Dak the Leader

There is no honor in doing down with the Dak ship.

Whenever you try and talk football all anyone will think is “this one of them poster that couldn’t let Dak go”.
Dak Loving no matter how many goofball mistakes he makes!

Dak or BUST for about the 3,9 % that are left here............ :muttley:
Leadership doesn't matter when

Dak's problem is that he simply doesn't have the ability to get the job done and all the players and coaches know it.

No one can do anything about it until they get the nod from upstairs.

The team is ready to start again with Cooper Rush and see where it goes.

All we can do is wait and keep asking for the change.

The boo's at home games have to get intense.

Record has been broken this Sunday by CJ Stroud who is actually not a game manager and is throwing the ball downfield, not like Dak with 3 all-pro linemen who all played together for a minimum of 2 years and Zeke.

We are now at game manager mode and he’s sucking it up even worse than before.
and this is all to limit the number of INT's he throws
he will go back to school this off-season and get his masters in workforce leadership and you guys will rue the dak you disrespected the dak.

Looks like Dak is going to organize another meeting with the Navy SEAL Team. Maybe have a couple pizza parties like they do in corporate to cheer up morale. This guy said “culture”. Dak is perfect for the management in the corporate world, but we need a QB.
That culture is so awesome. I lost count of all the championships and SBs it has brought the Cowboys. Accountability is the first word in how the Cowboys do business!
Dak is a phony. Not once in his press conference does he mention all his turnovers and ints and poor pocket plays. Instead he mentions the two turnovers the pollard fumble as well. The man has no integrity and only cares about $. He was trained by his agents to NEVER criticize himself so that contract negotiations are better. Instead throw everyone else under the bus

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