Could somebody hook me up with a good site for recaps?

Go Big D!

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My baby brother joined the Navy and left for boot camp last week. I'd like to send him some recaps of the Cowboys games every week. So that when he reads them he can experience them as if he's watching the game. I remember from boot camp how important it was to get those letters and I think he'd really like some Cowboys info while he is sequestered.

Can somebody lead me to a couple of sites where I can find some?

I appreciate any help and I'm sure my brother would be thankful as well.

Go Big D!;3734086 said:
Nobody knows of a site that does recaps of the game?

NFL.Com used to do those.

Click on the scores tab at the top when you go there.

Find the Dallas Cowboys game and click on the Recap link.

This will load another page and give you the option to watch the video recap.

Now I know that is not what you want however right under where you can watch the video in a little tab it says download game book.

Click on that and it will give you all of the stats and if you scroll down far enough it gives a list of each play.

Hope that helps.:cool:
Thanks, BrainPaint. I'll go check that out.

I thought I read someone's blog in the past that did a great job of recaps but I can't remember which blog it was. It was one of the more popular ones. I had bookmarked it but lost it when my hard drive took a nosedive, last year.

If I can't find the blog the play by play will probably make him just as happy.

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