Cowboys Vs Giants ***Game Thread*** 1st Half

Brad makes a good play and comes right back with that stinker :bang2:
Every damned good play is countered with crap.
Offense and defense.
Come on crowd start the chant, Baaaaaaaaaaaaalinggggggggggggerrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
we would have a chance if we weren't such a stupid ballclub. the shotgon draw on 3rd down was a horrible, horrible call. being offsides on a punt is ridiculously stupid. henry breaks outside on what is clearly an inside move. it's the same things each week which keep us down. good play followed by a bad play. roy great catch, brad terrible slant throw.
At this point, I welcome a blowout. If Dallas gets shellacked, maybe Wade will get canned.
Nice catch, guys I think today are only hope lies with the Seahawks and the Steelers!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead:
brad from what i could tell threw the football way out in front of T O, dont, know why T O didnt run to the ball, on the radio they said brad threw it behind T O
Why this POS bum has a job, and especially a job with the Dallas Cowboys is beyond me.

Get ready boys and girls, the route is on.

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