Is that all you got! ...Beauty and the Beast!??
Pathetic! This Thread isn't even worth defending. The mere fact that 3 different Cowboy fans came together to agree and make flamming comments toward an opponent that you feel is inferior than your own team is loser mentality.
At least I can say that the Eagles/Cowboys rivalry makes the game exciting. Here, two Behemoth teams come together to test skills that have been fine tuned during the off-season.
You aren't expected to like the Eagles, that's understandable, but you three and I realize there's more, don't even respect the Eagles as a contender. The sad part is that even when your team defeats the Eagles (like they did in 2005), you brag about the victory (not all of you), as though you've just beaten a Superbowl Champion.
If the Philadelphia Eagles are so scrub-like that you must create a separate thread just to draw the flies (only directed toward those that this shoe fits), why waste your time?
Here's the straight and narrow ...we'll compete at a Higher level than we did in 2005. Are the Eagles a Better team -- hellyeah! Will we beat the Cowboys in 2006 do I know; but at least I'm not a hypocrite. I believe the Cowboys will compete at a High level, but I do not believe that your team has any greater chance than the Eagles do at having a successful year.
SOmebody help me out here. Some fans here believe that this is there personal MB to use every opportunity to discredit opponent teams. I don't see that as being a prerequisite to being a good Cowboys fan (and there are Plenty of good Cowboy fans here!).
How do you establish credit for your fandom if you ...say derrogatory things about an opponent team's city (the city is part of the United States, not an opponent team). Are you just having fun when you say ...hate the eagles and the entire city of philadelphia? I don't think so.
Perhaps it's just me, but I hold the Zone as a higher place than simply your peronal opportunity to badger opponent teams simply because you've run out of football related dialogue.
I can't wait for the regular season to begin.