Commercials That Nerve You The Most

Any friggin' commercial with a Trump impersonator...Not that I care about making fun of him, just that they all suck, and the jokes are corny.
Most McDonald's commercials with all the Hip In- Crowd smiling and "LOVING IT" because when I go to McDonalds all I see is overweight people and parents letting their annoying kids go ballistic in there and employees who look like they hate their job and want to go postal.
Doesn't this guy own another color shirt? Can't believe folks fall for this $50 pillow. ...

The "up-talking" blond woman in that one MyPillow commercial is like fingernails on a blackboard to me.... make a freakin' declarative statement would ya?

On a local level, everyone of these knuckleheads who runs their kids or grandkids out there trying to sell me everything from septic service to furniture to cars makes me nuts. "Yeah sure, I'll spend $30k on a car because your 3 year-old said I should." :cool:
Most McDonald's commercials with all the Hip In- Crowd smiling and "LOVING IT" because when I go to McDonalds all I see is overweight people and parents letting their annoying kids go ballistic in there and employees who look like they hate their job and want to go postal.

Yep, haven't eaten there in years and don't miss it. All of them could up and vanish and I wouldn't give 2 cares.
Most McDonald's commercials with all the Hip In- Crowd smiling and "LOVING IT" because when I go to McDonalds all I see is overweight people and parents letting their annoying kids go ballistic in there and employees who look like they hate their job and want to go postal.
OMG, too funny AND TRUE.
Local Commercial...Posted this multiple times.

Watch how many time they show her shoulders and there is no strap until the big reveal and the strap is obvious but when she takes off running again...NO STRAP...stupid but drives me crazy.

The flo ones are hit or miss, the soap opera ones with susan lucci are pretty funny
The flo ones are hit or miss, the soap opera ones with susan lucci are pretty funny
But only because of Susan Lucci.....I have to say that, although it's not particularly funny, in the camping Flo commercial, she did a pretty good job of portraying the different characters.
The Sprint commercial in which the former Verizon spokesman is in the park. We're supposed to believe he had a big long list of reasons to switch, but after 2 unconvincing reasons, he's suddenly distracted enough to tap on the screen and ask if we're watching him on the "amazing iPhone 7".....How stupid do they think people are?....and are they right?

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