Cowboys options with Dak from Overthecap


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Be interesting to see how much input McCarthy has and how much faith he has in Dak since his job is on the line.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
When are they going to extend Dak is what I want to know?


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Check out the article above the post I just quoted. It talks about how the Cowboys are approaching Lance’s contract.
Lance has no reason to sign an extension with the Cowboys at a backup rate. Of course the Cowboys would want that as a long-term backup to replace Rush, but that'd be dumb for Lance. His career as a starter would be effectively over.

Jordan Love didn't do that either.


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Man... Some of you guys should join Skip Bayless...Skip and some Dallas fans are just whiney and spoiled. We all should just get used to it-Dak is going to be the Dallas Cowboys quarterback moving forward. Probably for the next 3- 5 years. If you want to be depressed about something-be depressed that Jerry maybe your GM for another 15 years :facepalm: Dak has only sucked in the playoffs. It has only been 2 quarterbacks that won a SB since Dak's been in the league- not named Brady or Mahomes. Tom Brady and Mahomes 4...Stafford1-Foles1. So how can we all say Dak is so bad when other quarterbacks supposedly better then Dak hasn't done crap either. Minus Burrow the rest haven't even touched a SB. So all I can do is hope Dak get's his act together. I wish Gilligan Jones would bring back Kitna as quarterback coach. But that would be a move to smart to do:facepalm:


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Lance has no reason to sign an extension with the Cowboys at a backup rate. Of course the Cowboys would want that as a long-term backup to replace Rush, but that'd be dumb for Lance. His career as a starter would be effectively over.

Jordan Love didn't do that either.
Unless he signs with the Cowboys telling him you’ll be the starter in a couple years.


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Good breakdown.

Cowboys have pinned themselves into a corner.
All options should be on the table but you aren't getting better QB play so start with that reality.
Dak just finished a top 5 QB season with an awful playoff showing but it was a great showing by his own standards and most anyone else's.
But he is NOT worth 60M a year by any means.
So you either take a step back now, throw all cap caution to the wind and build a deep, vet team in 24/25 or you run it back with no changes and likely win the division again only to lose early in the playoffs.

This team isn't good enough.
All the focus is on the QB but that's like changing out the flooring while you still have a leak.

Dak doesn't play LB or RB or RT or any of the number of massive holes this team has.
But you cant pay a guy 60M who can't overcome that and that is basically everyone but Pat.
They are only "pinned in the corner" by their own choice - which means they always intended to extend Dak, and they aren't alarmed by the options they have available.


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Lance has no reason to sign an extension with the Cowboys at a backup rate. Of course the Cowboys would want that as a long-term backup to replace Rush, but that'd be dumb for Lance. His career as a starter would be effectively over.

Jordan Love didn't do that either.
So bro, what I was going to say before but I got cut off. I’m at work and apparently they want me to work when I’m at work. But I think it would be very telling if Lance signed a deal that kept him here. I think there might be a “wink wink” agreement that he’ll be the starter in the next couple seasons. Kind of like how Love was groomed for the QB1 for GB.

If there is no unspoken or spoken agreement that Lance will get a chance to compete for QB1 in Dallas then I agree with you that it would be stupid for him to sign here as a perennial backup. Unless his market value made him a backup and he was cool with it. But I would assume he’d want to start.


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So bro, what I was going to say before but I got cut off. I’m at work and apparently they want me to work when I’m at work. But I think it would be very telling if Lance signed a deal that kept him here. I think there might be a “wink wink” agreement that he’ll be the starter in the next couple seasons. Kind of like how Love was groomed for the QB1 for GB.

If there is no unspoken or spoken agreement that Lance will get a chance to compete for QB1 in Dallas then I agree with you that it would be stupid for him to sign here as a perennial backup. Unless his market value made him a backup and he was cool with it. But I would assume he’d want to start.
I mean I guess, but if Dallas extends Dak that's basically the end of that.

Words don't mean a whole lot. Like there's no way Lance signs for, say, $3m per year as the "future" starter if they give Dak a 4-year extension.


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They are only "pinned in the corner" by their own choice - which means they always intended to extend Dak, and they aren't alarmed by the options they have available.
I agree with you but they have made stupid decisions with his contracts for a long time now.
When they tagged him, saw him miss 75% of the year then gave him a massive deal anyway you knew logic was out the window.

Their best option is literally falling at his knees begging for partnership where he takes a team friendly deal at this point.
2nd best option is just release him and play Lance.

Any other option is basically a fairy tale.
He has a no trade clause and he has a no tag provision.
He can basically force the team to pay himn insane money or force them to give him unrestricted free agency where Dallas would receive a future R3 pick.

I hate it here. --and I like Dak as a QB but not being this behind the 8ball as a team.


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Cut him.

Post June 1.

Take the money and Run Jerry.
Pay the money and run..there is no take he will get 61 mill, depending on when they cut him, it would be onelumpsum or half now half 2025 basically..there is no take the money and