Game Day ***Cowboys vs Panthers 1st half game thread***

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I don't know, seems to me something stinks here today. Not buying this as presented.
There really wasn't a single complaint when we drafted Claiborne...not from the fans, and not from the national media. Nice hindsight by everyone.

Apparently you weren't on here that day. Many people cimplained.
This game isn't over, but nothing changes unless the HC offense is trashed.. And Hayden gets cut..
Boys and girls our defense has held the Panthers to three field goals, that is it....... but yet we are down by 20. That falls on the coaching staff and offensive design
There really wasn't a single complaint when we drafted Claiborne...not from the fans, and not from the national media. Nice hindsight by everyone.

I said it was a stupid trade from day one, team had more holes than swiss cheese on defense and no one player was going to change that...
Byron Jones keeping us from been blown out more then we are. Romo needs to catch fire in 2nd half. Shake it off and let's play some football
Don't think it is.

if a player illegally launches into a defenseless opponent. It is an illegal launch if a player (1) leaves both feet prior to contact to spring forward and upward into his opponent, and (2) uses any part of his helmet (including the top/crown and forehead/”hairline” parts) to initiate forcible contact against any part of his opponent’s body.
Perhaps the National Guard is an overstretch, but if Weeden played as bad as Romo has on Thanksgiving just imagine all the hate that would be dished out on him!

But Weeden doesn't give us ANY hope that he can come back from multiple-interceptions. At least Romo can.
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