Cousins Proved He Is Better Than Dak

but he has not 100% no way those dudes were wide open we probably could have thrown the football seriously he stood back look dudes wide open I mean three of those touchdowns were wide open you had our guys running into each other get Prescott those wide open guys!!!!!

Cousins is not better they have a better team right now barely but they literally have more skill players but they just got to play one of the easiest defenses to ever play in history of the Dallas Cowboys football team they were historically bad yesterday giving up huge wide open plays yeah in between sure our defense played decent but anyone giving them a pat on the back and blaming the offense is getting utterly ridiculous and I'm sick of it....

I look around the league and I see wide open guys on a weekly basis not every single snap but most snaps there's at least one guy with a big Halo around him of space there's something Prescott doesn't get to see these dudes are freaking open and Prescott looks up in his dudes they're within an arm length of each other including his other wide receivers can all basically touch each other when you spread your arms out is the most horrible play calling and scheming I've ever seen and we keep blaming the quarterback../.

You ALL NEED TO stop it all the dak Prescott's playing bad !!!!!

he's not playing up to his contract ,he's not what we thought he was, it's all nonsense ,it's all absolute garbage, He is NOT THE ISSUE makes my 10th on top 10 issues maybe but COME ON!!!

the offensive line is the biggest issue we have, then we have the offensive scheme, both from the offensive line coach, the offensive coordinator, the play calling, the defense ,everything !!!!

where's all the help???!!! Prescott was supposed to get this year????!!!​
that other all in teams did that teams up to this point are still getting guys to help their quarterbacks before the trade deadline everybody here said it was a historically bad offseason there wasn't enough talent added for the talent we lost and then we have to add in all the injuries this has been a bad year all around and anybody acting like the quarterback is any part of this without the context??? is plain BULL!!!​
NO QB can run an offense without a consistent offensive line. that can run the damn football on a consistent basis .stop getting penalties .stop releasing guys from both the outside tackles. Martin's aging before our eyes, we got huge problems and quarterbacks not one!!!​
it's not a bad contract because ,many of the contracts for the top ten highest paid quarterbacks in the league are all in a similar spot and the only one performing up to it for the most part is Patrick mahomes and maybe Josh Allen now but over a long period of time this is what you get you either gonna get some below average quarterbacks like Daniel Jones making 42,000,000 Prescott's far better than he is and somehow you keep pointing out Prescott even the post that says the opposite line is bad saying Prescott's bad , HECK no Prescott's not bad..​

He's playing average because he's got nothing around him in front of him or on the other side of the dang football !!!!

you've got guys look like it's a comedy show running into each other wide open touchdowns being given up on the other side, and people are like pointing out how we didn't score enough on offense,
so the defense shouldn't be blamed??!!

yeah that was like during the game yesterday, I was going to wait a few days to post but I'm sick of hearing this Prescott's contract!!!!!!!

we just need to fix everything else you can't have it both ways you can't call the front office conservative that they don't do anything in the offseason to better the team and they expect the talent at the skill position that they paid to overcome all the other holes and deficiencies on this team you don't even know what football is you guys are a bunch of casuals Prescott did the only could yesterday including run even though you said that Jerry Jones controls what people do on the field no he doesn't not even at all and if you need any more proof that Prescott decided to run all day and he was getting sandwich beat up he did everything he could he threw no interceptions had no fumbles and yet here we are blaming him again.. huh odd no0 matter what hes blamed!!! he was trying to make chicken salad with chicken you know what!!!!

You all might want to watch football from the inside out!!!!!

starts in the trenches,

then you need to add in some skill players but most of all you need execution from the rest of the team,

you can't just expect the quarterback because he's making so much money to carry the damn football team with this really bad that offensive line.....

I don't even know what you're looking at it is horrible this is 2020 all over again if you haven't noticed that's the year he got hurt is he only losing season that seems had since he has been the quarterback and he wasn't the quarterback that year ie 2020,

he's been part of no losing seasons where he plays a majority of the games where he starts and finishes the year even if he missed some games in between he's never been part of a losing season but 2020 he got hurt why because the offensive line, nobody was producing it was a terrible year, and we're having another terrible year, and we're blaming the quarterback,

our quarterback just last year second in MVP voting second team all pro he also a couple years back right after he got paid his other contract in 2021 at 37 touchdowns it only 10 interceptions you're trying to tell me that he's regressed and he sucks now ?? what ??!!

I'm telling you is your opinions are all slanted and they're delusional and clueless and they if they keep landing on the quarterback, you got bigger problems than being upset about how your team's performing and underperforming and all that other nonsense this is systemic from the top to the bottom ,

but most of this is about coaching and it's been around the players around Prescott are not doing their job you can't play quarterback with things crumbling around you... I also remember in 2020 when we had a I think you're Elliot trying to run behind that terrible offensive line and he had like his worst year fumbling and everyone said he fumbles too much really without context again... I mean do you guys ever watch football before you keep blaming one person it's a team game and the last person on my list did I come to would be the quarterback would be Prescott or Romo because I've watched enough football to know this is from the top down coaching front office GM execution and mostly defense you can't even go into a game and have confidence that if you just play normal football that you can win a game your defense gives up so many easy touchdowns you come into a game thinking you have to play perfect and you know what happens you play tight you make mistakes you try to do too much because nothing else is working..

. By the way,

I don't care if you read this you don't like it or you're going to respond saying it's too long didn't read or it's too run on sentence and you don't know how to actually read what's in front of you even if it's not perfect...

because I use talk to text , trust me I can play word jumbles and puzzles where they have all the words mixed up with 1000 other letters that mean nothing and you got to pick out words sentences and numbers that's pretty easy if you can't read when I'm writing it's because you don't want to..

The truth is the quarterback's not our problem.

we tried to do this in 2022 he still won 12 games but he came back from a broken hand and he had a calf injury and he still managed to put together a very good season and right now there is no good season because this is like 2020 when you can't play well in the trenches your skill players are not executing your best players are also in your words have bad contracts Trayvon diggs and CD lamb aren't doing anything everybody else where's cake where's Michael Parsons all right they're not even playing we're missing 8 guys on defense...

Rants coming in the days to come on Dak blaming and shaming!!!!. I wont have it...
Are there any floats in this excuse parade?
I’m just about done with this fanbase tbh. Irl I like to associate with kind, empathetic individuals. I don’t see that with the majority of posters here. (I’m sure someone will pop in to call me a Dak or Jerry stan. Whatever.)
Bye Felicia. Take the low standards and apologetics with you.
Bye Felicia. Take the low standards and apologetics with you.
Yeah. You’re emblematic of everything wrong here.

And I’m not even talking about football. I’m talking about acting like a decent human being.
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Yeah. You’re emblematic of everything wrong here.

And I’m not even talking about football. I’m talking about acting like a decent human being.
Do I know you? A decent human being would be ...decent in their criticism.

For the mods who ask me to be "better than this" the proper response to allow these attacks on my person go unchallenged? If this were about football - which is where I was at with the person I was actually talking But this isn't about football, it's about me. what?
Do I know you? A decent human being would be ...decent in their criticism.

For the mods who ask me to be "better than this" the proper response to allow these attacks on my person go unchallenged? If this were about football - which is where I was at with the person I was actually talking But this isn't about football, it's about me. what?
You want to go on the attack and then cry victim? You want to hope for our players to get injured and be happy when they do? You don’t like it when someone gets in your face about it?

It’s been my experience that bullies don’t like when you stand up to them.
Just to keep this discussion 100.

I look at the quality of the defense each QB had to face AND the offensive weapons around each QB.

I've always thought that both quarterbacks are fairly close in ability as well as how they've performed in their respective playoff games.

If you put Dak on the Falcons and Cousins on the Cowboys LAST Sunday, I wouldn’t surprised if the game still went as it did

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