Video: Colin: Should the Cowboys go all in on Russell Wilson?


Cowboys Diehard
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Just one man's humble opinion but I seriously believe the Seahawks are unlikely to give Dallas a worthwhile deal to get Russel Wilson. Currently, they're demanding three first round picks for him. Even if it were to be reduced to two and very likely more, it just wouldn't be worth the cost to make such a costly deal for an aged QB. His time with Dallas would be limited to a point where the cost couldn't justify the deal. Sorry but we'd be wise to pass.
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Seattle would have $38 million cap hit if they trade him. Zero chance it happens.


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Seattle doesnt like Wilson's cap hit, but they would take on an even larger contract with Dak in the package? lol.


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All valid points. I guess because I don’t watch Seattle Games I thought they were bad because first take would talk about it a lot.

I like Dak, but surely you should know with Russel Wilson under center we’d have made the playoffs every year from 2016-2020. Dallas has had the easiest division in the NFC since 2017

There is no argument that Russell is not the better of the two QBs at the moment. But again, nothing happens in a vacuum. Dak is just getting to his peak and Russ is already there. The real crux of the question is will Dak continue his ascension and get on that level in the future. If he does we get 10 years of top level QB play vs 5 or 6 years with Russ. Because I don't believe the difference between the two to be THAT great at this point and I believe the gap is fast closing, I am not willing to sacrifice those extra years without a very good reason. I might feel differently if this team was well constructed and on the brink of a Super Bowl run. But we all know that's not the case. So that means we are looking at a minimum of 2-3 years of fixing the defense and maybe repairing the offensive line before we're ready to make a serious run. By which time Russ will be 36 and might be on the downside. Meanwhile Dak will just be turning 30 and hitting that QB sweet spot where physical ability and mental acuity are both near peak. Then we should have a lights out QB, with a lights out defense and something close to the dominant line we all know and love. Oh and did I mention that Lamb will be in year 3 or 4, Gallup in 5 or 6 and Coop will be in year 9 but still not be 30 years old yet. THEN we will be ready to rock and roll. If we give up all the capital that the Seahawks are going to want for Russ.. a lot of that stuff can't happen.. because we won't have a first round pick till 2025.


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Well they should pursue the possibility, see what it would cost, and talk to wilson, see where his head is at . go from there.
If they at least talked to wilson they might hear those bells again!:D

Reverend Conehead

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I think Jerry should do this. Yes, Wilson is older, but he's better than Dak, and with a lower cap hit, it makes sense, but there are some IFS.

1. Do it if you can get Wilson for Dak plus our 1st-round pick. No giving up two firsts; that would be too much.
2. This team must do everything possible to build up this defense. I'm not sure if the following is possible, but I would prefer the trade to be Dak, plus our 2022 first rounder, leaving us with the #10 pick this year to draft the best defensive player available. Like I say, that might be a reach, so my second choice would be the 2021 first rounder + Dak for Wilson; then with the #1 pick in 2022, you go for the best defensive player available.
3. Either way, most of the 2021 draft should be about defense.
4. Re-sign Dalton, if possible, to back up Wilson. If Wilson goes down for a few games, I would much rather have an experienced vet to give us a better chance to win than a rookie project would.
5. Do some smart free agent shopping. Wait until after you have some idea what you've gotten from the draft, and see if you can sign an experienced game changer on defense, much like the Bucs signed Suh. It may be a great D lineman or it may be a great safety. But you build up that D primarily through the draft and then add the right vet to help them be their best.
6. You don't bargain basement free agent shop for key needs. You bargain basement shop for basic needs like punt returners, other special team needs, maybe a backup running back, and other backup positions.
7. Work up some unexpected, occasional use plays in the offseason. These are not your core plays, but rather occasional use ones that you only use unexpectedly to turn the momentum in key games. Have in your hip pocket plays like the direct snap to a running back, the flea flicker, a halfback pass to your QB downfield as a wide receiver, reverses, end-of-half Hail Marys, etc. Like I say, you don't get cute by over-using these things. You establish a sound game plan, but as the opponent gets used to your conservative play, you throw in an occasional surprise, especially when you sense you can catch them off guard.
8. Waiver wire sniffer. The WW is often a long shot, but you can add helpful players from it. Especially be aware when another team gets overstocked at a position and thus can't sign everyone of value at that position. This was how we ended up with an excellent #2 WR in Laurent Robinson some years back. Obviously, you can't build your team from the waiver wire, but an astute coach can fill an occasional need from it.

Okay, I ended up writing way more than I had planned to. But anyway, in short I'm a "yes" on going after Wilson provided we do it right.

Big D

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With Wilson our offensive ranking would take the massive jump from #1 all the way to #1. While leaving the defense at #32. Brilliant!