Cowboys fans & haters at Pennsylvania 101st State Farm Show


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Growing up a Dallas Cowboys fan in PA (since mid 1970's) has always been interesting for me. As I have stated here many times before, I was always surrounded by Arrogant Pittsburgh Squealer, IDIOTIC Philthydelphia E-Girl, Annoying NY Pissant & Hoggish Wash Foreskin fans. I have 100's of stories of encounters with Dallas Cowboys haters here in PA.

Yesterday (Friday 13th) my girlfriend Pam and I went to the 101st Annual Pennsylvania State Farm Show. The PA Farm Show is a huge event held on the 2nd week of every year in the historic Harrisburg Farm Show building. It is the largest indoor agricultural exposition in the nation, with nearly 6,000 animals, 10,000 competitive exhibits, 300 commercial exhibits & much more.

Before going to the PA Farm Show, I went to a K-Mart (thats closing in Mechanicsburg, PA due to corporate downsizing) and bought a new Starter Cowboys Hat just for the occasion. I got it @ a closeout price of $9.96, which was the 1st sign my excursion was going to be an exceptional day.

It was not long after our finding a parking spot & electing to walk ~ 1 mile from our car to the Farm Show (instead of taking a Farm Show Shuttle Bus) that persons we encountered were staring &/or pointing at me. With Pam not being a football fan, she seemed to be getting concerned I was attracting so much attention to us.

Of the many NFL fans that stared, pointed or approached me during the day, these were the 2 most notable:

1. In the John Deere tractor section of the event, a sales guy in his late 30's literally jumped off his small sales platform and came up to me in a quick manner. He almost ran over a few persons just to shake my hand. This created more attention to me from many other innocent bystanders. The John Deere salesman informed me he grew up a Cowboys fan in Wisconsin & admired seeing another DC Fan in such a diverse 'enemy territory'.

I empathized with the JD Salesman about him being surrounded by ***** Packer and Viqueen fans. I quickly expressed my last few decades of annoyance growing up around Squealer, E-Girl, Pissant & Foreskins fans. This particular eventful encounter was after ~ 4 hours of Pam watching me receive celebrity or adversary treatment from other persons. She asked me if I knew the John Deere Salesman, so I had to explain he was a Cowboys fans also & its due to the Cowboys playing the ***** Packers next weekend.

2. After spending close to 5 hours looking at a myriad of animal exhibits, farming methods, tools and equipment, standing in long food lines and dozens of wine testing booths :D (YeHah!), we decided it was time to venture back to our car. I walked up to 2 young PA State Policemen to ask them quickest way to exit the building. As soon as they saw me with 'wide eyes' of amazement, the one officer said "OH NO!!! A Cowboys fan!". Pam backed up in a slight state of fear. SO, I defiantly smiled and replied back to them loud and proud:

"And I used to HALF like you!!" :thumbdown:
The 2 officers and I started laughing hilariously. :laugh:

All in all, Friday 13, 2017 was another great day in the life of a die hard Cowboys fan! :yourock:

Gooooooooooo Cowboys!!! :thumbup: