Comics and Movies - DC vs Marvel Final 4 Round Post 4442

DC vs Marvel Final Four (Max 2 Votes)

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Do ya'll remember the " What If " ..Marvel Comics ?

Which "What If " comic issue(s) was your favorite(s) and most interesting ?














Yeah, I do not let much go. :p To be fair, he referred to the bar code box and not a bar code.

I do agree with him that there is very little need for barcodes on the front of not just comics but any type of publication. For example, magazines have them commonly on their front cover but barcodes are usually seen on the backs of hardcover books. Heck. Even greeting cards have barcodes on their back cover and those things are usually quick once or twice read before being discarded, lol!

Simple economics. The back covers were almost always ads from companies that paid for the entire back the bar code had to go somewhere else to not affect ad revenue.
Simple economics. The back covers were almost always ads from companies that paid for the entire back the bar code had to go somewhere else to not affect ad revenue.
that is a good point , but you could tell the advertiser the back covers will have the bar code, at bottom right corner, and to design their add around it.
They would still buy the add.
well no barcode but the box is there and for what reason? to put spiderman in it? lol
As someone who's only seen a couple dozen comic books, none of which were mine, I assumed that box was there just to show that it was part of the Spider-Man series.
Wow, just couldn't let that go, huh?:laugh:

I was pointing out the irony that he chose an image without the bar code.:p
Well I was just reposting the cover I liked then thought to add the bit on barcode boxes. they were on the cover with or without barcodes.
and really better to just have a price on the cover than a barcode. all cash registers can do a manual ring up for item with no barcode.
Well I was just reposting the cover I liked then thought to add the bit on barcode boxes. they were on the cover with or without barcodes.
and really better to just have a price on the cover than a barcode. all cash registers can do a manual ring up for item with no barcode.
Oh I wasn't making any kind of statement against you, brother, I just love irony. :thumbup:
Can't remember exactly, right around issues #77-79, so firmly in the John Buscema era with Ernie Chan inking, he was great penciler as well, but loved his inks over Buscema's pencils. It took awhile to collect some of the Barry Smith issues, grew up in a small town that didn't have a comic book shop, so had order them or at the flea market when we could find a way out there and they were pretty pricey at the time. Fortunately, found some of the BWS stuff that got reprinted in Savage Sword of Conan and some of the other mags of the day.

The art of BWS is just insane, the amount of detail..... his stuff was beautiful. Roy Thomas did do a great job in writing, he was pretty faithful to Howard's original work.

I had a couple of Frazetta posters as well, also had a couple of his artbooks.
yeah Barrys art was fantastic, especially if he did his own inks. What marvel should have done is make conan bi monthly, or put buscema on the book earlier,
and then let Barry do mini series, take his time, do some great art to a howard story, then great colors. and release it when finished.
He was in UK at the time, and he had to mail is work to NY ! lol and one time the art got lost, so they did a fill in story, and I dont think
the art was ever found! all that work for nothing. Should have been set up to just print those in UK. Have a small marvel office there.

I got in on Conan around issue 23, but since I could go to other stores and get older issues for cover price, I got back to issue 13 the rest I had to pick
up at comic stores. or cons. I didnt care for the buscema version, I bought it for about a year and it was ok, but his version was like a older conan,
where as Barry did a young Conan.
I agree. Bar codes often ruin the covers of men's magazines as well. (No, that's not taking a shot at comic book readers.;))
publishers have no respect for the covers of their mags.
With comics, it was hand drawn art, so putting that and even the comics code thing, and other word banners, is all disrespecting the art.
I found out the comics code stamp was from the comic companys themselves lol. they wanted it there to make parents think this comic
is A OK for your kid lol.
Comics got a bad rap from some dude back in early 50's saying studies showed kids who read comics turned to crime lol.
and back then comics were unrestricted, but the main books that got a little seedy were not the super hero books, but other comix.
At one point marvel which was atlas at the time laid off everyone but stan, and because he was related to them he kept his job, which
at that point was just to come into the office and read or kill time as he was the only one there lol. pretty cool job ! Just kill time.
I can kill time with the best of them so that would be a good job for me!

I have to say the main reason I bought comics, was the covers, the art and colors. Most in early marvels was Kirby, and I liked his art.
ditko spiderman were great too. I only collected them because they had the numbers ! Oh man I need # 10 , even if it was not very good issue,
had to have it to have ALL the numbers ! lol.

just imagine comics with no covers, no one would collect them or be as attracted to them.

As a young kid, I would cut the covers off and staple them on the wall ! I did that with Amz fantasy 15 and spidey # 1 lol
pretty smart kid huh? Fortunately I quit that as I didnt like the books having no cover.
Not sure why but your comment made me think of how I would assign old style school grades to the Marvel superhero movies distributed by Fox. No pluses or minuses either. Just straight:

A = 4
B = 3
C = 2
D = 1
F = 0​

--according to how I felt the movie matched the comic book material in my opinion. These would be my grades (provided I did not omit any the studio's films):

B X-Men (2000)
D Daredevil (2003)
B X2 (2003)
F Elektra (2005)
C Fantastic Four (2005)
F X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
C Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)
D X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
A X-Men: First Class (2011)
C The Wolverine (2013)
B X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
F Fantastic Four (2015)
B Deadpool (2016)
C X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
A Logan (2017)
C Deadpool 2 (2018)
F X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
D The New Mutants (2020)

My overall grade would be 1.8, rounded off to a 2 or a C. That would match my blanket judgment of Fox's efforts. In other words, just average altogether.

Thinking about doing a report card for Disney and its MCU. Somehow I get the feeling my grade for them will not be quite as low as Fox's. :p As far as the X-Men films, I had the urge to re-post one of my favorite animated gifs I created concerning them too. :D

Spider man rocks!
Do ya'll remember the " What If " ..Marvel Comics ?

Which "What If " comic issue(s) was your favorite(s) and most interesting ?

Part 2: ...... " What If ? " Marvel Comics......


Just excellent choices. The What If..? Korvac issue may be my favorite of the bunch because it told a story where Michael did NOT take his own life and spared all the numerous heroes, whom he could have easily killed. Here are few of my favorites that were not listed:




Just excellent choices. The What If..? Korvac issue may be my favorite of the bunch because it told a story where Michael did NOT take his own life and spared all the numerous heroes, whom he could have easily killed. Here are few of my favorites that were not listed:




Wow .. i did not know the Richards couple even had a second child
.. i thought it was only Franklin Richards. ........:eek:
Wow .. i did not know the Richards couple even had a second child
.. i thought it was only Franklin Richards. ........:eek:

Susan Richards had a miscarriage between the events of the Secret Wars and She-Hulk officially joining of the Fantastic Four. However, the premise, that many characters never truly die in comics, was true in this case as well.

Almost 20 years later in real time, Marvel Comics used Franklin Richards powers to resurrect his sister and transport her to a different reality (yay! the muliverse!). Valeria Richards was raised by another version of Susan and Victor Von Doom.

It gets weirder. Eventually, Valeria is returned to Earth 616's Susan as an unborn and was RE-born. This time Susan's difficult birth did not end in tragedy. Valeria is as smart (if not smarter) as her father and has her mother's abilities.

And, oh yeah. Valeria is named after Dr. Doom's crush from when he was a young man. He got the opportunity to name Valeria after helping safely deliver her. Yep. Another LONG story. :muttley:

Just excellent choices. The What If..? Korvac issue may be my favorite of the bunch because it told a story where Michael did NOT take his own life and spared all the numerous heroes, whom he could have easily killed. Here are few of my favorites that were not listed:




That Silver Surfer Infinite Gaunlet issue is one i need to get! ... i never heard of that "What If " issue.
I wonder if such a vast weapon along with the Surfer's power cosmic make him even more powerful than the Beyonder himself.

According the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Book of the Dead) ..the Beyonder was the most powerful being ever to exist in the Multi-verse.
He was only limited by the level of his imagination.

And if i can remember the Most Powerful Beings ever in the entire Marvel Universe were:
-the Beyonder
-the Living Tribunal
-the Celestials
- the Watchers
- Lord Chaos and Master Order

Am i missing anyone else?
And i still get confused with what exact ranking was the power of the Molecule Man.

I once thought Galactus or Odin would've been in that mix among the most powerful beings ever, but I surprisingly learned that it isn't the case.
That Silver Surfer Infinite Gaunlet issue is one i need to get! ... i never heard of that "What If " issue.
I wonder if such a vast weapon along with the Surfer's power cosmic make him even more powerful than the Beyonder himself.

According the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Book of the Dead) ..the Beyonder was the most powerful being ever to exist in the Multi-verse.
He was only limited by the level of his imagination.

And if i can remember the Most Powerful Beings ever in the entire Marvel Universe were:
-the Beyonder
-the Living Tribunal
-the Celestials
- the Watchers
- Lord Chaos and Master Order

Am i missing anyone else?
And i still get confused with what exact ranking was the power of the Molecule Man.

I once thought Galactus or Odin would've been in that mix among the most powerful beings ever, but I surprisingly learned that it isn't the case.
Not sure what the ranking would be but one glaring omission is the Phoenix Force. From those five, I would slot it above the Celestials, the Watchers and even Lord Chaos and Master Order.

Molecule Man's true power limits have always confused me. Just how powerful is he? He definitely belongs in the Top 20 or Top 25 in my opinion.

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