Concussion Movie

Doc I've heard two things recently that have caught my attention--

1. That heading in kids in soccer is actually considered more serious and a bigger problem than kids football.

2. That there is a consensus building against turf fields because of the incidence in the rise of cancer due to the tire filling. NBC has got the attention of health officials on the dramatic increase in cancer among soccer goalies.

Any thoughts For parents with kids?

A multitude of objective third party studies have been done over the past 20 years on the safety of artificial turf.
In review of many of these, there is clearly no evidence that any significant chemical leaching occurs that would give an absorbed human concentration above that which is in typical suburban air.

Claims to the contrary have been examples of someone trying to fit limited info into a specific agenda.
Yes I agree. It is a sad thing that the only way to test for CTE is through death. So no concrete evidence will ever come to light. However. It doesn't take a degree in medicine to figure it out. In my opinion.

I agree.

I think the NFL or any sport, should strive to improve the safety of that sport. But by the same token, the athletes and parents involved need to acknowledge the risk in involved accept that there is a potential price to pay for playing a sport.

I never heard about the soccer issues. I played soccer my whole life. Until an acl tear ended my playing days. I'm going to look into that issue. Thanks for bringing that to light. I would have never known.

It's particularly an issue with women...especially female college soccer players. IIRC, college female players are 6 times more likely to get a concussion than an NFL player.

It's particularly an issue with women...especially female college soccer players. IIRC, college female players are 6 times more likely to get a concussion than an NFL player.


Wow. That is a crazy Stat. I can recall a few times feeling dizzy and dazed after a ball to the face or going up for a header. Never thought it was a concussion. Damn. Thanks for ruining my day haha. The only concussion I got playing soccer was when I was tripped in the box and went headfirst into the goal post. tell you, don't remember any of what happened after until I was in the ambulance but the video showed me attempting to get up multiple times to go and kick the penalty. Weird I know.
I never heard about the soccer issues. I played soccer my whole life. Until an acl tear ended my playing days. I'm going to look into that issue. Thanks for bringing that to light. I would have never known.

Sorry, I didn't answer your #1.

Consider soccer heading like boxing -- there may be several headers in a game, even more in practice, and this can represent an accumulation of head trauma. If neurological tests are immediately and comprehensively done after a typical header, there may not be any detectable deficiencies.

Another aspect is the age of the player.
While younger players are not likely to perform as many headers and the ball velocity would be relatively less, their young brains do not tolerate the concussive force as well, making them relatively more vulnerable.

The obvious concussions in soccer occur due to collisions, which are inevitable.

Helmets have been suggested, and met with staunch resistance.
Yeah you are definitely not alone. I've never seen someone so hated in my life.

I have, but this is not the forum to talk about that. That, and I don't want to close this thread and get banned all at the same time. :cool:
I won't watch it.

Newsflash: Playing football comes with some risk. I don't need a crap Will Smith movie to tell me that. If you decide to pursue that career you accept the risks that come with it. There is no victim now. The victims are the past players who weren't aware of those risks. But nobody entering the league today and going forward is unaware.

I agree, but at the same time, concussions were quite a mystery. If I remember reading correctly, there's a lot doctors still don't know about the problems concussions can cause.
They casted an actor no one likes, to play a guy no one likes. I don't see a problem lol

They are both funny looking.
Seems like good casting lol

I agree the past players were victims. Now that the evidence is out its definitely play at your own risk. The movie is really well done. Just letting you know.

Yes, there is so much common sense to this but... You know what they say about common sense... It ain't too common.

Take a serious amount of money and truly take care of the older players. They deserve it is so many ways.... And I'm not referring to physical and mental issues. They built this game into what it is today. Pay up.

Newer players. This is what you are signing up for. Period.
There is no victim now. The victims are the past players who weren't aware of those risks. But nobody entering the league today and going forward is unaware.

Just because you understand it, and other might, does not mean a 21yr old does. If these were 30yr old me, coming into the league, I would agree. Look at the players coming into the league, you do not have Richie Rich playing football.
A multitude of objective third party studies have been done over the past 20 years on the safety of artificial turf.
In review of many of these, there is clearly no evidence that any significant chemical leaching occurs that would give an absorbed human concentration above that which is in typical suburban air.

Claims to the contrary have been examples of someone trying to fit limited info into a specific agenda.

Thank you for that.
The PBS special is what you really want to watch. And how the NFL treated Dr. Omalu was disgusting. Although to his credit, Goodell wasn't in office at the time. That was Tags and his dirty work at hand. However, Goodell has done everything to remove Dr. Omalu from any research and discussion.

Part of the issue with all of this is that there is not absolute concrete proof linking football to CTE. We can hypothesize that there is a link, but as far as knowing what the link is and say how many hits will cause CTE, etc....we don't know, yet.


Just watched it on netflix. The small segment on Troy was chilling. Leigh Steinberg talked about visiting him in the hospital after the NFC Championship. Troy asked where he was, who they had played, who had won, what winning the game meant, etc. Then they talked for 20 minutes, and Troy popped up and went through the same questions again. Reminded me of a conversation with my grandmother before she passed away.
Just watched it on netflix. The small segment on Troy was chilling. Leigh Steinberg talked about visiting him in the hospital after the NFC Championship. Troy asked where he was, who they had played, who had won, what winning the game meant, etc. Then they talked for 20 minutes, and Troy popped up and went through the same questions again. Reminded me of a conversation with my grandmother before she passed away.

Knew a girl who got run off the road on a bike and hit her head on a curb. When we visited her at the hospital, she was on a 3-5 minute cycle of discussion. Short term memory was not processing.

On my one big concussion, I started stuttering about a half an hour afterword. Went on for hours, then slowly ceased. The hit also loosened my front teeth, which when they reseated, went from being somewhat bucktoothed to sitting in straight. Cheapest dental work I ever had!

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