Dak hater give some credit


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You can see by my sig, I have been a huge dak critic. My number one criticism was his reluctance to throw the ball down field. Every single time we had a 3rd and 8 or more, all dak seemed to do s just dump the ball off.

He was hearing about all his lack of interceptions, and seemed to be more concerned with that than completing passes in coverage.

Yesterday I watched dak throw the ball down the field more in one game than he has ever done in a single game in hs career. He has obviously developed an immense trust and belief in cooper that he has not had in any other receiver.

I’d like to see hm be better at pocket awareness with the clock in his head, but I think we can clearl see progress since amari’s arrival. That can not be denied. I have always chimed that numbers don’t lie..... well I saw daks numbers since amari showed up..... and those numbers don’t lie.

So today, I will still say he isn’t the most accurate, but I am going to try and watch his game with the same eyes I watch other qbs with.

Ok dak...... I’m moving back in. Let’s start over!