Three chances of the story being true - slim, fat and no.
Just look at the details surrounding the accusation:
1. Was said to have happened nearly 7 years ago. That in itself is not unheard of but very unlikely the person would wait that long, Dak got a $160 million contract last time, so it's not like he was poor the last 3 years.
2. $100,000,000? If they were looking for a settlement, that's so far out of the range of possibility it indicates mental instability on the accuser's part.
3. Speaking of contracts, oh wait, Dak's very possibly about to get a $250 million contract from somebody, wonder why the suit was just filed?
4. From what we know, Dak's a standup guy (or at least as far as today's morals go), seems way out of character for him.
Total made up story, imho...