CowboysZone Forum Rules


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
As a member of CowboysZone, you must agree to the following rules:

#1 - You will not publicly question the actions of the staff or how this site is managed.
#2 - You will not post obscene or non-family friendly content.
#3 - You will not post links to obscene or non-family friendly content.
#4 - You will not include profanity or non-family friendly language in your posts.
#5 - You will not post racist, race-baiting or sexually insensitive discussions or comments.
#6 - You will not post religious discussions, comments or content.
#7 - You will not post political discussions, comments or content.
#8 - You will not personally attack or insult other members.
#9 - You will not troll or antagonize other members.
#10 - You will not stalk or continuously harass other members.
#11 - You will not advertise or promote other sites, services or products.
#12 - You will not bump old threads for any reason.
#13 - You will not circumvent the language filter.
#14 - You will not repeatedly bump current threads to keep them on the front page of a forum.
#15 - You will not use a username with offensive words, symbols or phrases.
#16 - You will not blame anyone else for actions performed using your account.
#17 - You will not create more than one account unless permission is granted beforehand.
#18 - You will not intentionally post messages in the wrong forums.
#19 - You will not post fake, false or wild rumors or news.
#20 - You will not use misleading, fake or exclamatory titles.
#21 - You will not post links to sites that have been filtered.
#22 - You will not post messages that promote, condone or support any illegal activity.
#23 - You will not post full articles from other sites without permission.
#24 - You will not post images that contain full or near nudity.
#25 - You will not use animated avatars or avatars larger than 20,000 bytes.
#26 - You will not include animated images in your signatures.
#27 - You will not have a signature larger than 500x350 or total more than 100,000 bytes.
#28 - You will not promote any personal or non-official NFL related social networking pages or links.
#29 - You will not spam any content on the site.
#30 - You will not post links to content on sites that require subscriptions to access the content.
#31 - You will not post bets with other members including account betting.

-The Staff