Cowboys Vs Giants ****Game Thread****

11:43 remaining

Kick off goes deep into the end zone for a touch back.

Dallas 38 NYG 22
Our defense doesn't look tired like the Gints D does. I trust our D to make a stop. The Gints D doesn't look like they can even come close to stopping our O right now.
cowboyz;1632114 said:
how many people thought TO did a celebration when that flag was called?

I thought a hold, but it was too late, had to be after and T.O. hasn't done much celebrating.
On the TO td replay, it looked like he was gesturing to Wilson w/ his hands as if he was calling on dog...."come on boy...".

22Cowboys21;1631631 said:
WOW! After 30 minutes of the season, people are ready to slit their wrists. You doom and gloomers call yourselves true fans, when all you do is cry woe is me!

Some of you so called DIE HARD fans are pathetic!:rolleyes:

Rack;1632136 said:
I don't see how it's possible we're getting all these deep pass plays.

After all we have no deep threat w/o Glenn in there.


It's the conditioning of the Giant players....:D
ologan;1632123 said:
That 15 yard penalty doesn't help us at all...They just take it on the 20 when we kick it out of the end zone. They should enforce it from where the kickoff was run back.....That's only fair,IMHO!!!

I think that's a bit harsh. If our kicker was smarter he would've kicked it short.
Does T.O. always keep the ball after he scores.... I hope he's not collecting them cause he's going to retire after this year. hahaha
OHG if the defense could play half as good as the offense....this team would be awesome...come ROY, Bradie James, Ware (lost in space) show some defense.....
BigD;1632126 said:
Not me. I saw the punch, and was was screaming for a personal foul.

Me too. It was obvious especially since TO didn't celebrate.
SultanOfSix;1632134 said:
I think it would be assessed then as half the distance to the goal.

I'd take that,but its a useless penalty all the same....Gives them a free shot at TO.
Cbz40;1632137 said:
On the nosey....

Ok I'll say this again...

NOW is the time where - theoretically - we should be able to T off on Eli.

This offense is going to have to win for us until the defense catches up.
ologan;1632123 said:
That 15 yard penalty doesn't help us at all...They just take it on the 20 when we kick it out of the end zone. They should enforce it from where the kickoff was run back.....That's only fair,IMHO!!!


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