Cowboys making progress on Parsons deal per his family

Micah and his reportedly close new deal would actually give us more cap to work with too. I've never seen the Jones boys do these deals with the kind of urgency we are seeing this off-season. Which makes be think some big moves and changes are coming. What are we freeing up cap money for? It just feels like they got an actual plan this time round and it might be a series of big moves.
Thats what some of the youtube bloggers keeps hinting. One of them actual has had Parsons brother on the show. He's the one that made the original video stating a deal was close.
No big deal if they sign him now or not.

Jerry doesn’t mind the price going up in exchange for the attention, which will probably extend into camp. Tune in later to find out if Micah is showing up….

They would free up cap money to sign exactly who? Anyone who could make an impact is already gone.

Micah's brother admitted he doesn't know S about the contract now ... probly shouldn't have said anything.

This was my expectation.

Contracts aren't finalized until Jerry and the player sit down together in front of the media and sign the deal.

Otherwise, it's just a family member inexperienced in dealing with the media.

Parsons contract will be done the Saturday before the1st regular season game. Deep down inside you all know that, don't you?
Micah needs to quit listening to his agent, if he wants to help this team the most.

If he truly wants to leave something for his teammates, Micah's agent won't help.
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I can’t decide if I dislike hearing from Micah’s brother, Dak’s brother or Fisher more. Tough call :huh:
Lol, yeah pick your poison on that one. The best news is we don’t have Jackson Mahomes to worry about.
Thats always been my preferred method to handle negotiations...let the fam handle it and keep me in the he happy ? Sad? What say you Parson clan?

Good lawd

Go Cowboys!
Well they're the ones more happy than the player to see what their cut is going to be!! Pretty soon we'll see Terrance with a Bentley and he'll be on a real TV show