Cundiff Doing great in Green Bay

The funniest part of this article is that Cundiff is claiming he is just as good if not better than Ryan Longwell.

Ryan Longwell has had only one subpar season in his career...last year. Otherwise, he is one the NFL's top kickers and had been clutch for the Packers for many years.

Cundiff wouldn't even be eligible to hold Longwell's jock strap.
5Stars said:
Let that baby faced brat Cundiff stay in Green Bay! I don't ever want to see his face again...ever!! :mad: I don't even like hearing about him...I hope he freezes his footballs off in Green Bay!

Sorry I couldn't resist

summerisfunner said:
know what really sucks? this hand-wrining over established vets, TO is dropping passes and Bledsoe is overthrowing WRs at times, should we hand-wring about them also? you're probably just playing, but I thought I should throw it out there regardless
I was, as soon as I read the line I was thinking of Happy Gilmore:

Shooter McGavin: Just stay out of my way or you'll pay, listen to what I say.
Happy Gilmore: Hey, why don't I just got and eat some hay. I can lay by the bay, make things out of clay, I just may, what'd ya say?

What a classic movie!
iceberg said:
i was talking about you - not to you. : )

What happened to your little

/ignore ... dude...were you lying?

It's not fun, dude...OK, about me behind my back? Is that what you do, dude...backoff dude...

Go eat your shrooms,'s not fun anymore, dude...backoff, dude...

peplaw06 said:
Sorry I couldn't resist


funny thing is the haley joel kid looks older than billy cuz haley has achne lol
kmp77 said:
So Cundiff sucked here....Vandy is sucking....Cundiff is doing good there...Vandy said the holding here is sucking. Maybe there is actually something to this.

I've been giving this some thought after hearing Vandy was whiffing a lot, even though he's supposedly been sick. Last season Jose "teh suck" Cortez flipped out at the holder a couple of times after bad misses, one of those times almost getting pasted by LA as a result. At the time it seemed like he was making excuses and being an #%*, but in hindsight maybe there was something to that.
5Stars said:
What happened to your little

/ignore ... dude...were you lying?

It's not fun, dude...OK, about me behind my back? Is that what you do, dude...backoff dude...

Go eat your shrooms,'s not fun anymore, dude...backoff, dude...

don't tell me - you were voted "most easily entertained" in every class you ever took...
iceberg said:
don't tell me - you were voted "most easily entertained" in every class you ever took...

Don't you have some moaning and groaning to do about the Oline and Italian people...and of course Parcells not playing the little QBs for 2 minutes in a game so that YOU can see if they have "it"?

Go use what energy you have left on those subjects...that's about all you are good for anyway...dude

Backoff,'s not fun anymore dude...the short bus is waiting dude...

backoff dude...

5Stars said:
Don't you have some moaning and groaning to do about the Oline and Italian people...and of course Parcells not playing the little QBs for 2 minutes in a game so that YOU can see if they have "it"?

Go use what energy you have left on those subjects...that's about all you are good for anyway...dude

Backoff,'s not fun anymore dude...the short bus is waiting dude...

backoff dude...


well, i wasn't planning on this, but it looks like "dork" got redefined again today.
I really never thought Cundiff was a lost cause until last year.

With confidence I think he is an average kicker with a decent leg.
Kickers do what in training camp? ride a bike... play cards in the locker room... kick a FG at the end of practice and go home... Denny Green makes his kickers stay outside for the entire practice and he is one of the few!!!

Cundiff hit a cpl of FGs and he is a stud!!! he did the same in DALLAS how do u think he got the job!!! Cundiff has ability evident with the 55 yarder he hit last yr....

wait till the season starts then give me Cundiff updates... this is sad!!!