Yes, hats off to Cooper Rush for managing the game and not doing anything stupid.
But let's be frank here. He is not the QB2 we want. There is no athleticism and he has a noodle arm. He shot putted and missed some basic NFL style throws that came up short.
If it wasn't for the first half defence, tunrovers in our favour, Turpin's heroics, an improbable Tolbert catch on an underthrown pass, a total breakdown of te Washington safeties on Schoonmaker's TD and a mechanically unsound Seibert kicking we would have been in for a tougher day.
I am happy for the win. You can't have too many of these. The entertainment value of the last two minutes was great as a casual football fan. But I am ready to move on beyond Cooper Rush on the roster of the Dallas Cowboys.
IMO he didn't win the game, rather he managed it well and didn't lose it. Hats off to Cooper for playing his role in the game.