Common sense steps to turn this franchise around


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So....I’m ready to start thinking about how to revive this sinking ship, starting in 2020 in hopes of getting our edge back. Below are TWO BIG THINGS this team needs now to be truly competitive again in two simple bullet points:
  • Hire a real head coach with full absolute team authority that all players answer to.
  • Allow that head coach to transform this soft, country club culture into a physically and mentally tough team of players and coaches.
1. Jerry must hire a strong HC (Absolute MUST- All other move’s success depends on this!) A HC who will have full and complete command of the team, the locker room, serve as primary team spokesman, and be in charge of discipline. Basically the way Jimmy and Parcells were. Period. The HC has 5 years to win or another is brought in.

2. The new HC hires his own staff- No one is is to be forced on him by the Jones Cartel. Because the HC will be accountable, he gets to hire his people.

3. An emphasis is placed on making this a tougher culture. Find a coach that will hold players accountable to high standards of performance. Does not require Jerry’s approval to cut someone. This culture is as soft as a baby’s cheeks. Toughness- both physical and mental is needed! This team is one of the softest in the league and the new coach must be able to address that immediately.

4. Draft with a clear philosophy for toughness along with more value added for positions such as S and DT. For too long, this team has undervalued the key positions of Safety and Defensive Tackle. How many times have we passed over big talent at both positions in high rounds putting our hope in 6th round safeties or long range project DT players (like this years #2 draft pick) that aren’t ready to play.
  • Dak Prescott is not the big problem. We can win with this guy under the right coach and system.
  • Jerry and Stephen need to shut up. Get off the radio shows and stop the post game conferences. Your new head coach needs to speak for all things regarding the on the field matters. If Jerry absolutely must talk, make it about the financial side of things.
  • As a show of good will to our long suffering fans, Jerry should at the very least freeze all ticket and concession prices. If he wants to be even better, cut ticket prices 10% next year to show the fans he appreciates their long support.
I realize Jerry will probably never do any of this. But it’s a sane path to get better. And it’s within his power to do and receive “big credit” when it works.

Do it Jerry!


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I believe if a strong HC is hired with full authority that can transform this country sugar daddy club culture into a real NFL team, we can do something. How bad does Jerry really want to win?


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Common sense tells me you'll get what Jerry wants and keep watching/paying so there is no reason for him to give a damn or change what he's done. He's never giving up control again.


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good post! i agree with every thing except dak not being the big problem.’s true he’s not THE big problem, but he will be a REAL BIG problem if they pay him the type of money he wants.


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So....I’m ready to start thinking about how to revive this sinking ship, starting in 2020 in hopes of getting our edge back. Below are TWO BIG THINGS this team needs now to be truly competitive again in two simple bullet points:
  • Hire a real head coach with full absolute team authority that all players answer to.
  • Allow that head coach to transform this soft, country club culture into a physically and mentally tough team of players and coaches.
1. Jerry must hire a strong HC (Absolute MUST- All other move’s success depends on this!) A HC who will have full and complete command of the team, the locker room, serve as primary team spokesman, and be in charge of discipline. Basically the way Jimmy and Parcells were. Period. The HC has 5 years to win or another is brought in.

2. The new HC hires his own staff- No one is is to be forced on him by the Jones Cartel. Because the HC will be accountable, he gets to hire his people.

3. An emphasis is placed on making this a tougher culture. Find a coach that will hold players accountable to high standards of performance. Does not require Jerry’s approval to cut someone. This culture is as soft as a baby’s cheeks. Toughness- both physical and mental is needed! This team is one of the softest in the league and the new coach must be able to address that immediately.

4. Draft with a clear philosophy for toughness along with more value added for positions such as S and DT. For too long, this team has undervalued the key positions of Safety and Defensive Tackle. How many times have we passed over big talent at both positions in high rounds putting our hope in 6th round safeties or long range project DT players (like this years #2 draft pick) that aren’t ready to play.
  • Dak Prescott is not the big problem. We can win with this guy under the right coach and system.
  • Jerry and Stephen need to shut up. Get off the radio shows and stop the post game conferences. Your new head coach needs to speak for all things regarding the on the field matters. If Jerry absolutely must talk, make it about the financial side of things.
  • As a show of good will to our long suffering fans, Jerry should at the very least freeze all ticket and concession prices. If he wants to be even better, cut ticket prices 10% next year to show the fans he appreciates their long support.
I realize Jerry will probably never do any of this. But it’s a sane path to get better. And it’s within his power to do and receive “big credit” when it works.

Do it Jerry!
So basically you want Jerry to fire Jerry.....Yup that's what this team needs. But it aint gunna happen. Sorry.


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If I remember correctly, and it is very possible I don't, Garrett did this when he first took over. I remember Garrett having the team practice in shells and hitting. He brought in his guys and turned the season around (sort of). It was short-lived, though, because Jerry choked away Garrett's authority and control of the team. Now mind you, I am not saying Garrett is a good coach or diverting blame. I am just saying Jerry simply can't help himself. His identity is clearly the Dallas Cowboys because nobody wants to put the 6th best businessman on TV every week.


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Jerry is the problem. I agree that JJ has undermined JG to the point where we have no choice but to fire him no matter what happens in the playoffs if we even make the playoffs. But Jerry also undermined The bringing in TO. A strong coach wont matter if JJ doesnt change.


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Jerry needs to hire someone with the ability to make coaching and personnel changes. This is what Stephen should be doing as part owner and the guy writing contracts. Need someone not afraid to make a change even if it doesn't necessarily make a big difference. Forbath should have been brought in sooner, Chris Jones should have been replaced too, the ST coach should have been replaced. Someone needs to have this ability and willing to use it at anytime to make the team better constantly.


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A very, very large part of the issue is that too many of the players around here have already been damaged as far as things like mental toughness and how to prepare both mentally and physically.

Just because you bring in a staff that demands accountability doesnt mean everyone is going to comply.

It's not an instant transformation of players attitudes, its perform or else. The "or else" part means some getting with the program, but others getting cut or benched.

They have known country club and glitz over winning since birth in the league. You think guys like 54 and 90, who have already been paid are going to deal with discipline well?

New schemes are a given. The offense probably only needs a tweak or two personnel wise. The defense, between the above, and the overall miserable players passed off as NFL starters, needs a complete overhaul, and that's going to take time.


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So....I’m ready to start thinking about how to revive this sinking ship, starting in 2020 in hopes of getting our edge back. Below are TWO BIG THINGS this team needs now to be truly competitive again in two simple bullet points:
  • Hire a real head coach with full absolute team authority that all players answer to.
  • Allow that head coach to transform this soft, country club culture into a physically and mentally tough team of players and coaches.
1. Jerry must hire a strong HC (Absolute MUST- All other move’s success depends on this!) A HC who will have full and complete command of the team, the locker room, serve as primary team spokesman, and be in charge of discipline. Basically the way Jimmy and Parcells were. Period. The HC has 5 years to win or another is brought in.

2. The new HC hires his own staff- No one is is to be forced on him by the Jones Cartel. Because the HC will be accountable, he gets to hire his people.

3. An emphasis is placed on making this a tougher culture. Find a coach that will hold players accountable to high standards of performance. Does not require Jerry’s approval to cut someone. This culture is as soft as a baby’s cheeks. Toughness- both physical and mental is needed! This team is one of the softest in the league and the new coach must be able to address that immediately.

4. Draft with a clear philosophy for toughness along with more value added for positions such as S and DT. For too long, this team has undervalued the key positions of Safety and Defensive Tackle. How many times have we passed over big talent at both positions in high rounds putting our hope in 6th round safeties or long range project DT players (like this years #2 draft pick) that aren’t ready to play.
  • Dak Prescott is not the big problem. We can win with this guy under the right coach and system.
  • Jerry and Stephen need to shut up. Get off the radio shows and stop the post game conferences. Your new head coach needs to speak for all things regarding the on the field matters. If Jerry absolutely must talk, make it about the financial side of things.
  • As a show of good will to our long suffering fans, Jerry should at the very least freeze all ticket and concession prices. If he wants to be even better, cut ticket prices 10% next year to show the fans he appreciates their long support.
I realize Jerry will probably never do any of this. But it’s a sane path to get better. And it’s within his power to do and receive “big credit” when it works.

Do it Jerry!

Not going to happen. The billionaire drunk is more interested in playing with his toy the Dallas Cowboys rather then giving up his voice as the leader. We have no hope until Jerrah is buried and long gone.


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A very, very large part of the issue is that too many of the players around here have already been damaged as far as things like mental toughness and how to prepare both mentally and physically.

Just because you bring in a staff that demands accountability doesnt mean everyone is going to comply.

It's not an instant transformation of players attitudes, its perform or else. The "or else" part means some getting with the program, but others getting cut or benched.

They have known country club and glitz over winning since birth in the league. You think guys like 54 and 90, who have already been paid are going to deal with discipline well?

New schemes are a given. The offense probably only needs a tweak or two personnel wise. The defense, between the above, and the overall miserable players passed off as NFL starters, needs a complete overhaul, and that's going to take time

THANK YOU! People here really think a sudden HC change or new coaching staff is just going to switch everything. It won’t. You can’t change the habits and tendencies of grown men. Especially ones that have been in the league as long as our main players have. The culture switch will be too much and too hard to handle. These players are not miserable, but comfortable I should say. They know the culture of this team is “Who knows and who cares!?” And they carry that on their shoulders. 3rd and 1, Zeke takes himself out. Garrett doesn’t stop him, Moore doesn’t stop him, Gary Brown (RB coach) doesn’t stop him, “Who knows and who cares?”. Some players got their money and have nothing to be concerned about at the end of the day. Some players know Jerry will shell out money as long as they make one good play, so they have nothing to worry about either. “Who knows and who cares?”. Our players know no other organization in the league operates like this. On top of that, our players know they won’t be benched or punished for poor play (until now since Amari was benched for poor I guess? I don’t think he really cared but whatever). They manipulate the system. We just need to overhaul. See what happened when we brought in winners (Cobb, Bennett)? They were leaders. We need to bring in winning vets and bring in passionate, impressionable rookies with new coaching staff and start fresh. Players like 4, 21, 19, 54, 90, 99, 13, and even 31, 27, etc have been tainted.

A rebuild is what’s best. Not only of the coaches, but with players. Rams essentially rebuilt themselves from St. Louis, moved to LA, had a rough year, fired Fisher, got McVay to turn around this young, newly built roster, and got to a Superbowl (they didn’t win, but they got closer than we have).


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Just thought of this while reading a response....

It's quite possible the coaches dont want to hold someone like 21 accountable when he taps out is that they know it's going to turn into a fiasco, and Jerry will inevitably back the player.

Cancer. Complete and total cancer, and we will know soon if Jerry finally gets it or not by who he hires....and if we see a coordinator hired first, etc


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So....I’m ready to start thinking about how to revive this sinking ship, starting in 2020 in hopes of getting our edge back. Below are TWO BIG THINGS this team needs now to be truly competitive again in two simple bullet points:
  • Hire a real head coach with full absolute team authority that all players answer to.
  • Allow that head coach to transform this soft, country club culture into a physically and mentally tough team of players and coaches.
1. Jerry must hire a strong HC (Absolute MUST- All other move’s success depends on this!) A HC who will have full and complete command of the team, the locker room, serve as primary team spokesman, and be in charge of discipline. Basically the way Jimmy and Parcells were. Period. The HC has 5 years to win or another is brought in.

2. The new HC hires his own staff- No one is is to be forced on him by the Jones Cartel. Because the HC will be accountable, he gets to hire his people.

3. An emphasis is placed on making this a tougher culture. Find a coach that will hold players accountable to high standards of performance. Does not require Jerry’s approval to cut someone. This culture is as soft as a baby’s cheeks. Toughness- both physical and mental is needed! This team is one of the softest in the league and the new coach must be able to address that immediately.

4. Draft with a clear philosophy for toughness along with more value added for positions such as S and DT. For too long, this team has undervalued the key positions of Safety and Defensive Tackle. How many times have we passed over big talent at both positions in high rounds putting our hope in 6th round safeties or long range project DT players (like this years #2 draft pick) that aren’t ready to play.
  • Dak Prescott is not the big problem. We can win with this guy under the right coach and system.
  • Jerry and Stephen need to shut up. Get off the radio shows and stop the post game conferences. Your new head coach needs to speak for all things regarding the on the field matters. If Jerry absolutely must talk, make it about the financial side of things.
  • As a show of good will to our long suffering fans, Jerry should at the very least freeze all ticket and concession prices. If he wants to be even better, cut ticket prices 10% next year to show the fans he appreciates their long support.
I realize Jerry will probably never do any of this. But it’s a sane path to get better. And it’s within his power to do and receive “big credit” when it works.

Do it Jerry!

Agree with all points. Very simple, but Sufficient. Well Said.


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Jerry Jones was scared into hiring Parcells and giving him real power for a while. I don't know if he'll actually do it again or not, but there is a precedent for it.

Otherwise none of this really matters.

My take is you give a real coach the power and let him decide if Dak stays or goes. If he thinks he can do for Dak what Greg Roman did for Lamar Jackson, then let him try. If he wants to punt on Dak, that's fine too. Just give a real coach the power and let them have at it for 3 years.