CowboysZone Server Maintenance Completed

WoodysGirl;4145297 said:
You guys have no idea what this guy thinks up.

#evilreality :cool:
The sad thing is, I can never talk him into doing these devious things to anyone. He keeps threatening to turn only my browser into a 24/7 Christmas theme. I dread every day that he will follow through on his joke.
Hostile;4145521 said:
The sad thing is, I can never talk him into doing these devious things to anyone. He keeps threatening to turn only my browser into a 24/7 Christmas theme. I dread every day that he will follow through on his joke.

Sounds more like a promise than a joke :laugh1:
Reality;4144038 said:
CowboysZone should now be faster than ever!
Can you quantify that for us, perhaps in "Garrett-sux-posts-per-minute"?
jimnabby;4145540 said:
Can you quantify that for us, perhaps in "Garrett-sux-posts-per-minute"?


What I need to do is create a system where each negative post adds an additional one second delay between posting times. :D So posting 30 negative posts would lead to an additional 30 second delay between new posts. And of course to balance that out, every positive Cowboys post would reduce the posting delay by one second. :D

Of course by saying this, every time a negative nancy's internet connection slows down, the conspiracy theories will run rampant .. though .. *laughs* .. at a slower rate :D :D

Reality;4145611 said:

What I need to do is create a system where each negative post adds an additional one second delay between posting times. :D So posting 30 negative posts would lead to an additional 30 second delay between new posts. And of course to balance that out, every positive Cowboys post would reduce the posting delay by one second. :D

Of course by saying this, every time a negative nancy's internet connection slows down, the conspiracy theories will run rampant .. though .. *laughs* .. at a slower rate :D :D


Yeah but who gets to determine bad posts and why has my browser slowed down so much? :confused:
Yeagermeister;4145634 said:
Yeah but who gets to determine bad posts and why has my browser slowed down so much? :confused:

*looks around innocently* I have no idea what you are referring to but I am sure WoodysGirl is involved.

Reality;4145642 said:
*looks around innocently* I have no idea what you are referring to but I am sure WoodysGirl is involved.


I think we need a poll.....sorry Juke :laugh1:
Hostile;4145006 said:
I hope no one takes this the wrong way. I love this post. It really shows appreciation for something way too often overlooked about this site.

Some people hate our Guidelines, but this site is really the best out there. Reality has this site on the absolute best servers, best software, and safest stuff there is.

Nothing will ever get added here infests your computers.

Performance of this site is so important to him that he will miss sleep and put money making projects on hold to handle an issue here.

This site has never been hacked the way some have. It has never crashed the way some do. We have huge user loads during the games and it barely slows down at all, and that happens without having to turn off the users sig pics and avatars.

Spammers and their ilk are dealt with swiftly so that users here don't have to put up with it.

I for one find it refreshing that you appreciate the effort and hours that he put into this for everyone's enjoyment of the site.

Spot on. This site is fantastically good. The only issues anyone has are with the posters themselves, and that's the nature of the beast. No spam, no bots, no garbage.

I know what it takes to run a site of this magnitude at a high level and I know what a labor of love it is. My contribution is probably only good for about a half day's bandwidth, but better than nothing.

I'd love to see Reality do an Off Topic "Behind the Curtain" look at the stack that makes up the website that I can't live without. I do understand why eh would be reluctant to do so on a number of levels though.

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