Collinworths says Haynesworth should be arrested!

1 game per stitch...

or $500,000 per stitch or a combination of both

if the disiplinary action is strong enough it might send the message this won't be tolerated
wayne_motley;1063991 said:
geeze...I can't believe the things being argued about today.

Haynesworth is NOT going to be arrested or even charged with anything.

Unfortunately, the injury turned out much worse than the kick...I saw it many times, like the rest of you, and it didn't even look that bad to me.


But gee...he didn't "stomp" Gurode's head into the ground. He tripped over Gurode's shoulder, not his head...I don't think he had anything to do with Gurode losing his helmit...he was past Gurode and kicked back at him, a short, jabbing kick, not a brutal, powerdown, stomping against the ground. Gurode's head only moved a few inches, and he didn't even drop to the ground, staying on his hands and knees...I'm sure he was stunned, but probably shocked to even have blood...we saw him walk out with ice on his head and come back with his patch...we never even saw any blood get on his uniform, and it wasn't gushing out while he was on his hands and knees.

I was actually shocked that he needed so many stitches, but I'm guessing it was for several cleat scratches from the shoe as it raked across his head more than direct impact...that's how i saw it.

I'm not defending him...he's got an anger problem, but the guy didn't do something that ranks among the worst ever on a football field.

Do you have Tivo? VCR? If so, watch the tape because you must have been watching a different game my friend. He did it twice, and he removed his helmet.
stag hunter;1063891 said:
You'd also get arrested and charged for assault if you threw a 100 mile an hour fastball at someone, or ran them into a wall on the highway with your car... the point is, it didnt' happen on the street so he won't get charged with assault and he shouldn't. Poor argument

Of course he can be arrested. Ask the NHL hockey player who slashed another guys throat with his stick up in Canada if you can be arrested.
I don't alway agree with CHris Collingsworth's sports assessments, but he's right on the money this time. A clear message needs to be established in the NFL that unnecessary conduct on/off the field will not be tolerated. What better way for the new NFL commissioner to step in and make a stand on the side of justice for players.

I say one-week's incarceration per stitch.
I don't know if anyone else saw, but I could have sworn he ripped his helmet off as well, then stomped his face 2 times.
TheKey;1063923 said:
We know if it happened on the street it would be a crime, but so would laying someone out at full speed. The football field isnt the street, and cant be judged as one. 4 game suspension, 75K and whatever Fisher wants to tack on.

You are wrong. Ones' actions on the football field can absolutely get you arrested (or criminally charged) depending on the action(s) made.
Sarge;1064590 said:
You are wrong. Ones' actions on the football field can absolutely get you arrested (or criminally charged) depending on the action(s) made.

Morning Sarge,

Has there been a precedent for this type of action that stemmed from an assault like this on the football field? The Detroit basketball game with Artest comes to mind, but that was with fans.. I don't recall charges being brought up in a player to player assault?
Dayton_Cowboy;1064592 said:
Morning Sarge,

Has there been a precedent for this type of action that stemmed from an assault like this on the football field? The Detroit basketball game with Artest comes to mind, but that was with fans.. I don't recall charges being brought up in a player to player assault?

see NHL Hockey game from a couple yrs ago

there are others who knew the details who posted in this thread, but it has happened

I watched the video earlier in this thread. I believe Haynesworth's actions rank up near the top of the incidents in the video. This NFL must take very severe disciplinary action in this case. I also think criminal sanctions should be considered although bringing the police in might leave the league open to unending litigation in the future. My guess is the penalty to the player will be severe and the police will stay out of it.
HeavyHitta31;1063973 said:
I don't like the word "stomp". I just bugs me :laugh2:

You need to listen to more P-Funk.
In all the years of watching football this has to go down as one of the most chicken **** thing I have seen. While I don't agree with Collinsworth I was proud of the way Fisher responded after the game and expect to see a heavy fine and suspention for Haynesworth.
I agree w/ Chris...Haynesworth deserves criminal charges for this. I watched it over and over again in slow mo. There were 3 kicks go Gurodes head. The first w/ his left foot w/ Gurodes helmet still on, deliberately took off his helmet with his hands, a step on his head and then the stomp. And he was looking at Gurode the whole time. It was totally premeditated.

Joe Theisman was just on M&M and he was outraged. He was calling for at least a 6 game suspension and a loss of half his salary. Said if Haynesworth couldn't control himself and could do something like that, he didn't need to be playing football

I opt for banning from the game and criminal charges
sjordan6;1063870 said:
Chris Collinsworth says Haynes worth should be arrested and charged! I so much agree with this. This was a premeditated act against a defenseless person. I hope with the T.O. mess and the unfair assault on Andre that this only rallys the Boys and have an us against them attitude.
The crazy thing about this is Haynesworth body slammed Gurode like a rag doll on the play, I don't understand why he was so pissed to begin with.
Erik_H;1064470 said:
I tell ya what really gets me on this. The fact that Haynesworth stopped and took the time to bend down and remove Gurodes helmet first.

It wasn't too easy to see during the game (for me at least). And alot of the replays later also did not focus on that. But I caught a replay on BSPNews and you can then clearly see him bend down, pull off the helmet, stand up, give a kick, pause for half a second and then stomp down a second time.

Now that second stomp wasn't like he jumped up in the air and pounded all his weight down (as some embellishments here are leaning towards), but it looked as though he lifted his foot, paused for half a second to take aim, and tromped down on Gurode's head. There's got to be some extra punishement for that level of premediation. For cryin out loud, he took the time to remove the helmet first?!?

Now I was thinking that he should get about a 4 game suspension until someone here brought up the hypothetical "what if this had happened to a QB"

Holy Cow could you seriously imagine that? The outrage would be more deafening than all of Bill Parcell's accumulated silences combined!

I think he should get a year...he won't, but he should.

On the flip side, many props to Gurode. When a center frustrates a DT to that level, you know he's doing a good job.

Ding, Ding, Ding !!!!



As Erik so clearly stated, this is what moves the action from a passionate, over-the-limit, heat-of-the-game sports violation to a premeditated criminal act.

After the whistle had blown, Hayensworth removed Gurode's helmet, kicked him in the head, and stomped/raked his cleat down on Gurode's forehead.

If the NFL does not suspend this guy for the rest of the year, they will have proven themselves a court of fools.

Whether he sees criminal charges ... who knows? I certainly wouldn't be outraged by the prospect.
wayne_motley;1063991 said:
geeze...I can't believe the things being argued about today.

Haynesworth is NOT going to be arrested or even charged with anything.

Unfortunately, the injury turned out much worse than the kick...I saw it many times, like the rest of you, and it didn't even look that bad to me.


But gee...he didn't "stomp" Gurode's head into the ground. He tripped over Gurode's shoulder, not his head...I don't think he had anything to do with Gurode losing his helmit...he was past Gurode and kicked back at him, a short, jabbing kick, not a brutal, powerdown, stomping against the ground. Gurode's head only moved a few inches, and he didn't even drop to the ground, staying on his hands and knees...I'm sure he was stunned, but probably shocked to even have blood...we saw him walk out with ice on his head and come back with his patch...we never even saw any blood get on his uniform, and it wasn't gushing out while he was on his hands and knees.

I was actually shocked that he needed so many stitches, but I'm guessing it was for several cleat scratches from the shoe as it raked across his head more than direct impact...that's how i saw it.

I'm not defending him...he's got an anger problem, but the guy didn't do something that ranks among the worst ever on a football field.

I have watched this play several times and you are wrong on several accounts.

1. Haynesworth does bend down to rip off Gurodes helmet
2. He does kick Gurode and ...
3. if you'll look clearly can see that Gurode has a steady stream of blood pooring out of head into his hands/ground while on a replay after the commercial time-out.
Originally Posted by wayne_motley
geeze...I can't believe the things being argued about today.

Haynesworth is NOT going to be arrested or even charged with anything.

Unfortunately, the injury turned out much worse than the kick...I saw it many times, like the rest of you, and it didn't even look that bad to me.


But gee...he didn't "stomp" Gurode's head into the ground. He tripped over Gurode's shoulder, not his head...I don't think he had anything to do with Gurode losing his helmit...he was past Gurode and kicked back at him, a short, jabbing kick, not a brutal, powerdown, stomping against the ground. Gurode's head only moved a few inches, and he didn't even drop to the ground, staying on his hands and knees...I'm sure he was stunned, but probably shocked to even have blood...we saw him walk out with ice on his head and come back with his patch...we never even saw any blood get on his uniform, and it wasn't gushing out while he was on his hands and knees.

I was actually shocked that he needed so many stitches, but I'm guessing it was for several cleat scratches from the shoe as it raked across his head more than direct impact...that's how i saw it.

I'm not defending him...he's got an anger problem, but the guy didn't do something that ranks among the worst ever on a football field.

Wrong on all accounts... Go back and watch it in slow motion and I bet you will change all that. You will see A.H come up from behind Gurode, kick him with his left foot, reach down and take off his helmet, step on his head as he steps over him, step back and then stomp/rake his face/forehead and A.H had his eyes on Gurode the entire time. And you will see a steady stream of blood going into Gurodes hands while he is on his hands and knees. In slow motion it is all very clear.

IMO the injury wasn't as bad as I thought it would. Gurode is very lucky that he didn't have a serious eye injury seeing as the stitches come pretty close to his eye

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