Comics and Movies - DC vs Marvel Superhero Tournament Post 4412

I loved the casting. Still do. Not sure there are many actresses who could have done as well as Larsen has played the role.

After reading that, I have to ask because I really want to know. What does cocaine really feel like when you snort it? :laugh:
After reading that, I have to ask because I really want to know. What does cocaine really feel like when you snort it? :laugh:
Coke? wow. Okay. does an extremely good job of biography write-ups. Here is Carol Danvers' page.

Let's pretend for a moment. You are the casting director. Are there names you would suggest could have played the character better than Larsen? Personally, I would foresee a brief list but a long list would be an interesting read for me.
Not really confident anyone could do the Onslaught storyline real justice. At its center are Charles Xavier and Eric Lenchner, who are the mental merging of the villain.

Both of those characters are completely in flux with Disney's acquisition of the mutant franchise. And will the casting change or stay the same?

The story itself is vast, although not as vast as
Age of Apocalypse. A decent retelling would not be unlike a whole Marvel MCU Phase in my opinion, with many interconnected characters, both mutant and non-mutant. I got to say though. I am intrigued by the idea.

Which saga was the biggest in Xmen history ? ... Phoenix saga ?... Age of Apocalypse ?.... The Brood ? .... or Days of Future Past ?

I would guess the Phoenix sage, ..right ?
Coke? wow. Okay. does an extremely good job of biography write-ups. Here is Carol Danvers' page.

Let's pretend for a moment. You are the casting director. Are there names you would suggest could have played the character better than Larsen? Personally, I would foresee a brief list but a long list would be an interesting read for me.

I loved Carol Danvers story, her origin tie into Kree empire. her tie into "stolen" powers by Rogue. Her coma state. Revival as Binary, etc.

For those not as familiar with Carol Danvers,(per her own Marvel comic book series), she went by the title of Ms Marvel ..but the studios decided to change her title to
Captain Marvel. ..excluding the actual Captain Mar-vell who already had his own comic book series too .. (and who died from unknown cosmic radiation in the comics)

- I'm still believe Capt. Marvel only did very well at the box office (astounding box office numbers, BTW) because many knew it was going to be
lead and tied into Avengers End Game - which Infinity and End Game would shatter every box office opening record ever known in cinema history.
so any character tied into Avengers was bound to profit. - Which Capt. Marvel

- As far as Brie Larson, her acting and appeal, by comparisons it doesn't go over as convincing and inspiring as say Gal Galbot who portrays Wonder Woman.

- Facial expressions.., body language,.. delivery range of emotions such as mourning sorrow and tears, voice tone in certain spots, moments, situations,
Can she make and deliver the role as ' realistic' .. instead of one looking more like she's reading and reciting from a paper script.
In fact, Larson very much remind me of January Jones school of acting... stone cold, straight face, dry acting.
Which saga was the biggest in Xmen history ? ... Phoenix saga ?... Age of Apocalypse ?.... The Brood ? .... or Days of Future Past ?

I would guess the Phoenix sage, ..right ?
oh man. That is a great question.

Days of Future Past was fairly brief, with two, maybe three issues at most, all under the Uncanny title. The dynamic change from the "usual" everyday mutant experience, although often filled with peril, mirrored normalcy. Then DFP comes along and flips everything upside down. A dreadful bleak future. Dead mutants, even the heavy hitters are gone. A desperate hypertensive secret mission is devised to reverse all that had transpired. It was an excellent time travel/paradox plot.

Not sure if Marvel ever rebooted The Brood Saga after I stopped buying comics on a weekly basis. I remember the original story, which solely fell under the Uncanny title like DFP. I will say this as a movie horror fan. That story reminded me so much of John Carpenter's The Thing. I mean, HOW can the team survive after being abducted and transformed into hideous Alien looking parasites? And yeah. They LOOKED like Ridley Scott's creatures but the transformation process reminded me moreso of The Thing because the eggs they laid inside a host converted the entire body instead of the parasite popping out of the person's body. The story was sublime and awesome.

The Dark Phoenix Saga still takes my breath away. To me, Jean Grey was a beloved character. She was originally the meek Marvel Girl, who matured over time into a well-rounded mutant superhero of her own before the infamous space shuttle mission. Cosmic being and mutant merged into one being. After that new hybrid character take root over a short time, Chris Claremont and John Bryne allowed TDPS to take Jean and the rest of the team down into a hell hole, with the Hellfire Club being the catalyst of Dark Phoenix's emergence. I could be wrong but I think it was the first time the title itself went cosmic. Jean freaking destroyed an entire solar system. An ENTIRE solar system. Like it was nothing. Xavier and Beast got her mind back under control just in time for the Shi'ar to swoop in and put The Phoenix on trial for genocide. Jean makes the ultimate sacrifice in the end, saving Scott and the everyone else (maybe in the entire galaxy or more) from utter destruction. I am almost tempted to say TDPS was the biggest except...

Age of Apocalypse.

Marvel Comics had this idea. Place the X-Men at the center of its universe. Have events warp reality itself into a totally different one even more bleak than what was seen in DFP. And connected EVERY <expletive> X-Men publication title to that story. No X-title (What? Seven? Eight? I do not remember exactly how many publications got lumped in) was spared. Every character in the "normal" universe was twisted under Apocalypse's shadow. Good guys became bad guys. Bad guys became good guys. So much to discuss. Do not have that kind of time though lol. Little things were fantastic. Like. How the HECK did Wolverine end up one handed?????? Oh. Cyclops optic beamed that hand into nothingness that's how. And that reveal did not surface until well into the saga that last an ENTIRE year. TWELVE months. 12. And his Horsemen! All bad <expletive>. And the main man himself, Apocalypse, was so utterly evil, not only wiping out the whole homo sapien race in favor of homo superior all over the North American continent and was about to expand his genocidal campaign regularly across the globe before he was stopped. He was even more cruel towards mutants he considered weak.

And all this happened without Charles Xavier.

Biggest? In my opinion, it's AOA. Final answer.

Edit: Left out Byrne's name again. What is WRONG with me? :banghead:
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For those not as familiar with Carol Danvers,(per her own Marvel comic book series), she went by the title of Ms Marvel ..but the studios decided to change her title to
Captain Marvel. ..excluding the actual Captain Mar-vell who already had his own comic book series too .. (and who died from unknown cosmic radiation in the comics)
Gonna go super nerd for a sec.

Mar-vell was the original male character's Kree name. His superhero name was Captain Marvel (no hyphen). Mar-vell died of cancer from the radiation you mentioned, a unique ending for a comics character at the time. In the comics, Danvers adopted Mar-vell's title following his death. The female character was Captain Marvel before the movie version was made.

Off-topic: I still consider the male Captain Marvel's uniform one of the best designs ever drawn in comics.
Coke? wow. Okay. does an extremely good job of biography write-ups. Here is Carol Danvers' page.

Let's pretend for a moment. You are the casting director. Are there names you would suggest could have played the character better than Larsen? Personally, I would foresee a brief list but a long list would be an interesting read for me.
Holy crap, she's been around! After reading all that, I definitely see her as a good casting choice. Does the Avengers saga we've been watching fall in at all with her story? It seems like her story was completely rewritten.
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I think she was a terrible choice given what I know about the character....or I should say the angle she chose to play her, or how she was directed to play her. It might not have been her choice at all... But how she was presented personality-wise is not in line with what I know of her. Maybe I'm wrong.

Ditto here.

and i really tried to by pass Brie Larson's dry, stone cold facial acting. She just doesn't come on as convincing and inspiring.
And especially for such a highlighted regarded role, especially a solo female super hero, she just has to bring it bigger than just action sequences and showing anger.

In just a recent post, I made the comparisons to Gal Galbot who portrays Wonder Woman.
When i see Galbot, she delivered me the character of Wonder Woman/Diana Princess
(though just like Clarke Kent, how the hell does mere, simple eyeglasses hide facial identity ? ..LOL)

But Larson, she just brings that same ole dry face. And they won't ever be able to expand her role with emotional moments.
Ditto here.

and i really tried to by pass Brie Larson's dry, stone cold facial acting. She just doesn't come on as convincing and inspiring.
And especially for such a highlighted regarded role, especially a solo female super hero, she just has to bring it bigger than just action sequences and showing anger.

In just a recent post, I made the comparisons to Gal Galbot who portrays Wonder Woman.
When i see Galbot, she delivered me the character of Wonder Woman/Diana Princess
(though just like Clarke Kent, how the hell does mere, simple eyeglasses hide facial identity ? ..LOL)

But Larson, she just brings that same ole dry face. And they won't ever be able to expand her role with emotional moments.
Holy crap, she's been around! After reading all that, I definitely see her as a good casting choice. Does the Avengers saga we've been watching for in at all with her story? It seems like her story was completely rewritten.
You are correct. They re-wrote the origin story to loosely match that of the original male character's.
Gonna go super nerd for a sec.

Mar-vell was the original male character's Kree name. His superhero name was Captain Marvel (no hyphen). Mar-vell died of cancer from the radiation you mentioned, a unique ending for a comics character at the time. In the comics, Danvers adopted Mar-vell's title following his death. The female character was Captain Marvel before the movie version was made.

Off-topic: I still consider the male Captain Marvel's uniform one of the best designs ever drawn in comics.

I also loved the original Captain Marvel costume, along with his * Nega-Bands * ... (and yes, Marvel Comics' Captain. Marvel,.. not DC's Shazam's Capt. Marvel)

But i also give kudos to Marvel Comics for upgrading Ms. Marvel ole school cosmic costume, to a more dazzling pazzazzy black and gold costume.

Also wasn't there another Captain Marvel that arrived on the scene years later ? Marvel Comics introduced a black female Capt. Marvel that could transform her body
into several forms of living light and radiation ?.. Including traveling at the speed of light ?

She initially joined the West Coast Avengers I believe.
Coke? wow. Okay. does an extremely good job of biography write-ups. Here is Carol Danvers' page.

Let's pretend for a moment. You are the casting director. Are there names you would suggest could have played the character better than Larsen? Personally, I would foresee a brief list but a long list would be an interesting read for me.

The problem is that I don't know all of the available options, including unknowns. I always thought Carol Danvers was more charismatic...a leader. I wouldn't follow Brie Larson's Captain Marvel. Carol Danvers, while cool and collected, shows vastly more emotion that Brie. You have to remember that shows a character's history, and their personality as they are now... they get frequent rewrites based on writers. Who she was when I was reading is not who she is now.

There one one moment that I saw Carol Danvers in her.. only one. That's when she was standing over Peter Parker in Endgame. The rest she was wooden.
The problem is that I don't know all of the available options, including unknowns. I always thought Carol Danvers was more charismatic...a leader. I wouldn't follow Brie Larson's Captain Marvel. Carol Danvers, while cool and collected, shows vastly more emotion that Brie. You have to remember that shows a character's history, and their personality as they are now... they get frequent rewrites based on writers. Who she was when I was reading is not who she is now.

There one one moment that I saw Carol Danvers in her.. only one. That's when she was standing over Peter Parker in Endgame. The rest she was wooden.
I get the dialogue delivery and "wooden" observations others see. In my eyes, I see Larsen portraying a character on-screen who may have been more carefree before she was abducted by the Kree (as seen in flashbacks of her memories laughing, singing, etc.) and becoming more cynical due to her mind coping with the mental deception inflicted by her captors. Also, I attribute some of the wooden aura to her attempting (I say succeeding) a military persona. She was Air Force and then received Kree warrior training on top of it. I saw "wooden" in Steve Rogers also but assigned that to his Army/military persona but that is just me.

It has been my opinion that directors have, for the most part, tired capturing these characters as "real" people in "real life" settings as possible. Some have pulled it off better with actors than others. I love how Carol Danvers is used in cartoons and animated movies. She is usually shown as high spirited, even occasionally rambunctious. She is somewhat more restrained during her appearance in Disney's What If? series. For me, I prefer Larsen's portrayal over what she or another actress could have copied from these other examples of the character.
I also loved the original Captain Marvel costume, along with his * Nega-Bands * ... (and yes, Marvel Comics' Captain. Marvel,.. not DC's Shazam's Capt. Marvel)

But i also give kudos to Marvel Comics for upgrading Ms. Marvel ole school cosmic costume, to a more dazzling pazzazzy black and gold costume.

Also wasn't there another Captain Marvel that arrived on the scene years later ? Marvel Comics introduced a black female Capt. Marvel that could transform her body
into several forms of living light and radiation ?.. Including traveling at the speed of light ?

She initially joined the West Coast Avengers I believe.

Monica Tambeau. Daughter of Carol Danvers’s friend Maria. A kid in the first Captain Marvel film, grown up in WandaVision. She’s supposed to be featured in The Marvels, the Captain Marvel sequel.
I also loved the original Captain Marvel costume, along with his * Nega-Bands * ... (and yes, Marvel Comics' Captain. Marvel,.. not DC's Shazam's Capt. Marvel)
:hammer:on his Nega Bands. Those were awesome fictional concepts.

But i also give kudos to Marvel Comics for upgrading Ms. Marvel ole school cosmic costume, to a more dazzling pazzazzy black and gold costume.
Opinions differ. :p

Also wasn't there another Captain Marvel that arrived on the scene years later ? Marvel Comics introduced a black female Capt. Marvel that could transform her body
into several forms of living light and radiation ?.. Including traveling at the speed of light ?

She initially joined the West Coast Avengers I believe.
You are thinking of Monica Rambeau. She was introduced into the MCU via Disney's WandaVision. Not sure if she will pop up soon but expect to see her, Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel in the film The Marvels.

It will be fun seeing how well they translate Monica's full abilities to the big screen. The audience saw only tiny glimpses of what she is capable of in WandaVision.
Monica Tambeau. Daughter of Carol Danvers’s friend Maria. A kid in the first Captain Marvel film, grown up in WandaVision. She’s supposed to be featured in The Marvels, the Captain Marvel sequel.
Beat me to it. :thumbup:
:hammer:on his Nega Bands. Those were awesome fictional concepts.

Opinions differ. :p

You are thinking of Monica Rambeau. She was introdced into the MCU via Disney's WandaVision. Not sure if she will pop up soon but expect to see her, Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel in the film The Marvels.

It will be fun seeing how well they translate Monica's full abilities to the big screen. The audience saw only tiny glimpses of what she is capable of in WandaVision.

They could also go by her other name: Spectrum

Speaking of another character they'll have to carefully write for given what she really could do with her powers... lol