Commanders will bring there A game,cowboys be..

CowboyBlog;1770742 said:
The redskisn are just two last second field goal plays away from being ranked behind the vikes and the falcons in the nfc playoff hunt.

Throw in the Cards game and they could be 2-8. The ONLY game we had a remote chance of losing was the Bills game. They are what they are, a .500 team if they are at their best.
CowboyBlog;1770733 said:
I will actually be lurking on their forum if we blow them out. I love reading their misery.

90% of them will be calling for the coaches and players to quit. The other 10% will be formulated exuses and reasons why they should run the table and make the playoffs.

The first 90% will be cussing at them.

Both catagories of Commander fans will still be arguing that America's Team really isn't that good and the refs cheat.

Is Art still there banning everyone who doesn't believe the Skins are the greatest thing since sliced bread ?
Jarv;1770765 said:
Is Art still there banning everyone who doesn't believe the Skins are the greatest thing since sliced bread ?

I've been there for some time, and I really haven't seen many instances of this "big bad Art".

Of course, he makes a couple of BS threads about how he told off some Cowboys fan at a Commanders game.

I've never really seen the Mods do a mass ban. IMO, the Mods are prone to being unfair, but when it all comes down to it, they're well meaning. Annoying, but well meaning.
superpunk;1770715 said:

there - adverb - meaning in or at a place.
their - pronoun - a form of the possessive case of "they"
they're - a contraction of "they are"

Learn them. This isn't third grade anymore.

get a life!!!
Dude, I thought if ever there was a Dallas/Washington week that you guys wouldn't talk ****, this would be it. The Cowboys are a very good team and on a roll.

Washington, on the other hand, is lucky they didn't lose to Winless Miami and the horrible Jets in overtime and even luckier that Rackers missed that last second FG and allowed Washington to win over Arizona. Do you know how incredibly close you guys are to having lost 3 more games?

You were thisclose to losing to those 3 crappy teams and sitting here at 2-7 with your only wins being against a Detroit team that has no defense and an awful Philly squad that just beat you.

Do you understand that? My God... why would you even talk about an "A" game with a "D" team?

Washington is really awful and your QB has nearly identical stats to Quincy Carter and Joey Harrington, both when they were in their third season, like Campbell.

You have no passing game to speak of and your defense is getting softer as the season progresses, just like I predicted. Your front 4 is weak and old and I knew they'd crash as the season went along.

You need to be talking trash to Dolphin and Jet fans and leave the big boys alone. Just like your team... you're out of your league in here.

Now go make a link to this thread in ES and tell all your buddies how you've put us in our places. :rolleyes:
Avery;1770703 said:
IF the Commanders are gonna make anything out of this season...

Fixed that for you.

They'll need their A game... maybe their A+ game.

Is it possible to get a A+++++ because without unhealthy wideouts thats what there going to need to be us.
superpunk;1770715 said:

there - adverb - meaning in or at a place.
their - pronoun - a form of the possessive case of "they"
they're - a contraction of "they are"

Learn them. This isn't third grade anymore.

AMEN Superpunk!

Obviously, "No Child Left Behind" was not fully successful.
Big Dakota;1770754 said:
Throw in the Cards game and they could be 2-8. The ONLY game we had a remote chance of losing was the Bills game. They are what they are, a .500 team if they are at their best.
The idiots at ES believes they are three quarters away from being 8 - 1. :laugh2:
redskins1;1770700 said:
look for my Commanders to bring there A game tomorrow..throw out how we have been playing and forget your 8 n 1 record..IF the Commanders are gonna make anything out of this season and make a run at the playoffs,they must and will give there best effort of the season..stay fat and happy cowboys the Commanders are coming!!!:D
is this the same A game you brought to the beagles last week:lmao2:
tomson75;1770813 said:
...from the guy posting ridiculous garbage on an opposing team's message board. Hmmm....
:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :skins: :suxskins: :dissskin: :redwhine: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:
"A" Game????

Do they even play professional sports in DC? Your "A" game would still get you beat 8 out of 10 times against St. Mary Catherine Girls Prep Flag Football Team.
redskins1;1770700 said:
look for my Commanders to bring there A game tomorrow..throw out how we have been playing and forget your 8 n 1 record..IF the Commanders are gonna make anything out of this season and make a run at the playoffs,they must and will give there best effort of the season..stay fat and happy cowboys the Commanders are coming!!!:D

We don't have to be afraid of the Commanders A game.

You have improved though, usually you bring up games from 20 years ago to try and show the Commanders will beat us.
redskins1;1770700 said:
look for my Commanders to bring there A game tomorrow..throw out how we have been playing and forget your 8 n 1 record..IF the Commanders are gonna make anything out of this season and make a run at the playoffs,they must and will give there best effort of the season..stay fat and happy cowboys the Commanders are coming!!!:D

Who said they wouldnt?

That is what this rivalry is all about. It doesnt make any sense then to say we should expect you to play well and then at the same time ignore the fact that we have been playing well.

That makes no sense whatsoever.
CowboyBlog;1770733 said:
I will actually be lurking on their forum if we blow them out. I love reading their misery.

90% of them will be calling for the coaches and players to quit. The other 10% will be formulated exuses and reasons why they should run the table and make the playoffs.

The first 90% will be cussing at them.

Both catagories of Commander fans will still be arguing that America's Team really isn't that good and the refs cheat.

I've been over at ES and I almost have to concur with you. There only seems to be about a dozen or so Commanders fans over there that are interested in talking about football on a rational level.

That place has too many Commanders fans who just want to be Cowboys haters and nothing else.

Oh well.
I really had alot of funny things to say about this "A" game you refer to, but my boys have covered everything on this thread. Thanks guys, I can always count on you when trolls slip through the cracks.
redskins1;1770700 said:
look for my Commanders to bring there A game tomorrow..throw out how we have been playing and forget your 8 n 1 record..IF the Commanders are gonna make anything out of this season and make a run at the playoffs,they must and will give there best effort of the season..stay fat and happy cowboys the Commanders are coming!!!:D

Lucky for you, the Cowboys are not as greedy as the Pats or this could be the worst defeat in your teams history.


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