links18 Well-Known Member Messages 24,436 Reaction score 20,282 Dec 14, 2014 #461 D. Harris doesn't make the twenty again......
StylisticS Well-Known Member Messages 14,901 Reaction score 6,327 Dec 14, 2014 #462 Got to start running the ball effectively.
The Quest for Six Well-Known Member Messages 20,744 Reaction score 21,188 Dec 14, 2014 #464 The Cowboys I know The Defense I know. all we need now is the Romo I know
JohnsKey19 Well-Known Member Messages 19,859 Reaction score 18,993 Dec 14, 2014 #465 yentl911 said: Carr is a total piece of ****!!!!!!! Click to expand... its similar to Newman where his game completely fell off a cliff.
yentl911 said: Carr is a total piece of ****!!!!!!! Click to expand... its similar to Newman where his game completely fell off a cliff.
Section446 Well-Known Member Messages 11,957 Reaction score 11,655 Dec 14, 2014 #466 Why is anyone surprised? This isn't a team on the same level as the Eagles.
Plankton Well-Known Member Messages 12,438 Reaction score 19,170 Dec 14, 2014 #467 Well, the crowd should be awake now.
calico Well-Known Member Messages 6,009 Reaction score 3,250 Dec 14, 2014 #468 BanditHiro said: lol here we go. Click to expand... Jesus they're like a herpe ridden ex...keep poppin up
BanditHiro said: lol here we go. Click to expand... Jesus they're like a herpe ridden ex...keep poppin up
romothesavior Well-Known Member Messages 3,512 Reaction score 4,366 Dec 14, 2014 #469 Jesus our special teams unit is atrocious. Starting at the 15 every drive.
texbumthelife Well-Known Member Messages 22,738 Reaction score 23,272 Dec 14, 2014 #470 Harris, the good is starting to significant;y outweigh the bad. I think you're roster fodder at this point.
Harris, the good is starting to significant;y outweigh the bad. I think you're roster fodder at this point.
HeavyBarrel Well-Known Member Messages 7,559 Reaction score 7,157 Dec 14, 2014 #471 mahoneybill said: This one is on the D..... Click to expand... D isn't talented enough though, the money side of the ball has to do this
mahoneybill said: This one is on the D..... Click to expand... D isn't talented enough though, the money side of the ball has to do this
BotchedLobotomy Wide Right Messages 15,724 Reaction score 24,252 Dec 14, 2014 #472 This is just as much the fault of our offense
Shotgun Dave Well-Known Member Messages 1,975 Reaction score 561 Dec 14, 2014 #473 AmericanCowboy said: This is why we cannot extend Jason Garrett- the man has an aura of losing about him Click to expand... Good grief. Were you saying that when Dallas went up 21-0? And can Garrett replace Carr on the field? No, he can't. Haters gonna hate, but this isn't on Garrett. Carr sucks in the worst possible way. He can't tackle for squat.
AmericanCowboy said: This is why we cannot extend Jason Garrett- the man has an aura of losing about him Click to expand... Good grief. Were you saying that when Dallas went up 21-0? And can Garrett replace Carr on the field? No, he can't. Haters gonna hate, but this isn't on Garrett. Carr sucks in the worst possible way. He can't tackle for squat.
BRoni Well-Known Member Messages 1,991 Reaction score 1,806 Dec 14, 2014 #474 Well the crowd is back into it.
ilykdrama Well-Known Member Messages 1,474 Reaction score 1,100 Dec 14, 2014 #475 links18 said: And put in who exactly? Click to expand... Literally ANYONE. Literally any ONE person sitting on their couch or in the league. He's the worst contract we've had in a decade.
links18 said: And put in who exactly? Click to expand... Literally ANYONE. Literally any ONE person sitting on their couch or in the league. He's the worst contract we've had in a decade.
jobberone Kane Ala Messages 54,219 Reaction score 19,659 Dec 14, 2014 #477 A pass on first down. Ahhhh!
NeonNinja Dash28 Messages 17,358 Reaction score 15,188 Dec 14, 2014 #478 I can do what Carr is. Pay me Jerry, I'll take half.
AmericanCowboy Well-Known Member Messages 3,602 Reaction score 5,391 Dec 14, 2014 #479 finally someone makes a play
SultanOfSix Star Power Messages 13,177 Reaction score 8,568 Dec 14, 2014 #480 The amount of 3rd and longs this team gives up is just inexcusable.