Cowboys in a nutshell


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  • We are tanking. No. If we were, Dak would already be gone and Lance would be starting. Big Mac and his one year support staff would also be gone and the new coaching regime would be here with the understanding that first year might not go so well. Our management doesn’t tank, they just honestly believe they’ve built a team that will win at all every year. Even in years where there were some very obvious deficiencies at a position.
  • We’re actively involved in Free agency. No. Just look at all this year’s preliminary signings for your answer. Winners, losers, teams with cap room, teams without cap room… doesn’t matter, teams are willing to pay. And it’s happened for a long time. Our team believes that we can build everything through the draft and scrape what’s left in free agency. Just like every year.
  • We like our guys. Not really. Just while they are protected by NFL contract rules. Once the contract is open, If they want anything other than several million dollars, you better have multiple Pro Bowls to the résumé. Otherwise, management expects a home town discount or you can leave. Because management always believes it will find an acceptable replacement in the draft.
  • Accountability matters. Not really. It starts with our unique combination of ownership and GM, which is different than the rest of the league. There will never be a shake-up at the top with the GM which is where most teams start. The ownership values continuity over shake-ups until there is no juice left to squeeze. We have had two long-term starting quarterbacks since 2000, who both never went beyond the second round. We held onto coaches for a long time, win or lose, and definitely don‘t hold Playoff success into consideration. There are teams who went to the Super Bowl, and have already scrapped GMs, coaches, quarterbacks, and rosters multiple times, in the same amount of time that we have held onto our versions.
There is no method to the madness. It is what it is. This is the business model. Just look at the last 20 years once the ‘learning curve’ was over and the Jones learned from Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells. It will never change until there is new ownership. Even the personnel guys like Will McClay are locked in for life. And it appears Stephen will carry this on once Jerry is gone. Current regime thinks this works, and they’re not changing. As fans we either accept it and move on, or hope that one of those winning record years or hot streak seasons we’ve had finally clicks and the team goes somewhere - 2007, 2009, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2021-2023. Those are all years where arguably we had a shot. Definitely been more consistent under McCarthy, but same end results as Wade and Garrett. And if nothing happens this year, expect more of the same - just with a different coach and quarterback.


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  • We are tanking. No. If we were, Dak would already be gone and Lance would be starting. Big Mac and his one year support staff would also be gone and the new coaching regime would be here with the understanding that first year might not go so well. Our management doesn’t tank, they just honestly believe they’ve built a team that will win at all every year. Even in years where there were some very obvious deficiencies at a position.
  • We’re actively involved in Free agency. No. Just look at all this year’s preliminary signings for your answer. Winners, losers, teams with cap room, teams without cap room… doesn’t matter, teams are willing to pay. And it’s happened for a long time. Our team believes that we can build everything through the draft and scrape what’s left in free agency. Just like every year.
  • We like our guys. Not really. Just while they are protected by NFL contract rules. Once the contract is open, If they want anything other than several million dollars, you better have multiple Pro Bowls to the résumé. Otherwise, management expects a home town discount or you can leave. Because management always believes it will find an acceptable replacement in the draft.
  • Accountability matters. Not really. It starts with our unique combination of ownership and GM, which is different than the rest of the league. There will never be a shake-up at the top with the GM which is where most teams start. The ownership values continuity over shake-ups until there is no juice left to squeeze. We have had two long-term starting quarterbacks since 2000, who both never went beyond the second round. We held onto coaches for a long time, win or lose, and definitely don‘t hold Playoff success into consideration. There are teams who went to the Super Bowl, and have already scrapped GMs, coaches, quarterbacks, and rosters multiple times, in the same amount of time that we have held onto our versions.
There is no method to the madness. It is what it is. This is the business model. Just look at the last 20 years once the ‘learning curve’ was over and the Jones learned from Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells. It will never change until there is new ownership. Even the personnel guys like Will McClay are locked in for life. And it appears Stephen will carry this on once Jerry is gone. Current regime thinks this works, and they’re not changing. As fans we either accept it and move on, or hope that one of those winning record years or hot streak seasons we’ve had finally clicks and the team goes somewhere - 2007, 2009, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2021-2023. Those are all years where arguably we had a shot. Definitely been more consistent under McCarthy, but same end results as Wade and Garrett. And if nothing happens this year, expect more of the same - just with a different coach and quarterback.
Jerry likes talking and telling fans what he thinks they want to hear but has no desire (or the acumen) to go out and fix what needs fixing to get over the hump. Part of the problem, as you hinted, is they have no real plan. They just just accumulate players in the draft, hope some are worthy of long term deals and then fill out the roster with cheap FA slop. That's their strategy.

It's frustrating because clearly Jerry isn't really an idiot. He's also been involved in every offseason, followed this plan and seen us just fail over and over. And yet no deviation from what hasn't worked. They are stubborn for sure. Arrogant, definitely. But you'd think a guy who took many risks to build his billionaire fortune would be able to eventually see what's not working and change it up but for some reason, Jerry just either can't see it or just doesn't care.


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  • We are tanking. No. If we were, Dak would already be gone and Lance would be starting. Big Mac and his one year support staff would also be gone and the new coaching regime would be here with the understanding that first year might not go so well. Our management doesn’t tank, they just honestly believe they’ve built a team that will win at all every year. Even in years where there were some very obvious deficiencies at a position.
  • We’re actively involved in Free agency. No. Just look at all this year’s preliminary signings for your answer. Winners, losers, teams with cap room, teams without cap room… doesn’t matter, teams are willing to pay. And it’s happened for a long time. Our team believes that we can build everything through the draft and scrape what’s left in free agency. Just like every year.
  • We like our guys. Not really. Just while they are protected by NFL contract rules. Once the contract is open, If they want anything other than several million dollars, you better have multiple Pro Bowls to the résumé. Otherwise, management expects a home town discount or you can leave. Because management always believes it will find an acceptable replacement in the draft.
  • Accountability matters. Not really. It starts with our unique combination of ownership and GM, which is different than the rest of the league. There will never be a shake-up at the top with the GM which is where most teams start. The ownership values continuity over shake-ups until there is no juice left to squeeze. We have had two long-term starting quarterbacks since 2000, who both never went beyond the second round. We held onto coaches for a long time, win or lose, and definitely don‘t hold Playoff success into consideration. There are teams who went to the Super Bowl, and have already scrapped GMs, coaches, quarterbacks, and rosters multiple times, in the same amount of time that we have held onto our versions.
There is no method to the madness. It is what it is. This is the business model. Just look at the last 20 years once the ‘learning curve’ was over and the Jones learned from Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells. It will never change until there is new ownership. Even the personnel guys like Will McClay are locked in for life. And it appears Stephen will carry this on once Jerry is gone. Current regime thinks this works, and they’re not changing. As fans we either accept it and move on, or hope that one of those winning record years or hot streak seasons we’ve had finally clicks and the team goes somewhere - 2007, 2009, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2021-2023. Those are all years where arguably we had a shot. Definitely been more consistent under McCarthy, but same end results as Wade and Garrett. And if nothing happens this year, expect more of the same - just with a different coach and quarterback.
I know its still early in the year...but this is the post of the year! Actually this would be the post of every year! Why? Because nothing changes!!!!!!


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Well, you just summed life as a Cowboys fan for the last 30 years with no end in sight. Other teams have cap issues and contracts for key players to ink, yet every other team in the NFL is attempting to improve while we Cowboys fans sit watching the NFL Network and X waiting for the next guy to sign elsewhere. Even worse is that the guys we are losing were playing key roles on both sides of the ball and Jr/Sr's response will be dumpster diving on guys who were already on their way to this dumpster..


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These fools have no plan. McClay has one of the more difficult jobs in football with the fact that he has to try to find good football players for cheap. And I mean really cheap. None of these contracts are crazy out there outside of a few DT’s and QB’s.


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In a nutshell this front office is absolute crap! Jerry and Stephen will just continue to kill this team. Sure you would think regular season wins would ultimately lead to some playoff success, but not here under this leadership. The dynamic duo are a major problem!


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Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

PS. This would be die hard Dallas fans believing Jerry Jones pre-season hype every year.
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These fools have no plan. McClay has one of the more difficult jobs in football with the fact that he has to try to find good football players for cheap. And I mean really cheap. None of these contracts are crazy out there outside of a few DT’s and QB’s.
I think you nailed it. There is no plan. Just a business model. See first post for business model.

But as far as a plan, they need a coach like Jimmy or Bill to pull them in that direction. Not to take away from Big Mac, because he has too as shown by his winning.

But not sure these guys, even with them both being college ballers, are really up to the task to run it as a modern-day GM.

Most teams get a vision from a GM, or GM/Coach together, and go that way. Our only vision is learn from the vet coaches that occasionally come in, blue light special free agents and hope for the best in the draft... oh yeah, and that we are the Dallas Cowboys, #1 value franchise in NFL, and you should be happy we even gave you the star.


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I think you nailed it. There is no plan. Just a business model. See first post for business model.

But as far as a plan, they need a coach like Jimmy or Bill to pull them in that direction. Not to take away from Big Mac, because he has too as shown by his winning.

But not sure these guys, even with them both being college ballers, are really up to the task to run it as a modern-day GM.

Most teams get a vision from a GM, or GM/Coach together, and go that way. Our only vision is learn from the vet coaches that occasionally come in, blue light special free agents and hope for the best in the draft... oh yeah, and that we are the Dallas Cowboys, #1 value franchise in NFL, and you should be happy we even gave you the star.
Spot on. And while Roseman is not perfect, I imagine he was already planning what he was going to do as things were heading south last season. This year they are fortifying the Oline and trying to go to a power running game with Barclay. They are also trying to fix that putrid defense.

That’s what we seem to never have, a plan. As Stephen always says, “we will let the draft come to us”. That’s what they do in FA.


Chris in Arizona
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These fools have no plan
This is correct.

They literally think that players and coaches just improve an exponential amount on their own and that (mythical) improvement is all that is needed to take the next step.

They are also motivated by their own pride and ego, and desperate need to see themselves as valid "football guys" so admitting they were wrong and changing their ways is not on the table.

Remember, they didn't fire Jason Garrett. His contract simply ran out. This is the kind of logic that is killing the ability to compete for championships.


Well-Known Member
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This is correct.

They literally think that players and coaches just improve an exponential amount on their own and that (mythical) improvement is all that is needed to take the next step.

They are also motivated by their own pride and ego, and desperate need to see themselves as valid "football guys" so admitting they were wrong and changing their ways is not on the table.

Remember, they didn't fire Jason Garrett. His contract simply ran out. This is the kind of logic that is killing the ability to compete for championships.
You are correct sir. I remember he still had an office for weeks after the season. I just don’t get it. You just won 36 games over the past three seasons. You’re not losing money. Keep adding to the team. It’s not rocket science


Well-Known Member
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  • We are tanking. No. If we were, Dak would already be gone and Lance would be starting. Big Mac and his one year support staff would also be gone and the new coaching regime would be here with the understanding that first year might not go so well. Our management doesn’t tank, they just honestly believe they’ve built a team that will win at all every year. Even in years where there were some very obvious deficiencies at a position.
  • We’re actively involved in Free agency. No. Just look at all this year’s preliminary signings for your answer. Winners, losers, teams with cap room, teams without cap room… doesn’t matter, teams are willing to pay. And it’s happened for a long time. Our team believes that we can build everything through the draft and scrape what’s left in free agency. Just like every year.
  • We like our guys. Not really. Just while they are protected by NFL contract rules. Once the contract is open, If they want anything other than several million dollars, you better have multiple Pro Bowls to the résumé. Otherwise, management expects a home town discount or you can leave. Because management always believes it will find an acceptable replacement in the draft.
  • Accountability matters. Not really. It starts with our unique combination of ownership and GM, which is different than the rest of the league. There will never be a shake-up at the top with the GM which is where most teams start. The ownership values continuity over shake-ups until there is no juice left to squeeze. We have had two long-term starting quarterbacks since 2000, who both never went beyond the second round. We held onto coaches for a long time, win or lose, and definitely don‘t hold Playoff success into consideration. There are teams who went to the Super Bowl, and have already scrapped GMs, coaches, quarterbacks, and rosters multiple times, in the same amount of time that we have held onto our versions.
There is no method to the madness. It is what it is. This is the business model. Just look at the last 20 years once the ‘learning curve’ was over and the Jones learned from Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells. It will never change until there is new ownership. Even the personnel guys like Will McClay are locked in for life. And it appears Stephen will carry this on once Jerry is gone. Current regime thinks this works, and they’re not changing. As fans we either accept it and move on, or hope that one of those winning record years or hot streak seasons we’ve had finally clicks and the team goes somewhere - 2007, 2009, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2021-2023. Those are all years where arguably we had a shot. Definitely been more consistent under McCarthy, but same end results as Wade and Garrett. And if nothing happens this year, expect more of the same - just with a different coach and quarterback.
Great post and agree 100%. The Jones model doesn't work unless Jimmy is the head coach (or a future hc) and has the last word in all football matters. Since this will never happen as long as a Jones family member is running the team, well ...


Star Power
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I barely put the minimal amount of emotion into what this team does during the off-season. There’s no need to get worked up over the same old. Sometimes I wish it would just crash and burn.


Well-Known Member
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  • We are tanking. No. If we were, Dak would already be gone and Lance would be starting. Big Mac and his one year support staff would also be gone and the new coaching regime would be here with the understanding that first year might not go so well. Our management doesn’t tank, they just honestly believe they’ve built a team that will win at all every year. Even in years where there were some very obvious deficiencies at a position.
  • We’re actively involved in Free agency. No. Just look at all this year’s preliminary signings for your answer. Winners, losers, teams with cap room, teams without cap room… doesn’t matter, teams are willing to pay. And it’s happened for a long time. Our team believes that we can build everything through the draft and scrape what’s left in free agency. Just like every year.
  • We like our guys. Not really. Just while they are protected by NFL contract rules. Once the contract is open, If they want anything other than several million dollars, you better have multiple Pro Bowls to the résumé. Otherwise, management expects a home town discount or you can leave. Because management always believes it will find an acceptable replacement in the draft.
  • Accountability matters. Not really. It starts with our unique combination of ownership and GM, which is different than the rest of the league. There will never be a shake-up at the top with the GM which is where most teams start. The ownership values continuity over shake-ups until there is no juice left to squeeze. We have had two long-term starting quarterbacks since 2000, who both never went beyond the second round. We held onto coaches for a long time, win or lose, and definitely don‘t hold Playoff success into consideration. There are teams who went to the Super Bowl, and have already scrapped GMs, coaches, quarterbacks, and rosters multiple times, in the same amount of time that we have held onto our versions.
There is no method to the madness. It is what it is. This is the business model. Just look at the last 20 years once the ‘learning curve’ was over and the Jones learned from Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells. It will never change until there is new ownership. Even the personnel guys like Will McClay are locked in for life. And it appears Stephen will carry this on once Jerry is gone. Current regime thinks this works, and they’re not changing. As fans we either accept it and move on, or hope that one of those winning record years or hot streak seasons we’ve had finally clicks and the team goes somewhere - 2007, 2009, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2021-2023. Those are all years where arguably we had a shot. Definitely been more consistent under McCarthy, but same end results as Wade and Garrett. And if nothing happens this year, expect more of the same - just with a different coach and quarterback.
this is a great post spot on any one that takes the jones serious is going to have a huge let down the cowboys and the jones are a laughing stock of the nfl no one takes them serious


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This is correct.

They literally think that players and coaches just improve an exponential amount on their own and that (mythical) improvement is all that is needed to take the next step.

They are also motivated by their own pride and ego, and desperate need to see themselves as valid "football guys" so admitting they were wrong and changing their ways is not on the table.

Remember, they didn't fire Jason Garrett. His contract simply ran out. This is the kind of logic that is killing the ability to compete for championships.
Good point, should have mentioned that in the attrition thread. That is also something very rare on NFL teams. But shows how extreme they are on just wanting continuity. Typical family business model.

I also doubt you'll find an NFL franchise where the last 3 head coaches were all allowed to go lame duck. (In Garrett's case, twice!) Other franchises hire new GMs, plans are set in stone, and coaches are axed.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Well THAT'S the problem!

They are in a nutshell, and it's well known that cell phone reception is poor inside a nutshell!

Who knows how many player agents have been calling and can't get through!