CZ staff are pleased to announce that Bobhaze and CouchCoach have been added as moderators

Please take a moment and congratulate @Bobhaze and @CouchCoach on joining the staff.

Thank you for joining the team. We're happy to have you!

Donuts on you!
Funny, on the old boards - right before they closed down - a couple of us were thinking about adding a couple of more Mods to help us out and haze and CC were the exact 2 guys I as going to suggest.

Great picks, congrats guys.
Congrats Hazey and CC, two admired veteran posters, equipped with much knowledge and common sense! They both will make fine moderators, although I worry about Coach’s Hugh Hefner lifestyle, his quirky appetites, and rather odd proclivities. Coach, I trust you’ll still loosen the lids of the salt and pepper shakers at the annual banquet, and other such shenanigans and Tom Foolery...
Funny, on the old boards - right before they closed down - a couple of us were thinking about adding a couple of more Mods to help us out and haze and CC were the exact 2 guys I as going to suggest.

Great picks, congrats guys.
I am absolutely ecstatic to see both these guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you, Reality. Wise choice !!! Well done my good man!!!!!!

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