Teague31 Defender of the Star Messages 18,510 Reaction score 23,437 Sep 7, 2014 #961 Turns out not playing anyone the entire preseason makes them crappy to start the season.
nalam The realist Messages 12,036 Reaction score 7,252 Sep 7, 2014 #962 Damn it romo , throw it out !
Blackspider214 Well-Known Member Messages 13,417 Reaction score 16,301 Sep 7, 2014 #963 CanadianCowboysFan said: why throw on 1st and goal at the 5? Click to expand... Look who is our head coach and QB. There is your answer.
CanadianCowboysFan said: why throw on 1st and goal at the 5? Click to expand... Look who is our head coach and QB. There is your answer.
alsmith Member Messages 302 Reaction score 1 Sep 7, 2014 #964 RUN THE BALL, inside the 10 yard line and just run the ball... ....
MikeT22 Well-Known Member Messages 5,082 Reaction score 5,186 Sep 7, 2014 #965 Not sure why people seem surprised, Tony has always been a poor decision making turnover machine.
jobberone Kane Ala Messages 54,219 Reaction score 19,659 Sep 7, 2014 #966 Leadbelly said: Tony. Garrett. Linehan. You are dumb. RUN THE BALL! What is wrong with you??? Click to expand... You are right. In fact I had a fit when I saw how they lined up.
Leadbelly said: Tony. Garrett. Linehan. You are dumb. RUN THE BALL! What is wrong with you??? Click to expand... You are right. In fact I had a fit when I saw how they lined up.
Wizarus Well-Known Member Messages 1,098 Reaction score 1,066 Sep 7, 2014 #967 Like him or hate him, we're stuck with Romo being Romo. Good at times, not so good at times.
cowboyvic Well-Known Member Messages 1,817 Reaction score 735 Sep 7, 2014 #968 But But all i read on here all summer is how great Romo is. it's the same old crap every year.
ScipioCowboy More than meets the eye. Messages 25,348 Reaction score 17,729 Sep 7, 2014 #969 It is such a pity that we wasted Romo's best years.
Plankton Well-Known Member Messages 12,437 Reaction score 19,169 Sep 7, 2014 #970 Who would have thought that the offense would be the biggest contributor to a 21-3 deficit?
The Quest for Six Well-Known Member Messages 20,739 Reaction score 21,183 Sep 7, 2014 #971 drive a truck through that hole
jblaze2004 Well-Known Member Messages 21,668 Reaction score 11,922 Sep 7, 2014 #972 this game is over. thanks offense
Rogerthat12 DWAREZ Messages 14,706 Reaction score 10,077 Sep 7, 2014 #973 Scott L...hey Romo..are you stupid?
Gaede Well-Known Member Messages 17,165 Reaction score 14,127 Sep 7, 2014 #974 This is gonna get really ugly, me thinks
TellerMorrow34 BraveHeartFan Messages 28,358 Reaction score 5,076 Sep 7, 2014 #975 Well my boy romo is playing like crap today.. missed harris being open early and throws into triple coverage....smh.
Well my boy romo is playing like crap today.. missed harris being open early and throws into triple coverage....smh.
PA Cowboy Fan Well-Known Member Messages 25,680 Reaction score 52,135 Sep 7, 2014 #976 MarkP88 said: Love Tony, but he looks like a guy who barely played or practiced in pre-season. Click to expand... I think that has a lot to do with it. You just can't come in on game 1 and be in game shape.
MarkP88 said: Love Tony, but he looks like a guy who barely played or practiced in pre-season. Click to expand... I think that has a lot to do with it. You just can't come in on game 1 and be in game shape.
Aurican Active Member Messages 196 Reaction score 100 Sep 7, 2014 #977 Romo throws picks defense sucks Garrett claps same old
Cowboyz88 Well-Known Member Messages 11,117 Reaction score 10,015 Sep 7, 2014 #979 Give Romo enough time and he'll spit the bit. He just can't help it…it's in his DNA.
dupree89 Well-Known Member Messages 4,191 Reaction score 3,715 Sep 7, 2014 #980 landroverking said: Time for all the romo haters. Click to expand... Dude, can you actually blame them today?
landroverking said: Time for all the romo haters. Click to expand... Dude, can you actually blame them today?