Twitter: Cowboys Defense Blitz Rate


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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I think as the season progresses you'll see the coordinator fall back into his comfort zone. Which is not blitzing.

I might sure that will be completely the case. I think when they drafted Parsons, they saw him as a player that they could blitz on passing downs quite a bit. However, it might not necessarily be a blitz when we bring him because we might drop one of the linemen back in zone.

I hope the idea will be to keep the offense guessing where the pressure is coming from. Of course, we have seemed for years to be really bad about telegraphing our blitzes. Maybe some of that is just poor timing by the blitzers, but I'd certainly like to see plays where the other team's offense is truly confused by our blitzes.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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I have been thinking—wouldn’t it be something —if it was Parsons, in his first NFL start, who hammered Brady, and broke him in half, ending his season, and causing him to retire—and at the same time ushering in a new era doomsday Cowboys defense with him at the head of the spear?

He'd probably get fined and kicked out of the league for daring to touch Brady.


Well-Known Member
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Well you have to be able to cover before you can blitz. So as our secondary gets better our sacks will sky rocket.


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Hopefully this carries into the season. It will help our DB’s a lot more if we are getting to the QB on 3rd down.

Quinn defenses in atlanta and seattle were routinely in bottom half of the nfl. If he changes up I'd respect that and we might actually see a real coach in dallas. Other wise it'll be another Marenelli relying on an average group of 'rushmen'


The Boognish
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Dan Quinn has frequently used stunts but generally been a low percentage user of blitzes in his career. In saying that, we've got Micah, Jaylon, Wilson, Lewis, and Brown who I think are all very good to send on the blitz.

Jaylon is not a good blitzer with a 3% sack rate which is awful. Compare that to Wilson who got home on more than half his blitzes. Lewis is about 25% on his success rate over the past couple of years. Brown doesn't blitz much nor does LVE. It should also be noted that Kazee and Neal do not blitz much either with little to no production.

I am really looking forward to Parsons blitzing next to DLaw. Wilson and Lewis are strongside players and have feasted blitzing off that same edge.


The Labeled One
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Hopefully this carries into the season. It will help our DB’s a lot more if we are getting to the QB on 3rd down.

Thank you....someone is paying attention. :bow:

You do not want to face 3rd and long vs us...that's for sure...

The key for our success is going to be what happens on 1st down. How will teams attack us???? Honestly....wouldn't surprise me if we blitzed a bunch on 1st down either.

2nd down....teams will try and get some yardage to set up 3rd down....and manageable.

Anything over 3rd and 7 to go....teams are gonna be in panic mode...then punt. :popcorn:


Well-Known Member
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I like that they may blitz more. However for the last 20 years it has been….almost got there….and they gave up a 1st down. And when they did get to the QB, there was a defensive penalty.

Tell me that will be different, and I may be more excited over it.
So I hope Quinn has the answer to the elusive success of it. I have some hopes it will happen.

#11 will be what is different. I think he will make the blitzing success rate improve.


It's all in the reflexes
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Dan Quinn has frequently used stunts but generally been a low percentage user of blitzes in his career. In saying that, we've got Micah, Jaylon, Wilson, Lewis, and Brown who I think are all very good to send on the blitz.


And I bet Cox will be unleashed, too. That kid has some burst.