Cowboys coaching staff


The Labeled One
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I actually think McCarthy was one of the better hiring decisions Jerry has made in a while. He was actually more than qualified for the job.

Now that doesn’t mean it works out.

He literally got run out of Green Bay. Don't let Rodgers winning him a title fool you. If you didn't learn from his crazy in game decisions last year....then that's on you. Personally....I thought it was an awful, lazy hire. Jerry literally did nothing when it came to finding a fresh approach.:rolleyes:


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.. Big Mike came out guns blazing last year and did some dumb crap. Trying to hard to win and prove he's worthwhile. Nothing went right last year in Dallas. Maybe will get the opposite this year.

Hey at least he tried. While Garrett didn't even try and settled for mediocre. I know people is down on Mike. But I think its refreshing not to see Garrett on the sidelines clapping while were down 3 or 4 touchdowns.


Cowboys Diehard
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Let's just say McCarthy arrived in Cowboys' Country at a most inauspicious time in 2020. He'll deserve more than one or two years to prove himself. Be sure the Dallas FO will bear that out. McCarthy may not be the 2nd coming of Jesus but he'll surely get the benefit of the doubt in 2021. Those who object may do so, knowing it's in vain. Fair is fair. Who, here, wouldn't mind being fired after first glance -- anyone? Didn't think so . . . o_O
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.. Big Mike came out guns blazing last year and did some dumb crap. Trying to hard to win and prove he's worthwhile. Nothing went right last year in Dallas. Maybe will get the opposite this year.

i needed to see wins.

hiring his buddy to run the defense was a disaster.

his other buddy is the OL coach.

Another reason Jerry hired Quinn….he’s got HC experience.


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You are what you are at any moment - so if MM wants to be excellent he can be that, even if it's not here in Dallas.

waving monkey

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McCarthy doesnt impress. I dont want my HC to mumble and fidget. I guess he needed time to get comfortable. I'm with the OP prove me wrong


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I for one will admit, I am not a fan of McCarthy. But I wish him nothing but the best. I hope he makes me eat my words. I would love to see him flourish,and take this team to a championship. There are times, I wanted him to fail so he would get fired. That’s ridiculous. What a way to watch my All-time favorite Cowboys. Hoping someone failed so we would get rid of him . Like that would make Jerry fire someone anyways. My biggest wish for the season. Is the special teams to be in the top 10. Imagine starting drives on the opponent side of the field , instead of your own side every drive. Coaching is going to be the make a break of the season. So I’m willing to eat my words, Go Mike go cowboys.


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He literally got run out of Green Bay. Don't let Rodgers winning him a title fool you. If you didn't learn from his crazy in game decisions last year....then that's on you. Personally....I thought it was an awful, lazy hire. Jerry literally did nothing when it came to finding a fresh approach.:rolleyes:

Yeah. No head coach who ever got fired, has gone on to have success elsewhere…..

oops. They have.

thanks for responding though floaty.


Well-Known Member
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Hey at least he tried. While Garrett didn't even try and settled for mediocre. I know people is down on Mike. But I think its refreshing not to see Garrett on the sidelines clapping while were down 3 or 4 touchdowns.
I’m glad Garrett’s not here anymore, simply because I don’t have to listen to those endless and moronic complaints about clapping, like that had anything to do with anything. The clapping WASN’T “Hey, we’re losing! Alright!” It was “C’mon, let’s keep going, stay upbeat, we CAN come back!”