***Cowboyszone Mock Draft Discussion Thread***

Morning Gentleman, Sorry for missing my 2nd round pick. It's alittle tough when the draft starts at 6AM PST on a Sunday Morning. I should be around for the 3rd.
Whoever is picking for the Cowboys Suck. I mean this in the nicest way possible. You have traded away this draft and it's a good thing you are not picking for the real thing.
Stacy said:
Whoever is picking for the Cowboys Suck. I mean this in the nicest way possible. You have traded away this draft and it's a good thing you are not picking for the real thing.

Says the junior with 1 post :rolleyes: Avery has done a very nice job for Dallas.
Stacy said:
Whoever is picking for the Cowboys Suck. I mean this in the nicest way possible. You have traded away this draft and it's a good thing you are not picking for the real thing.

Ouch, Av. I thought you did alright.

And Stacy, Whoever (singular) + suck (plural) = bad grammar.
Spontae said:
Ouch, Av. I thought you did alright.

And Stacy, Whoever (singular) + suck (plural) = bad grammar.
Yeah! Sick a drunk and recently paroled Storm trooper on stacy. Stacy...please.
With Erasmus James and Troy Williamson both on the board, I would rather have gotton one of them. I don't think drafting 2 LB's was all that smart. I don't feel that the boyz will be going to a 3-4 this year.
Stacy said:
With Erasmus James and Troy Williamson both on the board, I would rather have gotton one of them. I don't think drafting 2 LB's was all that smart. I don't feel that the boyz will be going to a 3-4 this year.

:welcome: But what a bad way to start on a new board..... :chop:

You did good AV built for the future and gained a butt load of picks next year...

Saints did the best though LOL I had fun just trading.....lots of fun after we got the time issue worked out.... :banghead:

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