Professor Pedagogy: Okay class, today, we continue our examination of the dynamics of media reporting. Howard Cosell set a new standard in the business of reporting. He can even be seen as the unintended forerunner of the current dynamic we see in the recent trend of over-the-top point-counterpoint argumentative style of ...
Student in back row: (Interrupting) Prof Ped, do you think fans care about that stuff? I mean, c'mon, don't fans just want to see the players squirm over the questions. It's cool.
--Other students whisper and murmur--
Professor Pedagogy: (Frowning as his spectacles slip down his nose) The same can be seen in the Fake News phenomena of today's internet journalism.
--Student in front row raises hand--
Edward: So, the ability to remain objective and relevant is the essence of reporting integrity?
Professor Pedagogy: That's right, Edward.
Student in back row: (Interrupting) Prof, Cosell couldn't spell CAT without Dandy Don.
Professor Pedagogy: To summarize, there is objective critique, which attempts to examine facts and seek clarification. At the other end of the spectrum, we see the witless prattling of artless fools.