conduct Policy TWICE, by failing to report his arrests?? You keep on harping about those arrests without conviction, and steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the REAL, clearly VALID reasons for his suspension...

You keep on talking about the two arrests as cause but then turn around and talk about how there is no credible evidence as to why he was suspended. thats a contradiction.

And im not saying that he was outside his authority for the eight millionth time im saying he is being irresponsible when his very first suspension ever handed down lists amongst other things a pending case.

Even the pending cases are lear and valid because he has the discretion to determine what is conduct detrimental on his own anyway. You really just dont get it at all.

If he's acting "within his power", then by definition what he's doing is not "irresponsible"... the NFLPA and the Management Council GAVE him his powers, and defined what would qualify as valid reasons for suspension...

Here's another way of looking at it, sonny-- if his actions really WERE irresponsible, why did Pac-Man's lawyers DROP THE APPEAL??

Because there was no way he could have won it with the way the contracts are written. Authority does not outline responsibility. I have the authority to get drunk everyday and shoot guns in my backyard if i want to but that doesnt make it a responsible action.

Is somebody forcing you to respond??

What does that have to do with anything? You have failed to figure out what ive been saying for days now and then try to blame me for your obtuseness.

No, you're arguing he doesn't have the RIGHT to do this, which you say is a different thing from having the authority to do it... and I'm saying if he has the authority to do it, then he also has the right to do it... a right that was GIVEN to him, both by management and by the players... THEY decided it was in their best, long-term interests to give him that power...

So if all the parties involved have agreed that it's RIGHT to give the Commissioner such all-reaching powers, who are YOU to now come along and say it isn't right?? YOUR interests are not at stake here, THEIRS are...

Im an entitled to an opinion on the matter last time i checked. You misunderstood what that opinion is and now iths gone all over the place as a result. i feel its irresponsilbe for him to do as he has been.

You're right, and you're wrong... you're wrong because the principle of a player conduct policy IS included in the CBA, in the relevant passages that I showed you... but you're right if your argument is that the SPECIFICS of the conduct policy are not spelled out the way they are in this latest "revision" of the policy...

Actually no its not. The conduct policy pretty much is the only place where violent and crimes of terpitude are outlined. its obvious you havent read the old conduct policy.

But I said all along that those specifics were negotiated in subsequent meetings after the CBA was signed, didn't I??

What difference does it make either way?

Did it?? Kindly link me to the old conduct policy, and the passage that "denoted a way of handling violations"...

Any Covered Person convicted of or admitting to a criminal violation (including a plea to a lesser included offense; a plea of nob contendere or no contest; or the acceptance of a diversionary program, deferred adjudication, disposition of supervision, or similar arrangement) will be subject to discipline as determined by the Commissioner. Such discipline may include a fine, suspension without pay and/or banishment from the League. Any Covered Person convicted of or admitting to a second criminal violation will be suspended without pay or banished for a period of time to be determined by the Commissioner.

there you go.

I ask because you have repeatedly distorted my arguments, and I don't put it past you to distort what the old conduct policy said... so you made the claim, now PROVE IT...

What argument did i distort?

Hey, maybe if your "plain english" was a little less garbled, it would help... LOL...

What part of 'for the fiftieth time iom not saying Goodell was acting outside of his authority' was difficult to understand?

And it's my opinion that both labor and management GAVE him the authority to act in that manner, because they WANTED him to act in that manner, in order to address what they see as a serious problem for the game... given that, there is nothing whatsoever "irresponsible" in his actions...

Here we go again with the authority BS again. Im just going to start saying authority nonsense from now on when you go back to this read herring.

Which is reflected in the fact that very few people are up in arms like you are over this... one would hope that if Goodell really did something irresponsible, most folks would stand up in opposition to it...

Way to dance around the issue. Using pending cases as cause for a suspension is irresponsible regardless of how it came to be or who doesnt get upset about it. Way to speak for most people there buddy.

Ooooooh, touchy... are we feeling a bit defensive these days, sonny boy??

Who talks like that? Rednecks? i wasnt upset; im just saying that if you dont like my opinion then you are just going to have to deal with it. just like your going to have to deal with the fact that I dont see a difference between rodeos and dog fighting.

When exactly have I even hinted that you shouldn't speak out about anything you wish?? YOU'VE told me that I should shut up (which amused me greatly), but I don't recall doing anything ove the sort to you...

I said you should shut up rather than continue to try and talk on behalf of others. You really shiould it makes you look stupid.

Pac-Man was suspended for perfectly legitimate reasons, even by YOUR standards...

Some of them were.

I'll simply post that the conduct policy was written by lawyers for both the Management Council and the NFLPA, and those boys tend to be REAL careful with their semantics... so if they decided that "conduct detrimental to the league" was sufficient justification, if they decided that they did not need to require convictions, then I'm gonna assume they meant to write it just that way...

Now lawyers are careful with what they write? Might want to look into that in respect to your criticism of Jones' lawyers.

And Wow just make up someone who wrote it without basis in this case some lawyers and the use weak logic to come to a conclusion. Bad induction and deduction there way to go. :clap:

And the new policy spells that out but the old one doesnt.

Especially since I don't see players coming forward now to join you in saying "this ain't right"...

You dont see players saying anything either way in concern of it. Ive seen just as many players say they thought Goodell was too harsh as ive seen that say it was in order.

But again this is neither here nor there. Youre trying to use bandwagon appeal yet again. Everything is either a authority red herring or a bandwagon red herring from you.

Nope, I'm merely noting-- once again-- that you're a lone voice in the wilderness, crying out your dismay... one assumes that if anybody else cared, they'd be chipping in with their two cents' worth... especially if they cared as much as you apparently do, LOL...

Again quote one player that says he supports Goodell suspending without a conviciton. Another bandwagon appeal. There is the CBS sportsline article down below in this forum that backs me up BTW. There is no article that says suspension without conviction is a necessary evil.

Of course it's changed, and it's quite outrageous of you to say it hasn't... at first, you were clearly arguing he didn't have the AUTHORITY to suspend Jones, which eventually you were forced to concede was wrong... which then led you to a slightly different argument, that he didn't have the RIGHT to suspend the guy...

I havent been saying that for almost two weeks now. You can keep on claiming that I was arguing that but as usual you would be wrong. And im not even arguing that he didnt have the right. Way to be dense yet again :clap:

Im saying hes acting irresponsibly.

Again, if you wish to portray yourself as ANYBODY'S intellectual superior, you really need to work on your writing... BTW, is "obtuse" your word for the day?? :D

If the shoe fits....

And for all your times using specious you should take note of your own advice. I did use very simple terms and have been for a long time and you still dont get it.

Uhhh, where did I say you didn't?? For somebody who goes on and on and on about "reading comprehension", you sure don't practice what you preach...

You misused the quote function.

Actually, I just focused on the fallacy of your argument, in particular the part about having completely legitimate reasons for suspending Pac-Man, reasons even you can't dispute-- failing to report two arrests...

With those legitimate reasons, the validity of the other reasons doesn't matter at all, at all...
Legitimacy, authority blah blah blah. Just because hes given the authority to do something does not make it a responsible action. Where have i said this before?? oh yeah about 50 times now.

It's not irresponsible, it was his MANDATE... so if anybody was irresponsbile in all this, it was the players and the owners, who GAVE him that mandate... but they have a vested interest in this matter, and you don't, so I give them the benefit of the doubt, and assume they had perfectly good reasons for giving Goodell that authority...

Your ignoring the fact that there is no proof that the CBA or charter mandates he do anything. It gives him discretion but doesnt compell him to act.

Of course it is-- if you do A, you get result B... if you do C, you get result D... if you do E, you get result F... if you get cleared in the courts, then your suspension is shortened... if you get convicted in the courts, then you get a lengthier suspension...

That not flexible. Thats just two options. Fact is if he suspends someone they serve the suspension and are later exonerated it doesnt matter how many options he gives them.

You have OPTIONS, which means you have FLEXIBILITY...

a. Capable of being bent or flexed; pliable.
b. Capable of being bent repeatedly without injury or damage.
2. Susceptible to influence or persuasion; tractable.
3. Responsive to change; adaptable

No it doesnt.

That's because as long as he's acting within his authority, he's not being irresponsible... as Commissioner, his "responsibility" is to use his powers as they have been granted to him... it would be irresponsible of him NOT to use his powers as they were intended (by the players and owners) to be used...

au·thor·i·ty(-thôr-t, -thr-, ô-thôr-, ô-thr-)
n. pl. au·thor·i·ties
a. The power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge.
b. One that is invested with this power, especially a government or body of government officials: land titles issued by the civil authority.
2. Power assigned to another; authorization

1. Liable to be required to give account, as of one's actions or of the discharge of a duty or trust.
2. Involving personal accountability or ability to act without guidance or superior authority: a responsible position within the firm.
3. Being a source or cause.
4. Able to make moral or rational decisions on one's own and therefore answerable for one's behavior.
5. Able to be trusted or depended upon; reliable.
6. Based on or characterized by good judgment or sound thinking: responsible journalism

Having power does not necessitate good judgement or sound thinking.

No, he can't... his reasons have to fall within the Player Conduct Policy... to say he can suspend as he sees fit for whatever reason is to say he could suspend Spencer because he doesn't like his Mohawk...

Actually he can

Disturbing to you, perhaps, but I don't see a whole lot of folks getting upset about it...

What part of "conduct detrimental to the league" don't you understand?? Ten arrests in a very short time IS conduct detrimental to the league...

First of all you contradict yourself which is nice.

I need to make a point here. You were one of the people saying that Goodell is restricted to act by the conduct policy as you are in the first blurb of the quote so why youre coming back and saying it was obvious in the CBA is laughable but now back to the point

this would be wrong however because the players contract gives Goodell all the discretion to suspend at will as denoted by the bolded part. It sfunny how little you know about all this BTW.

or is guilty of any other form of conduct reasonably judged by the League Commissioner to be detrimental to the League or professional football, the Commissioner will have the right, but only after giving Player the opportunity for a hearing at which he may be represented by counsel of his choice, to fine Player in a reasonable amount; to suspend Player for a period certain or indefinitely; and/or to terminate this contract.

And again more of your authority red herring.

Ahhhh, another insult... seems whenever you have nothing of substance to say, you fall back on ad hominem...

I might be pointing out your failure to grasp what Im talking about a lot but that is because you keep failing. I still have my arguments.

How fortunate you are that this board has rules, and I'm determined to abide by them, even if you're not... please believe me when I say that just as I'm schooling you on the facts here, I'd also school you in a flame war... I've been playing that game for a loooong time now, on other boards, and am in fact semi-legendary for it...

A legend in your own mind.

It says the players support the new Personal Conduct Policy... in that policy, allegations ARE subject to suspensions, so it logically follows that they support it...

The quotes were from before teh new policy was announced.

Now, maybe it's possible that you're arguing that the players were too stupid to foresee that the policy could be implemented that way... that's insulting to the players, but let's play Devil's Advocate, and say that's the case here... in that case, one would expect an outcry from the players, saying they didn't mean for Goodell to go down that road...

Have you seen any such outcry, sonny??

And do you have anything to show that the players are upset at what IS being done??

Absent such evidence, your argument falls apart... the players don't seem to be upset that allegations are being used as justification for suspending players, do they??

More bandwagon nonsense.

I'd like to see the statistics supporting that claim, please...

I quoted them in this thread. Im not going to repeat myself.

Golly gee, then why are the players sitting still for this?? Why aren't they all up in arms, bellowing their rage for every microphone and camera they can find?? Why are they letting themselves be SCAPEGOATED this way, when as a whole they're more law-abiding than the average American??

Bandwagon nonsense thats been addressed.

Not yet... but you're incredibly naive if you don't believe that fear of that happening is what's driving all this...

i think its the same impetus that causes the league to ban end zone celebrations. You really like speaking on the behalf of others and there is no evidence to support that the league is losing revenues.

Well, at the very least I'm assuming Goodell's motives are what I say they are... so why do YOU think he's cracking down now??

You assume Goodell thinks what you think; I know that a lot of old men do the very same thing it doesnt make it sensible or worth a damn.

You "doesn't"?? ROTFLMAO...

it does not surpirsie me you were unable to mentally add the t to make the word it. It is a trend hat you speak on the behalf of others.

Absent others who feel the same way, you're just Don Quixote, tilting at windmills...

Bandwagon nonsense. You cant even argue the point so its just bandwagon over and over and over and over and over again.

Perhaps they feel that I don't need any help dealing with the likes of you...

i could say the very same. its nice bluster but it amounts to nothing.

Again, the response is obvious-- if there was no problem here, why the need for a new Personal Conduct Policy?? Why would the players agree to such a new policy??

The players contract clearly gives the commisioner the same power that this new policy gives him. I think it was jsut a PR move personally.

I've already addressed that point, quite simply, quite directly:

If Goodell is acting with the limits of his authority, if has actions are responsive to the mandate given him by the players and the owners, then his actions cannot be "irresponsible"...

And you clearly dont knwo what the words authority and responsibly mean.

Then once again, your challenge is to outline why you think the NFL put a new Personal Conduct Policy in place, and is now setting about enforcing it... there has to be a REASON why they're doing this, and a REASON why the players willingly agreed to make themselves subject to such a policy...

No you still dont understand. My problem is in how Goodell decided to act regardless og which policy it was under.

Once again, your reading comprehension has done you in... I never said that revenues WERE decreasing, I said they were AT RISK of decreasing, if the public gets the perception that the league is tolerant of criminal behavior...

You love inserting your thinking for the thinking of others. im still waiting for some evidence that there concern was economic.

We have seen evidence, quite recently, of how negative public opinion can drive off sponsors... the name Don Imus mean anything to you?? The league is clearly anxious to fend off such a possibility...

He got fired but his show actually had more listeners following the publicity generated by his comments. And Don Imus is not a sponsor.

Once again, you engage in PATHETIC semantic tapdancing, in order to avoid taking the blame for your own actions... somebody who "makes stuff up" is a liar...

lie 2(l)
1. A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.
2. Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.

a lie implies intent and seeing i dont speak on behalf of you i will not assume what your intent is. If i had to guess i would just say you dont know any better in your little box of viewing things. That is the reason why you speak on behalf of others because your brain cannot fathom anyone thinking any way other than yours.

Just like when you said Bobby couldn't grasp simple concepts, then tried to protest that you weren't calling him stupid...

You cant ry and put words in my mouth all day long. Ive shown definitions left and right that you simply ignore. You cannot fathom any other train of thought other than your own and its quite sad.

I have shown you player support for the Player Conduct Policy, which contains provisions for suspensions based on "conduct detrimental to the league"... what I haven't seen is even ONE player expressing opposition to the suspensions in question... even Pac-Man himself has ultimately decided that his suspension was legit, and has dropped his appeal...

Which leaves YOU the only one protesting the whole matter, LOL...

Bandwagon nonsense again. And you showed a bunch of players that were seeking action taken before the suspensions and before the new policy which is not the same thing.

how about economic figures for your economic reality? How about me taking a position just to be contrary?

Weve been over this before and all id di was ask for proof of your economic assertions. You were the one seaking on behalf of the league and i asked for proof. i do note that you cannot provide any though.

88 years ago, actually... as for my being "vague", I cited Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, pointed out that he was the first-ever commissioner of any major sport, and gave you the specific reasons why he was hired-- the Black Sox scandal of 1919, wherein 8 players conspired with gamblers to "fix" the outcome of the World Series...

What's "vague" about that?? How many more specifics do you require??

Well seeing he was appointed commisioner in 1920 Id say you didnt know what you were talking about but what does this have to do with the NFL in 2007?

The point was to demonstrate that from the creation of the first commissioner of a major sports league, one of the main thrusts of that job was to enforce discipline... I'm unsurprised that said point went right over your obviously overtaxed cranium...

Blah blah blah. How does this make his actions resonsible? Sounds like more authority nonsense to me.

Gee, I must have missed your link to that, could you kindly repost it?? I ask because I know you have a point you're trying to make, but I can't remember the Lofton situation, and need to see what it involved before I can hope to a) know what you're talking about, and b) determine for myself if you have a valid point...

Im not reposting links everytime youre too senile to remember them. Lofton was suspended in 1986 for rape allegations and was later aquitted.

He was compelled to act, and inasmuch as a big part of his duties are enforcing the rules of the NFL, he is rather like a vice principal, who also deals with such matters at his school...

Have any proof of what compels him beyond your inaccurate portrayal of baseball 90 years ago?

Except I limited my discussion to the powers he has that are relevant to the argument we're having...

Authority nonsense.

Get back to me when that happens, and we can both examine the public outcry of protest...

Taking unecessary actions that you know can cause ireparable harm is irresponsible. Ive yet to see you address that directly.

No you haven't, and no matter how many times you repeat that garbage, it STILL won't be true... your original argument was that he didn't have the AUTHORITY to suspend based on allegations, a position you clung to stubbornly until AdamJT13 came along and proved to you that you were wrong...

It was only THEN that you switched your argument to a moral one, rather than a legal one...

Again that was a week ago and up until today youve been saying that im still arguing he didnt have the authority. You did fianlly clue in Im very proud of you :clap2:

BTW i felt his actions irresponsible even a month ago.

Actually, I'm pointing out that as long as he's acting within his authority, then he is within his moral right to do what he chooses... the fact that he was GIVEN that authority is a signal that the players and owners WANT him to crack down, even on "allegations"...

Wow you wrapped the bandwagon and authority arguments all into one that just great. :thumbdo:

So does the fact that there has not been a player uprising in opposition to what he's done... by now, there's been plenty of time for such an uprising to manifest itself... apparently, the players themselves don't think they're being abused by this new player conduct policy, even if you do...

Its not the new or old policy he had the power under both and more bandwagone nonsesne.

It's based on your festering anger towards me for making you look foolish, and nothing else...

im not mad at you. I understand what you are and i thinkits more of a contempt thing. I dont really like smallminded prejudicial people.

Find me one player who has protested what Goodell has done...

The absence of any protest of what Goodell has done is tacit approval of his actions...

Bandwagon nonsense.

When the Titans signed on to the Player Conduct Policy, they agreed to let Goodell be the judge and jury... this is their "designating" him to handle these issues... so once again, you're reduced to pitiful semantic games...

Do you know what the Titans vote on it was? Oh wait you dont it just you talking on behalf of others again. This is just more of your authority nonsesne anyway.

Yes, I have-- repeatedly... but once more, just for you:

As long as Goodell is acting within his authority, then he's acting responsibly... if you have issues with anybody acting irresponsibly in this, it would appear that it's with the owners and the players for giving them that authority in the first place...

And given that they have a vested interest in all of this, but YOU don't, then if they judged it appropriate to give Goodell that authority, who are you to now come along and tell them they were wrong to do so??

In this case, "authority" and "responsibility" go hand in hand... you simply cannot separate the two...

Having the power to do something does not subsume responsibility. the governor of California has the authority to pardon Charles Manson but that does not make that action responsible.

And its really funny how in all of this you never once addressed the major premise.

Suspending players for allegations that could be exonerated later can cause irreparable harm and therefore is irresponsible.

Anyway im going out with the lady you have fun.

Bob Sacamano

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FuzzyLumpkins;1530586 said:
Your ignoring the fact that there is no proof that the CBA or charter mandates he do anything. It gives him discretion but doesnt compell him to act.

so breaking a binding contract doesn't compel the commisioner to act? I guess you could say that Goodell didn't have to hold PacMan, Henry and Tank accountable for breaking that contract, but you give me an example of a corporate business, after seeing a part of their contract being broken, who isn't compelled to step in and enforce the terms of that contract, which specifically notifies the signee of the expected punishments as a result

hell, the player contract should have compelled PacMan, Henry and Tank, and the 32 other players to abide by it, and not make arses of themselves, their league, and their fellow players

btw, isn't the federal government supposed to uphold the Constitution? yet I don't see it written anywhere in the there


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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FuzzyLumpkins;1527745 said:
and for the fiftieth time now the suspensions specifically list allegations that are awating trial as well as other things as cause for the suspensions. it establishes a precedent.

Actually, that precedent was set 44 years ago... do bone up on your NFL history before you go woofing about things like this... look up Paul Hornung and Alex Karras, see what happened to them in 1963...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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FuzzyLumpkins;1527759 said:
couldve wouldve shouldve

for the fifty first time goodell specifically listed allegations agianst both guys that were awaiting trial.

And if those were the ONLY things listed, you might actually have a point... but since they weren't, and the other things that you didn't mention were entirely legitimate justifications for suspension, you don't have any point at all...


The Boognish
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silverbear;1530637 said:
Actually, that precedent was set 44 years ago... do bone up on your NFL history before you go woofing about things like this... look up Paul Hornung and Alex Karras, see what happened to them in 1963...

I obviously knew that previous commsisioners had suspended on allegation as I have talked about it. i obviously meant a precedent as to how he was going to act in the future.


The Boognish
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silverbear;1530638 said:
And if those were the ONLY things listed, you might actually have a point... but since they weren't, and the other things that you didn't mention were entirely legitimate justifications for suspension, you don't have any point at all...

Youre going back to the old authority argument.

its pretty evident he intends to use allegations in the future to suspend players. He did it this time and he didnt even need to.

Im not just concerned about this one activity. In and of itself this is not a big deal however in the future hes going to screw some players over.

This was his very first act as commisioner and hes already started odds are he will continue.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
Reaction score
FuzzyLumpkins;1530586 said:
Specious is actually a nice word but youve used it about ten times not and its getting ab it old.

Sorry, it's the most neutral word I can use, being mindful of the rules around here, to describe what your arguments are... it's like the way I use the word "disingenuous", when I really mean something a bit more inflammatory...

Of course, being lectured on repetitive use of a word by a guy who uses the word "obtuse" in seemingly every other sentence is a delicious bit of irony...

Do you have any evidence that jones lawyers have ever falsified documents or is your argument going to be simply they are lawyers and therefore must be liars?

I'm not saying they falsified anything, merely that their spin on things isn't completely reliable...

Im not srue exactly how detailing crimes commited by Jones is actually the best manner to portray events in a manner that makes Jones look better. Sorry that just doesnt make sense. If anything his lawyers would want to keep public attention away from his specific crimes.

Except if their argument is that he's being punished more harshly than others have been for their transgressions... which is EXACTLY what that letter was all about... they weren't arguing that their client shouldn't be suspended, they were arguing that he shouldn't be suspended for an entire season, and to make their case, they pointed out others who had violated the Personal Conduct Policy and received considerably lesser punishments...

Did you actually READ the letter you cited?? LOL...

BTW Im not ignoring your argument. Yoru argument is an assertion saying that they are lawyers and therefore must be lying.

Show me where I said that all lawyers are liars...

I know you like to stereotype

Said the guy who has gleefully stereotyped what us "old guys" do... LOL...

This iss nice. Now his lawyers leaked this to the public. Again do you have any evidence to support this claim?

Nope, just common sense, which apparently is a foreign concept to you...

There were only two parties who were supposed to be privy to the contents of that letter, Jones' attorneys and the league office... well, the contents of that letter did not make the league look good, so there would be no reason at all for them to leak it... I'm quite sure they would have preferred that it's contents remain confidential...

This only leaves one other party that could have leaked it... and that party WOULD benefit from it becoming public, it would tend to make the public more sympathetic to the plight of their client...

No but supplying false documents on behalf of his client would be something they would be interested in. Your saying his lawyers are lying here or as you say didtorting the facts.

None of the documents they supplied was false... what might well have been distorted was their INTERPRETATION of the facts...

Sure, Goodell might well have pointed out in his letter detailing the suspension that Pac-Man had had other run-ins with the law, and those other run-ins might have been influential in swaying his decision as to how long the suspension would be... but that's not quite the same thing as saying those run-ins were the REASON for the suspension in the first place...

And you have nothing, other than the letter that was supposed to be confidential, written by Jones' ADVOCATES, to dispute that...

Fact is you can come up with no reasoning as to why they would want to list a document outlining specific crimes that pacman committed. if anything it would make sense for them to deflect attention away from his crimes.

LOL... once again, why do you think the letter was written?? Go back and actually READ it, and you'll see that it's purpose was not to get Goodell to drop the suspension, but rather to get him to shorten the length of the suspension...

If that was its purpose, there would be no point in trying to argue that he's not guilty of his crimes... basically, there IS no arguing that he violated the NFL's Personal Conduct Policy when he didn't report those two arrests, and they, being lawyers, knew that... he IS guilty, period...

Who says that it wasnt stolen or any other possibility? But oh no it has to have been pacmans lawyers leaked it so that Fuz could go and argue with you over the internet. :rolleyes:

And im trying to figure out how Goodell telling the truth concerning why he suspended Jones would weaken his position. That implies that it is in the leagues best interest to lie as to why they did it which makes absolutely no sense coming from you.

ROTFLMAO... is THAT the best you've got?? It must have been STOLEN??

I'm embarrassed for you...

This is a red herring so who cares. A seperate contract can stand on its own. you were saying any contract had to tie into the CBA

Yes, any contract that does not conform to the CBA is null, and can be voided by the commissioner... if you'll think back a few years, you might even be able to think of a situation where a contract WAS voided by the league... I refer to Deion Sanders, when he signed with the Cowboys... his initial contract was voided by the league, and he and Jerry had to rework to bring it in line with the CBA...

Any contract written for an NFL player MUST conform the requirements laid out in the CBA... period...

I said you make stuff up.

Yes, you have, repeatedly... to date, though, you have yet to prove any such thing...

More to the point, stuff that is made up isn't TRUE... therefore, one who speaks or writes things that are made up isn't telling the TRUTH, therefore he's LYING...

A third possibility would be that he was honestly mistaken, but if he made it up, then he knows what he was doing...

So, somebody who makes things up is, by definition, a LIAR... and frankly, your continuing to insist that you really weren't calling me a liar is a lie in its own right, which would make you the liar that you claim I am...

If youre too obtuse

Ahhh, there's that word again... do get yourself a good thesaurus, there are all kinds of synonyms for "obtuse"...

You keep on talking about the two arrests as cause but then turn around and talk about how there is no credible evidence as to why he was suspended. thats a contradiction.

Except I never said there was no credible evidence why he was suspended, in fact I have said all along that he was suspended for failing to report two arrests, which is a violation of the new Player Conduct Policy... we have documented evidence that he did that...

So once again, you feel the need to distort my arguments, in pursuit of your own bogus agenda...

And im not saying that he was outside his authority for the eight millionth time im saying he is being irresponsible when his very first suspension ever handed down lists amongst other things a pending case.

And I'm saying that as long as he acted within his authority, he is acting responsibly... once again, I'm saying your problem should be with the Management Council and the NFLPA for giving him that authority in the first place, rather than ripping on his character when he does what he was charged to do...

Even the pending cases are lear and valid because he has the discretion to determine what is conduct detrimental on his own anyway. You really just dont get it at all.

No, you're the one who doesn't get it-- all the parties involved WANTED him to have that discretion... as a result, there is no irresponsibility on his part when he does what he was appointed to do...

Because there was no way he could have won it with the way the contracts are written.

IOW, he had no legal basis for appeal... thank you for admitting the truth, finally...

Authority does not outline responsibility. I have the authority to get drunk everyday and shoot guns in my backyard if i want to but that doesnt make it a responsible action.

Somehow, I think if you got drunk and took to popping off rounds in your back yard, you'd soon be talking to the law, and if you didn't knock it off, you'd find yourself in handcuffs in the back of a police cruiser...

You have failed to figure out what ive been saying for days now and then try to blame me for your obtuseness.

Reference number 37 to some variation of the word "obtuse"...

Im an entitled to an opinion on the matter last time i checked.

Again, when was the first, last or ANY time that I've attempted to deny you your opinion?? You keep dragging that up, and it is utterly irrelevant to anything we've discussed...

i feel its irresponsilbe for him to do as he has been.

And I feel it's quite asinine of you to believe that... particularly when the parties involved aren't expressing any similar opinions on the subject...

Any Covered Person convicted of or admitting to a criminal violation (including a plea to a lesser included offense; a plea of nob contendere or no contest; or the acceptance of a diversionary program, deferred adjudication, disposition of supervision, or similar arrangement) will be subject to discipline as determined by the Commissioner. Such discipline may include a fine, suspension without pay and/or banishment from the League. Any Covered Person convicted of or admitting to a second criminal violation will be suspended without pay or banished for a period of time to be determined by the Commissioner.

there you go.

I still want the link... I happen to believe there are likely other passages that deal more directly with the dispute here... and I do not trust your intellectual integrity, so I have no problem believing you'd leave that out, in an attempt to make your case...

What argument did i distort?

In this post alone, you have claimed that I said all lawyers were liars, which I never said... you have also claimed that I said there was no credible evidence as to why Pac-Man was suspended, when I have consistently pointed out what the credible evidence on that one was...

That's two times, right there... how very disingenuous of you to now attempt to deny that you have done that, when we have the evidence of your own words to contradict that denial...

What part of 'for the fiftieth time iom not saying Goodell was acting outside of his authority' was difficult to understand?

Well, I can admit that I'm unfamiliar with the word "iom"... :D

Way to dance around the issue. Using pending cases as cause for a suspension is irresponsible regardless of how it came to be or who doesnt get upset about it.

And yet, your ol' buddy Tagliabue, who you hold up as an example of the right way to do things, did exactly that to Matt O'Dwyer and Jumbo Elliott, back in 1999... two game suspensions for each, for their part in a bar brawl... as far as I can determine, neither man was ever convicted of anything, but I know the suspensions were handed down before any court cases...

Way to speak for most people there buddy.

"Buddy"?? Yeah, you and me are REAL tight... ROTFLMAO...

Who talks like that? Rednecks?

Naw, old guys who are mocking the attempts of folks like you to put them down by calling them "old guys"... seems you don't care much for receiving the same treatment you dish out... somehow, I'm not surprised, indeed I anticipated that you'd comment on that little ploy...

Once again, you've been baited, and rose to the bait in a MOST predictable manner...

just like your going to have to deal with the fact that I dont see a difference between rodeos and dog fighting.

Trying to change the subject again, eh??

But I don't have to "deal with" anything you say or do... I can CHOOSE to ignore you, as I did twice in recent weeks, or I can CHOOSE to mock your for your asinine arguments...

I said you should shut up rather than continue to try and talk on behalf of others. You really shiould it makes you look stupid.

Gee, do I look as stupid as you look when you can't even spell a simple word like "should"??

Some of them were.

Then the suspension is entirely legitimate, and you're basically running off at the mouth because you're in love with the sound of your own voice...

Now lawyers are careful with what they write? Might want to look into that in respect to your criticism of Jones' lawyers.

Oh, there was no accident in the way they worded their letter to the league... every word was carefully chosen, you can count on that...

And the new policy spells that out but the old one doesnt.

Even if that's true, the old policy IS the old policy, and has been replaced by the NEW policy... so what the old policy did or didn't say really isn't very important, is it??

You dont see players saying anything either way in concern of it. Ive seen just as many players say they thought Goodell was too harsh as ive seen that say it was in order.

Oh, have you?? Kindly share one quote with us... just one...

For my part, I offer this quote from good ol' TJ Housmandzadeh, Henry's teammate:

"You would think it's necessary just because of the negative publicity the NFL is beginning to receive because of what's happening," said Henry's teammate, T.J. Houshmandzadeh, one of the players at the February meeting. "It was going on for an extended period of time. Each day, each week, something was happening."

But again this is neither here nor there.

Then why are you arguing it?? Do you often argue points that are neither here nor there??

Actually, I'd find it easy to believe that you do...

Again quote one player that says he supports Goodell suspending without a conviciton.

Just as soon as you quote one opposing what Goodell's done... my point here is that the players' silence on this issue is a tacit endorsement of what Goodell has done...

Im saying hes acting irresponsibly.

And you consistently refuse to address, or even acknowledge, my arguments as to why he isn't... nope, you just repeat the same tired crapola, over and over and over again...

I guess you lack the courage to take your antagonists on in a straightforward manner...

I did use very simple terms

Out of necessity, I suspect... You misused the quote function.

Legitimacy, authority blah blah blah. Just because hes given the authority to do something does not make it a responsible action. Where have i said this before?? oh yeah about 50 times now.

And 50 times now, you've been WRONG... ALL the affected parties in this matter-- the league, the owners, the players-- decided that they needed to give Goodell this authority... given that, it IS responsible of him to use the power they granted him in the way they intended him to use it...

Once again, if there was ANY irresponsibility in this, it's on those who ceded such power to Goodell in the first place... perhaps they made a mistake, perhaps they recognized that what they were doing was a bit dangerous, and decided the issue was dangerous enough that they needed to do it anyway...

But there is NO irresponsibility on Goodell's part, no matter how often you whine that there is... he's merely doing what he was hired to do... and despite your protests, there IS historical precedent for the Commissioner of the NFL suspending players without them ever being convicted of a crime... they do it all the time to drug offenders... they did it Matt O'Dwyer and Jumbo Elliott, back in 1999... and they did it to Alex Karras and Paul Hornung back in 1963, when both were suspended "indefinitely" for associating with known gamblers... they were never even CHARGED with a crime, let alone CONVICTED of one (their "indefinite" suspensions were ultimately shortened to one year)...

So whaddaya got to say now, after I've pointed out that past commissioners have done EXACTLY what Goodell has done here, which is to say suspended players who were never convicted of anything??

Your ignoring the fact that there is no proof that the CBA or charter mandates he do anything. It gives him discretion but doesnt compell him to act.

It mandates that he use that discretion, which is precisely what he did...

That not flexible. Thats just two options.

Oh Lawd, there you go with the stupid semantic games again... time once more to use OneLook Dictionary to make you look foolish... first up, the Oxford Dictionary:

"2 able to change or be changed to respond to different circumstances."

And this suspension Is able to be changed to respond to different circumstances... next up, Merriam-Webster's:

"2 : yielding to influence : "

And if the influence is that Pac-Man beats the rap, and keeps his nose clean, he gets his suspension reduced; if he doesn't, he might get an even stiffer suspension... that's what they call "yielding to influence"... next, the American Heritage Dictionary:

"Responsive to change; adaptable"

This suspension IS adaptable, and as such IS responsive to change... finally, offers this definition:

"susceptible of modification or adaptation; adaptable"

Again, ADAPTABILITY seems to be the key to flexibility, and this suspension is clearly adaptable, dependent only on the outcome of the charges against Jones, and his future behavior... if he does the right thing, he might knock as much as six games off of his suspension, and that's "flexibility"...

It might not be as flexible as you'd like (then again, it seems like you'd like the guy not to face any punishment at all), but it IS flexible...

1. Liable to be required to give account, as of one's actions or of the discharge of a duty or trust.
2. Involving personal accountability or ability to act without guidance or superior authority: a responsible position within the firm.
3. Being a source or cause.
4. Able to make moral or rational decisions on one's own and therefore answerable for one's behavior.
5. Able to be trusted or depended upon; reliable.
6. Based on or characterized by good judgment or sound thinking: responsible journalism

Having power does not necessitate good judgement or sound thinking.

You think point 6 is the key, I think point 1 is the key... Goodell is required to give account-- to those who gave him the authority in the first place-- of his discharge of the duty they have given him... he has a RESPONSIBILITY to perform that duty to the best of his abilities...

Fact is if he suspends someone they serve the suspension and are later exonerated it doesnt matter how many options he gives them.

Fact is, Pac-Man can't possibly be exonerated on the charges that got him suspended, because he DID fail to report two arrests... so this argument is just another attempt to divert us from the real issues...

I need to make a point here.

If you do, it will be the first legitimate point you've made, so take your best shot...

You were one of the people saying that Goodell is restricted to act by the conduct policy as you are in the first blurb of the quote so why youre coming back and saying it was obvious in the CBA is laughable but now back to the point

Gee, I don't see where the two points are irreconcilable... you said that Goodell had absolute power to suspend "as he sees fit, for whatever reason"... that is clearly asinine, and I used a perfectly ridiculous example to point out how asinine it is-- he can't suspend a player because he doesn't like the way he wears his hair...

His powers to hand down discipline are restricted to those who might violate the Player Conduct Policy... now, within those limits, his powers are pretty close to absolute, but that's not what you said in the first place... if that's what you're now saying you meant, then we have no further argument on this point...

So, it would seem you didn't have a point here either, darn it... and I was SOOO hopeful you would... :D

this would be wrong however because the players contract gives Goodell all the discretion to suspend at will as denoted by the bolded part.

Not at will, it doesn't... he has to have CAUSE... and what constitutes cause is pretty well spelled out for him...

It sfunny how little you know about all this BTW.

or is guilty of any other form of conduct reasonably judged by the League Commissioner

REASONABLY being the key there, and that modifier clearly limits the scope of what the Commissioner can or cannot do...

A legend in your own mind.

And in a few others' around the net... go over to the Cowboys' newsgroup and ask them about Bear... go to Cowboys Central, where they made me a moderator, and I am their reigning poster of the month... their first ever unanimous winner of that award, the second time I've won it... I was also leading in this month's voting, when I took my name out of the running on the premise that we ought to encourage other posters by spreading that honor around...

The quotes were from before teh new policy was announced.

Then they're not really relevant to this argument, are they??

You assume Goodell thinks what you think;

Yes, I assume that Goodell worries a LOT about the image of the league, and what a negative image might do to the league...

What, you DON'T assume that??

I know that a lot of old men do the very same thing it doesnt make it sensible or worth a damn.

it does not surpirsie me you were unable to mentally add the t to make the word it. It is a trend hat you speak on the behalf of others.

Perhaps you just make too many errors for ANYBODY to mentally correct all of them for you, LOL...

Like I said, you come off as somebody desperate to convince others that he's smarter than most, but you have a problem in that area, your writing is very, very bad... bad enough that one wonders how you ever got a high school diploma, let alone found yourself in a position to tutor others...

i could say the very same.

You could, but the available evidence suggests you'd be engaging in wishful thinking...

its nice bluster but it amounts to nothing.

Yeah, it WAS bluster... it was intended to get a rise out of you... and lo and behold, it WORKED...

Baited yet again... you'd be furious if you knew how easy you are...

I think it was jsut a PR move personally.

You would...

And you clearly dont knwo what the words authority and responsibly mean.

Well, that criticism would sting, but it's pretty clear that YOU don't... so I don't think I'm gonna let your opinion on this one bother me...

No you still dont understand. My problem is in how Goodell decided to act regardless og which policy it was under.

OK, let's try something different here, see if it works...

I DO understand completely what your problem is... you don't think it's RIGHT for Goodell to suspend players when they haven't been convicted of any crimes... you have expressed that argument clumsily, first arguing AUTHORITY, then morphing to an argument over RESPONSIBILITY, when all along you're trying to say you think it's WRONG for him to do that...

I'll ask you, with no sarcasm, if that isn't your argument in a nutshell??

If so, then my response is as follows:

1) Other commissioners have suspended players in EXACTLY the same way, the top examples I'm using these days are Paul Hornung and Alex Karras... so he's just doing what those who have gone before him have done...

2) Goodell had other, legitimate reasons for the suspensions he levied, which is something even you have acknowledged... now, IF he ever goes and suspends a player based ENTIRELY on an arrest and not any conviction, I might be inclined to agree with you that he's in the wrong... not legally, but morally... but that hasn't happened yet, so your arguments about him punishing Jones and Henry when they haven't been convicted of anything are invalid...

You love inserting your thinking for the thinking of others. im still waiting for some evidence that there concern was economic.

And I'm waiting for you to tell us what you think the reason is for this new policy, if not economic...

He got fired but his show actually had more listeners following the publicity generated by his comments. And Don Imus is not a sponsor.

No, he got fired because the sponsors started pulling their ads en masse... that basically FORCED his employers to fire him, lest they lose ALL of their sponsors... doesn't matter how popular an on-air person might be, if nobody will sponsor his show he doesn't have a job for very long...

It is the same dynamic, I believe, at work with the NFL these days... even more than worrying about the fans getting turned off by all the lawlessness, they're worried that the sponsors of their product will get nervous about all the negative PR, and pull their financial backing...

Bandwagon nonsense again. And you showed a bunch of players that were seeking action taken before the suspensions and before the new policy which is not the same thing.

If they were willing to go the record with their approval before the fact, why would they be unwilling to go on the record with their disapproval after that fact??

Bottom line, if the players had a problem with what Goodell has done, both they and their union would be vocal about their displeasure, and I suspect you know that to be a fact...

Well seeing he was appointed commisioner in 1920 Id say you didnt know what you were talking about but what does this have to do with the NFL in 2007?

The Black Sox scandal took place in October of 1919, Landis was appointed to his office a few months later...

Im not reposting links everytime youre too senile to remember them. Lofton was suspended in 1986 for rape allegations and was later aquitted.

At first, you said it was 1996, now it's 1986... given that Lofton retired as a player in 1993, I suspect the latter is the correct date...

In which case, Tagliabue was not the commissioner and did not suspend Lofton... Tags became commissioner in 1989, Pete Rozelle was the commissioner in 86...

Taking unecessary actions that you know can cause ireparable harm is irresponsible. Ive yet to see you address that directly.

Perhaps that's because I don't see any "irreparable harm" that can POSSIBLY come from these suspensions... both men were suspended for entirely legitimate reasons, not just because they were accused of crimes... and the league has suspended players without convictions in a court of law, without any "irreparable harm" ensuing...

So why should I address a worthless argument, other than to point out that it's worthless??

BTW i felt his actions irresponsible even a month ago.

Then you've been wrong for at least a month... you must be SOOOO proud...

im not mad at you.

Then why all the insults??

What's funny is that you jumped on me for a generic insult, aimed at no one named individual, and since then you have been the one slinging most all of the insults...

I understand what you are and i thinkits more of a contempt thing. I dont really like smallminded prejudicial people.

They say we most despise in others those traits we recognize in ourselves...

Having the power to do something does not subsume responsibility.

Again, a determined effort on your part to miss the point-- his responsibility in all of this is to perform his DUTY, i.e., to exert the authority given to him... to fail to do so would be the irresponsible act, and would almost certainly cost him his job...

And its really funny how in all of this you never once addressed the major premise.

Suspending players for allegations that could be exonerated later can cause irreparable harm and therefore is irresponsible.

I HAVe addressed your "major premise", in fact I have blown it apart-- neither Jones nor Henry was suspended ONLY because of allegations that could be exonerated later...

Anyway im going out with the lady you have fun.[/QUOTE]


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
Reaction score
FuzzyLumpkins;1530647 said:
I obviously knew that previous commsisioners had suspended on allegation as I have talked about it. i obviously meant a precedent as to how he was going to act in the future.

And the suspensions of Hornung and Karras are exactly that...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
Reaction score
FuzzyLumpkins;1530647 said:
I obviously knew that previous commsisioners had suspended on allegation as I have talked about it. i obviously meant a precedent as to how he was going to act in the future.

Short night with "the lady", eh?? :D