BlueStar22 Well-Known Member Messages 11,226 Reaction score 3,988 Oct 12, 2008 #121 That's why you run the SNEAK!
GOLDENCHILD1688 Well-Known Member Messages 4,906 Reaction score 273 Oct 12, 2008 #126 damn come on not you to witten
EveryoneElse Active Member Messages 3,877 Reaction score 0 Oct 12, 2008 #127 SOB!!!!!!!!!! This team has no head. Wade is an aweful coach.
zrinkill Cowboy Fan Messages 49,459 Reaction score 33,384 Oct 12, 2008 #128 Witten is killing us with these faulse starts.
Clove Shrinkage Messages 65,045 Reaction score 27,699 Oct 12, 2008 #129 Hope Felix is okay. falst start gives us 3rd and 6 Romo with 3 wides and Barber - Romo calls time out, the play clock was too low. Why does it take so long to call a play?
Hope Felix is okay. falst start gives us 3rd and 6 Romo with 3 wides and Barber - Romo calls time out, the play clock was too low. Why does it take so long to call a play?
Bob Sacamano Benched Messages 57,084 Reaction score 3 Oct 12, 2008 #130 is Gurode freakin' ******** or something? stands around when the ball is loose looks at Romo, doesn't snap the ball when Romo's calling for it and just now
is Gurode freakin' ******** or something? stands around when the ball is loose looks at Romo, doesn't snap the ball when Romo's calling for it and just now
BlueStar22 Well-Known Member Messages 11,226 Reaction score 3,988 Oct 12, 2008 #131 What The Hell Is Up With Gurode Snapping The Ball!
MONT17 New Member Messages 3,269 Reaction score 0 Oct 12, 2008 #132 Workin on Felix on the sideline! TimeOut
xWraithx Benched Messages 3,449 Reaction score 1 Oct 12, 2008 #133 Romo just lit into someone, who was it?
zrinkill Cowboy Fan Messages 49,459 Reaction score 33,384 Oct 12, 2008 #135 Romo finally getting in someones *** ...... bout time .... I love it.
Da Hammer The Natural Messages 10,604 Reaction score 1 Oct 12, 2008 #136 LOL Romo is barking at Gurode. Gurode not the favorite teammate today...
GOLDENCHILD1688 Well-Known Member Messages 4,906 Reaction score 273 Oct 12, 2008 #137 BlueStar22;2329042 said: That's why you run the SNEAK! Click to expand... WITH TONY ''FUMBLE'' ROMO? I DONT THINK SO
BlueStar22;2329042 said: That's why you run the SNEAK! Click to expand... WITH TONY ''FUMBLE'' ROMO? I DONT THINK SO
Paniolo22 Hawaiian Cowboy Messages 3,936 Reaction score 355 Oct 12, 2008 #138 WTH is Gurode looking at?!?!?!!?
Jammer Retired Air Force Guy Messages 5,738 Reaction score 4,021 Oct 12, 2008 #139 Please Felix be okay.
EveryoneElse Active Member Messages 3,877 Reaction score 0 Oct 12, 2008 #140 you think we'll get far with all these mistakes? Off penalty we can't get a snap off and waste a timeout? Ignorance at it's worst.
you think we'll get far with all these mistakes? Off penalty we can't get a snap off and waste a timeout? Ignorance at it's worst.