Cowboys putrid offense scheme only matched by playing zone and being shredded


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You will be back with your ridiculous plats. You know you will.
mr acr---- if i was in your shoes i probably would say same is an old Homer who got his heart ripped out of his chest but give him time he willl

a Homer again.....i even spoke to Jake....if there was big change and that change led to a different team with a different QB Like Trey Lance then i might

head back to the "rah rah' type but if its the same ol thing i wont...cause even if Dak went 16-1 lets say?....its not his regular season play but his postseason

lack of success that hurts so much and not just Dak but it was our coaching....playing way off recievers who were young and not world beaters and then

playing a lot of zone which they never play was so stupid...and not making adjustments until garbage time which i dont count....but Love his first 8 games

was not good....below 55% accuracy rating and bad TD to INT ratio but Lefleur stuck with his development and his last 8 games 21 TD's and either 1 or 3 INT's

and it was Shannahan of 9ers who said he did not believe Trey Lance was given enough development time before trading him.....i know Cowboys after watching

Love crush us as first year QB will go at trying hard to develop him he may be the next Love/....and i wont forgive Dak if he dont take serious pay cut

after ripping our hearts out and whole team stamping on them....aint paying him no 59 million cap hit baloney....we need to bite bullet and trade him

so only way ridiculous PLATS come back will come if team shows courage and gets a bit ridiculous themselves


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Gorico you have invested alot in this team over 53 years. I get the frustration most fans of this team concurs. I have been their the same amount of time as you almost verbatim. But I won't quit being a fan of the Cowboys. I have questions about the officials and their assigned roles in the modern game. I sometimes wrestle with the legitamacy of the games. I come from the Landry era and fell in love with the Cowboys as a very young lad. I am not gonna let JJ and his son run me off.
We need change on both sides of the ball. But Jerry being all of 81 years old may be afraid his ticking time clock is getting closer to the end so he may elect to try and salvage as much of the current staff as possible. DQ has to go no ands ifs or butts about that as well as his philosophy because it is so flawed.
If you go Gorico it was a heck of a ride for ya for 53 years. Cowboys Forever!
mr Blast---no i did not quit team as i said when i was so hurt and heart ripped out and stamped on....i was way over the top....i am the same emotional guy

but the rah rah PLAT guy no more unless coaching and QB changes...Love first 8 games 55% accuracy and bad TD to INT ratio...but last 8 games

21TD's and either 1 or 3 INT's....i just bet cowboys go all out trying to develop Trey Lance who is suppose to be better than Love anyway....and

Shannahan was probably right he did not have enough quality development time?....we were so stupid the leadership how they schemed to play

the Packers on defense and i just watched Kurt Warners breakdown of Dak and scheme and receivers and they were horribly positioned

and the route trees were terrible against that defense...the defense was playing quarters zone....and Dak was confused whole game until garbage time

i have never in 50 years been that irrate at stupidity of they did it on purpose almost....fat Mike already with horrible clock mgmnt

and then no diversity or life but flat offense totally inexcusable....if Jones does not recognize how he so ripped off the faithful fans....No more rah rah

from GORICO....i dont even mind when zoners here jump all over me for putting up rah rah PLATS cause i know it hurts when we lose and have to let

off steam somewhere...but the product we put out yesterday was by far the worst product ever put on field by Dallas least when we lost

to Bears in 1985...44-0 it cause we got our butts handed to us....we had a better team...but we had horrible coaches and scheming...come on Jerry

be for the fans here...and Dak takes huge pay cut or bite bullet and trade him...look at Peyton Manning he did not even need an OC...He was OC

on the field...i guarantee within a couple plays would have figured how to attack quarters zone and killed them


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You didnt get banned yet? No1 should care about ur thoughts
mr Hennessy---well the emotional rah rah GORICO aint putting up PLATS ever again unless Cowboys and Jones gets honest and real how he ripped off the fans

so terribly....starting with DC all year choosing to play dime or nickel with a safety as linebacker to the horrible scheming yesterday of playing so far off these young

recievers none world beaters and then playing zone...which we not use to playing was so stupid and fat Mike...i watched Kurt Warners breakdown of Dak and

Warner was shocked at horrible play calling and lining receivers wrong positions and asking them to perform wrong "route tree' against quarters zone which

confused Dak all day...totally 90% on coaches but also Dak plays well regular season most part but cant handle bright lights...2-5 in playoffs and only two

wins against wild card teams....check this out....Love for Green bay first 8 games around horrible 55% accuracy and horrible TD to INT ratio but last 8 games

21 TD's and either 1 or 3 INT's...Lefleur stuck with him and developed him and Shannahan of 9ers said our Trey Lance was not developed near enough

before he as shipped off to i bet anything cowboys spend all off season really working hard with Trey developing him...cause 8 years Dak plays good

in regular season but crumbles in playoffs...2-5 and 2 wins only wild no more rah rah GORICO unless Cowboys get real and pay back the fans

for all they have ripped us off by getting good coaches who dont crumble come playoff time...and no way you pay Dak huge cut or bite bullet

and trade him....even if he went 16-1 in regular season...our anxiety come playoff time will be the same...i like all you guys even the ones that blast me

for PLATS cause i know it hurts when we lose....but i got way too psyched up for this cowboy team and coaches...if its same ol same ol....PLATS DEAD FORever

cause i lost all respect for Jones for not paying back what he stole from fans


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It's been real. Take care and don't let the door hit in the arse.
dang Ranching....thanks for send off....but i was way over the top hurt and heart ripped out like never before...i reconsidered...aint leaving...but no more rah rah

GORICO with PLATS unless Jones does right thing and pays back fans for all he has ripped us off....get better coaching and do not pay Dak no 59 million

for this years Cap hit....or negotiate some huge contract after what he did Kurt Warner's film breakdown of Dak....Warner could not believe

the horrible position coaches put receivers in playing against quarters zone....and Dak taking way too long to release ball on timing routes....Warner was

shocked....Dak has had 8 years....2-5 in post season and only 2 wins wild card do you let the first 7th seed advance but not just advance

but crush you on the way??????....90% coaching...5% Dak...5% defense....we did not put our men in right position either offensively or defensively

No EXCUSES for that...this is playoff football....i wont ever be a TROLL....but no more rah rah GORICO unless Jones does right thing and pays back

fans for ripping us off


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We don't have smart coaches.. we have puppets. All dallas is, is eye candy! The last 3 yrs we watched this team lose the same way, how can you do the same things and not fix anything on defense or offense? Dan quiff makes not one adjustment? MM can't make one adjustment to help the team? Next yr we have to watch a season of football with the same outcome and we KNOW this! Jerry is the problem .
mr Jimcz---total BINGO on that


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I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t get nervous for the game until I saw your “Quadruple silver gold plat 1000x guarantee” that the cowboys would win.
never mix silver and gold...but did use Uranium and Plutonium with the Platinum and super charged it with "Mega"...but no more...not unless Jones does right

thing and pays back the fans for all he has ripped us off....getting new coaches and working on new QB...starting development Trey Lance?...and no way pay

Dak super bucks...take massive pay cut or bite bullet and trade him???


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mr Hennessy---well the emotional rah rah GORICO aint putting up PLATS ever again unless Cowboys and Jones gets honest and real how he ripped off the fans

so terribly....starting with DC all year choosing to play dime or nickel with a safety as linebacker to the horrible scheming yesterday of playing so far off these young

recievers none world beaters and then playing zone...which we not use to playing was so stupid and fat Mike...i watched Kurt Warners breakdown of Dak and

Warner was shocked at horrible play calling and lining receivers wrong positions and asking them to perform wrong "route tree' against quarters zone which

confused Dak all day...totally 90% on coaches but also Dak plays well regular season most part but cant handle bright lights...2-5 in playoffs and only two

wins against wild card teams....check this out....Love for Green bay first 8 games around horrible 55% accuracy and horrible TD to INT ratio but last 8 games

21 TD's and either 1 or 3 INT's...Lefleur stuck with him and developed him and Shannahan of 9ers said our Trey Lance was not developed near enough

before he as shipped off to i bet anything cowboys spend all off season really working hard with Trey developing him...cause 8 years Dak plays good

in regular season but crumbles in playoffs...2-5 and 2 wins only wild no more rah rah GORICO unless Cowboys get real and pay back the fans

for all they have ripped us off by getting good coaches who dont crumble come playoff time...and no way you pay Dak huge cut or bite bullet

and trade him....even if he went 16-1 in regular season...our anxiety come playoff time will be the same...i like all you guys even the ones that blast me

for PLATS cause i know it hurts when we lose....but i got way too psyched up for this cowboy team and coaches...if its same ol same ol....PLATS DEAD FORever

cause i lost all respect for Jones for not paying back what he stole from fans
I said they were frauds and a 1 and done team all year.


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I feel like I’m the only one who thinks that the team being one dimensional is detrimental to the QB. Having a very banged up offensive line doesn’t help either, feeling like if his first read isn’t there he panics because he knows he’s about to take a sack.

The whole game I didn’t see a single receiver run a decent route, they were all soft turns, and didn’t fight for position. And he is the only player the fan base is looking to hold accountable?


Three years in and the D still can’t stop runs up the middle.


More than meets the eye.
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Regarding the defense, the lack of accountability is galling. Dan Quinn should’ve been fired no longer than a day after the game ended. It was the definition of “phoning it in” because you have one foot out the door. Firing him before he even made it to Seattle would’ve been accountability.


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Regarding the defense, the lack of accountability is galling. Dan Quinn should’ve been fired no longer than a day after the game ended. It was the definition of “phoning it in” because you have one foot out the door. Firing him before he even made it to Seattle would’ve been accountability.
mr Scipio---did he get the Seattle job? least throw him a good "blanket party"


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I feel like I’m the only one who thinks that the team being one dimensional is detrimental to the QB. Having a very banged up offensive line doesn’t help either, feeling like if his first read isn’t there he panics because he knows he’s about to take a sack.

The whole game I didn’t see a single receiver run a decent route, they were all soft turns, and didn’t fight for position. And he is the only player the fan base is looking to hold accountable?


Three years in and the D still can’t stop runs up the middle.
yes outrageous