Cowboys Commanders rivalry, videos, you add your to gear us up for game Sunday night!


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look at what already is out there for upcoming game

we owe Commanders big time for these!







reason im adding these, i want our rookies, first year players to realize this is going to be a war, unlike no other, Commanders coaches, synder, shanahan are gearing up fans, players, former players to try to beat us, we have to be ready and realize, crowd noise will be unbelievable, and we have to be ready, while ready for shanahan little tricks like onside kick, flea flicker, or whatever

:skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :skins: :storm: we owe you big time Commanders and we are coming,


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That song makes me realize how much I miss this time of year! the damn RedShins...


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now here are the ones i like, and yes, we owe Commanders, shanahan, synder and mcnabb and cooley big time;

were getting upset at you Commanders, your disrespecting us with all of your big plans this week of hog day, honk your horn, videos your trying to put up to resemble our big video board, etc... we are coming




You have disrespected us Commanders with your little party your having all this week, were coming up there to set you straight! War is coming and you still owe us big time skins. :skins:



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dont forget to add your videos here for the upcoming rivalry with the skins zoners; keep it going, let us build an even better video than the skins are preparing for their game with us; its over on extremeskins, i posted the link in one of hostile's post, thought hostile would say something about the skins making a day of 50 years video day of games that the skins beat us;


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take over this thread if you want to hostile or dc or reality, need some help here, Commanders are at it again, asking for it,

how should we respond as fans and let our players know?


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It hasn’t been much of a rivalry since the Cowboys have owned them in recent years. This is their Super Bowl. They obsess over the Cowboys. They live and breath Dallas hate. I don’t think we feel the same way because they are just not that important. This is the first game of a great season. Our Super Bowl will be in Dallas. That said, i hope the Cowboys ruin their little party.



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Everlastingxxx;3534414 said:
It hasn’t been much of a rivalry since the Cowboys have owned them in recent years. This is their Super Bowl. They obsess over the Cowboys. They live and breath Dallas hate. I don’t think we feel the same way because they are just not that important. This is the first game of a great season. Our Super Bowl will be in Dallas. That said, i hope the Cowboys ruin their little party.


yeah but think about this for a moment, last few years, especially now since were hurting in offensive line with columbo and kosier, we have started out slow in first game of season, especially offensively

then think about this, always the first game the skins have played us, has always been tough, even when zorn was their head coach

we have to be ready and not take them lightly
