Combine Notes


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So I am finally getting a chance to catch up on my Tivo'd Combine coverage and I noticed a few things.

Was hoping the rest of your that watched some will chime in with your opinions too.

First I can't stand that they covered the 40 so heavily. Do I really care if a LB can run past 20 yards with explosion? McLure looked like a physical freak out there but if Dallas drafts him I'll be very dissapointed. It just doesn't mean much to the position.

So here is who caught my eye among DBs and LBs

- Line Backers -

Daryl Blackstock - looked polished in his movement. He is fluid and quick. He keeps his hips down and shows excellent change of dirrection. I liked this guy on paper but he looks real good in action too.

Derrick Johnson - Seemed a little out of control in small space. Good top end speed, but his change of dirrection is a bit sloppy. Showed good footwork and great lateral movement. He got his hands up, which is good, but didn't come down with the ball. Oh well... who on the D can really catch the ball.

Boomer Grigsby - Looked like a workout warrior. He was way too muscular and showed poor change of dirrection. He pulled up lame on the short shuttle and I think that is something his future team better get used to. He reminds me of David Boston... Too much muscle on his frame.

Demarcus Ware - You have to really be impressed with Ware. He's going to be a solid 3-4 pass rush specialist. He was very athletic and did better than most of the Linebackers in drills that as a DE he has probably never run. I was very impressed. He seems easy to instruct and physically gifted.

- Free safetys -

Josh Bullocks - He really impressed me. In the drills he turned his hips smoothly and quickly. Looked like a CB in that regard. He then showed excellent fundementals. Turned back to find the ball early, positioned himself to come back to the underthrown pass, and went after the ball at it's highest position while keeping his body between the defender and the ball. I'm not sure he's the physical specimen that others are, but he seemed to have better fundementals than most.

James Butler - I heard he thinks he's a CB, he's not. He has a long stride that covers good distance with good top end speed, but of course bad in quick changes. He runs a bit sloppy and I think footing will be an issue. He also wasn't smooth turning his hips and showed only average fundementals.

Sean Considine - Pretty good fundementals (not as good as Bullocks) but fairly slow speed and no real explosion.

Dustin Fox - He's listed as a CB but lets get serious... he's a FS. He has good pedigree and solid fundentals. Seems to be one of the better coached players on the field. Also he's a former QB I think so you can expect him to have a good understanding of routes and coverages. I think he has all the tools but is slightly limited by his physical speed and strength at the next level. I can see this being a real posibility for Parcells. His kind of player.

- Corner Backs -

Marcus Curry - Was above average across the board. No weaknesses to his game but no great upside either.

Travis Daniels - Had trouble with his footing... runs a bit tall and is awkward in change of dirrection. Did most things well and has good top end speed but his fundentals were still pretty raw. As if he knew was he was supposed to do but hadn't really trained his body yet. Good example was on a couple of drills where he came back and jumped to catch the ball at it's highest point but was way off balance because he didn't square up properly. Or he'd jump even if the ball was low because he didn't have good position. He's got good upside, but might be more of a Free Safety.

Marlin Jackson - I was really impressed by Marlin. He had good marks across the board but I thought he was actually more speedy than quick, which makes me think he could be an above average CB or a really good FS. His fundemtals were amoung the best, looking back for the ball and following it while he ran. Was able to keep a nice stride and good speed while following the ball with his head. Jumped at the right time and showed relatively soft hands. I would not at all be dissapointed by grabing him for our FS.

Eric King - Another good fundementals guys with limited upside. He certainly trained for the combine though, which at least shows dedication.

Overall I was really amazed at just how unprepared most of the players were for the combine. Many looked as though they had never run many of the drills before. Several of the DB drills involved change of dirrection and then deep coverage for a long high pass. Really basic here, but you have to square up for the underthrown ball and jump up to catch it at it's highest point. At least half of the guys didn't do that. They slowed to pace with the pass and caught it against their body. They also followed the path of the drill without showing off their skills. While Marlin Jackson was good at follwing the ball before and during the pass most just put their head down and ran to the spot before turning to look for the ball.

One more thing. Most of the top CB's didn't practice which is why it seems I was more impressed by the FS prospects than CBs.