Cowboys Vs Giants ***Official Game Thread***

This may get nasty... The Boys offence is still at the hotel...Time to wake up fellas... Could be alot worse than 10-0... Giants are dominating
Well, a moral victory least the D showed up...the O apparently missed the flight.
Silverstar said:
Looky there...Eli in the shotgun again.

i have been thinking that everytime we have been on O, but no runs up the middle for 1 yard and Bledsoe getting pressured everyplay is exactly what we want
Shockingly, we are still in it. Only down 10...but our offense needs to WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!
abersonc said:
or it might be that we are playing a pretty good team on their home field.

Homefield is worth 3 points. So road vs. home is worth 6 points. We outplayed them most of the game earlier in the year and are getting dominated today. I don't think this can be entirely attributed to homefield.
I have ZERO confidence in Payton's play-calling.

When you see that our o-line is having trouble blocking, you need to go to a spread offense when you want to run the ball. Keeping everybody bunched up at the line and calling a play designed to go up the middle will get you what we've gotten the past 2 months....and that is nothing much.
I'm just not sure how a team could be this 'down' for a game that will probably decide the NFC East.
TT shouldn't let that ball bounce on a kickoff, it's a live ball...something I learned years and years ago in midget football the hard way when it can bounce anywhere...
Eskimo said:
Homefield is worth 3 points.

if you are a bookie maybe. it is worth more if you are going to a good team's home.
You would think given Bledsoe's inability to avaoid anything resembling a pass rush that they would back him up into the shotgun. I just don't understand the play calling of this team, they have the talent and weapons to stretch any team, but they are perfectly comfotable playing a slow down, play to your opponents level style of offense.

Please Allow This Hellish Experiene To Immediately Conclude

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