Collins and Wilson at practice

Collins is now#72

I am as hopeful as anyone, but this picture of Collins running straight up make it look like his back stiffness is still a problem. Of course it is just one picture snapped at the perfect time to get him standing straight up but with his injuries, the back is the most problematic IMO. Can we get some videos of him in drills?
I'm guessing the move is for next year with maybe emergency reserve at RT for this year. Even still, it seams that he would be a 1-2 year bandaid. Pretty soon they're going to have to revamp the Oline.
If he was a monster wouldn’t a team have picked him up by now?
Focused, one doesn't think here and now, that Steele will be fully challenged by this man by training camp next season? I sure do and without doubt, if he can physically rebuild strength and power in his legs now...after recovery.
Not too late for them to make the All-Pro team if MM actually plays both this weekend
I think Wilson has a chance to play next week, with or without injury. After LVE's injury, LB is easily our weakest spot.

As long as we are healthy, I don't see Collins getting any action this year.
Collins is simply a "break glass in case of emergency signing"... He will not see the field as long as Smith and Steele are playing.
Collins has No hip movement and his knee is shot!
Always liked Damien Wilson and he played well for the Chiefs but he just seems to bounce around the league.
Collins is simply a "break glass in case of emergency signing"... He will not see the field as long as Smith and Steele are playing.
Collins has No hip movement and his knee is shot!
well the problem is that there is a good chance that one/both of the Smiths' will be hurt during the playoff run, and what has been a thorn on my side for years is that as a franchise we are soooo reactive, and ill prepared for this possibility. So if/when we need help, can he step up? Doesn't seem reasonable for him to get into playoff game shape does it?

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