Sorry but y'all can say Williams sucks all you want but refs screwed him on the TD. That was a great catch and didn't push off
Best stadium EVER
take the koolaid glasses off, he pushed him in the back
Let's stop blaming refs. We haven't done anything to set ourselves apart and to deserve to be winning in this game.
Let's stop blaming refs. We haven't done anything to set ourselves apart and to deserve to be winning in this game.
Stop blaming the refs. These aren't subjective calls. The Cowboys are just plain stupid.
Call me nuts.....But I think I would have tried to kick that FG
7 points at halftime. What an offensive juggernaut.
Phantom penalty on Carr. Not calling running into the kicker on Philly. Weak T. Will call that gave us another touchdown. Another penalty right after that to push us even further back.
I like your Facebook posts
No way ODB gets called for that PI
Garrett yet again can't field a smart team
Need a three and out or a turnover right now.
Did anyone know that there was artwork at the stadium?
I had no idea