Clayton Blog: Potential final cutdown and NFLE roster exemptions changes


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Final countdown: The NFL Competition Committee has an interesting concept: they are pushing to change the final cutdown. To get more players into training camps and help the development of NFL Europe, teams receive roster exemptions for players allocated to the league. But most of those players aren't going to make teams and hang around until the final cut because they keep those extra roster spots alive.

The Committee is looking at a concept to change the first cutdown to 75 instead of 65 and eliminating the NFL Europe exemptions in the first cut. By doing that, teams won't be cutting better players in the cutdown to 65 and would keep them around for another week. The 10-to-12 NFL Europe players often don't play much in the final preseason games, so the players who would be practice squad candidates would get another week with their teams.


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Strange. They want you to allocate players to NFLE.
Then not give you a roster exemption for them.

Then the players comes back from NFLE to Training camp.
If he's having physical problems from NFLE - the player is dead.

This does not help them - the players who go over there - at all.
So why bother.