Cowboys at Jaguars Thoughts


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Well, that was frustrating. Let's talk about the bad first...

First of all, I was surprised at how many people on this board were underrating Jacksonville. I thought Dallas could and would beat them, but I had a lot of respect for that team. After today, I have even more. They have a good looking team.

I have never seen Drew Bledsoe play so bad. He was flat-out awful today. Today, he was every single negative thing that was ever said about him. He was not accurate at all. If he could have just connected on any number of throws, this entire game might have been different. Instead, I think he went 11 for his last 27 throws. What was worse was seeing Bledsoe have happy feet and hanging on to the ball. There were times he had open receivers, and he just missed. Other times guys were covered, and he threw anyway. In some ways, he's lucky that he only had three picks. It could have been worse...

By the way, I have never considered myself an alarmist. I'm not one of those who immediately wants the coach fired and all of the starters benched, but Drew did nothing for himself in comparison to Tony Romo. A lot of people are going to want to see Tony soon, and it's hard to argue after an outing like tonight. The leash likely got shorter today.

The O-Line wasn't awful today. They weren't great either, by any stretch, but they were solid for the most part. That should have been enough. Bledsoe did get pressured quite a few times, but several of those were on Drew. Jacksonville also boasts one of the best D-Lines in the business. I do think the line held their own though, and they still seem to have potential to improve.

TO is a stud. When the lights come on, that guy is ready to make plays. Had Bledose been able to do anything, he would have had a monster night.

Suisham wouldn't suit up for me next week.

The officiating frustrated me to no end. I didn't see a ton of consistency. Maybe I'm still gunshy from the Mavs a couple of months ago, but it felt like Dallas got the short end of the stick in this game.

The bigger problem in this game was that Dallas was simply out-toughed for long portions of the game. That is inexcusable.

The defense disappointed me quite a bit. I expected more. In the end, I saw a team that struggled to get pressure against Leftwich. Compounding the matter were the struggles the team had covering. Both Newman and Henry have had much better days.

The good news is that this is only the first game of the season. It's not like it's all over. This team has plenty of room to improve, and I still think they will. From what I saw of the post game press conference, Bill Parcells wasn't that miserable either. I think he knows that it's a long season. He knows this team should be good.

It's back to work tomorrow. Next week always becomes even more important after a loss. The Boys need to bounce back. I think they will though.

Portland Fanatic

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I watched a pretty imobile QB in PaytonManning move around well tonight with some pressure. Manning feels it and moves enough to get the ball off...with Bledsoe the bull rush our guards right into him and he does not move....insane!

I'm not so sure our oline is as bad as we think...