I used to work at a McDonalds when I was in High School and do I have some stories....
The first time and only time I've seen cocaine was when I was 14. Some guy lined up a row on the table used to make salads and took a line.
I saw someone drop a quarter pound burger on the ground, pick it up, and put it on a sandwich to hand it out.
Another time, some ******* was really pissing me off. The guy in the kitchen could tell I was pissed, so he spit on the burger and I served it. I know it was wrong of me to serve it, but I was 14 or 15 and the guy was really being pretty abusive (he was pissed about something someone else did and decided to take it out on me).
I've seen people throw bugs into the deep friers....
Although.....two of my favorite McDonalds stories have nothing to do with thus stuff....
When the parfaits first came out, they had a plastic model of one sitting on the front counter. A drunk guy came in and asked me for a spoon. I thought it was a bit odd, but I gave him a spoon anyway. He looked around, suspciously... and then he yanked the plastic parfait from the display and ran out of the building. I nearly doubled over with laughter. The guy clearly thought it was a real parfait and thought he got a free one. The manager had been watching and decided to "write me up" because I didn't stop the customer. She was a *****. I was 14, the guy was an adult male, bigger than me, and drunk. Sorry. Not my battle. But I got reprimanded for it.
Another time, some customer came in during breakfast and ordered a breakfast burrito. I rang it up and while I was waiting for it, he decided to vent. He told me that the previous day he ordered one and it was cold. And that if this burrito was cold again, he would come back and throw it in my face. I had a bit of a temper when I was at that age. So this pissed me off, and I told him I was 14 and a minor and if he did that, I would call the cops and press charges. My manager overheard this and decided to write me up for threatening a customer. Complete B.S.
Maybe no one deserves to eat a burger with spit on it... but some people are pushing their luck when they come in and come close to deserving it. I've never understood why you'd want to mess around with someone who prepares your food. Seems stupid to me. But people do that. And you'd think that people, in general, would be a little more reasonable when dealing with kids. But that's not the case either. They are just as abusive with kids as they are with anyone else who works at these places.
The other thing that always surprised me too was the "apparent" superiority of those ordering from a McDonalds vs those who work at a McDonalds. I can't count the number of times *******es would try and belittle me bec. I worked at a McDonalds. Nevermind the irony that they are odering food from McDonalds to begin with.... one customer was pissed off because they had just raised the prices. Of course, somehow, this was my fault. And he began his rant. It eventually came around to "You are working a minimum wage job and I make 40K a year..." I was 18 at the time and back for Spring Break Freshman year and decided to work for two weeks at McDonalds for some extra cash... and because **** like that really pissed me off, my reply was something like "You make 40K? I pay that much every year in tuition. Thank God my dad doesn't make 40K."
Of course, I loathed such comments like that and was being hypocritical using it on that customer.... but I don't always think rationally when those situation occurred.
I guess my point of this would be twofold: Don't mess with the people who prepare your food; its dumb. And secondly, if you show them respect, they are more than willing to do the same.
Its surprising how many adults fail to adhere to the latter. Not that I was perfect back then (not even close), but at least I had the excuse of being a kid. They have no excuse.