Dak tried so hard to give the game away


The Excellence of Execution
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Wasn’t a stupid decision by them…they had absolutely nothing to lose by going for it. They were a 1-10-1 team at that point. If I were a Houston fan, I’d have been pissed had they not gone for it. What were the odds of a 98 yard drive at tat point?
True. Can’t argue with that


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Hahahaha I see y'all are mad Dak led a 98yd TD drive for a win today. Not one person ever has said he is the best QB in history.

I know the threads were fired up and ready to hit send the second that INT happened at the very end.

So then we get this pointless thread of "TRIED" and "ALMOST".

There's a huge faction of Cowboys fans on here who get more satisfaction of Dallas losing with Dak and than the team winning. :muttley:
A last minute win against a crap team?

This is an annual hope fest. This team is not winning against playoff caliber teams. It's not about satisfaction, it's about being honest of their capabilities.

They way overpaid a QB who squeaks wins out of games he should have dominated.

Stop feeding on what Jerry is serving and call it for what is.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Hyperbole is an exaggeration of a statement made. Its a flat out LIE that you say in order to justify your stance on the issue.
Yes, I’m exaggerating when I refer to the “Dak is bestest” people. Call it lie if that makes you feel better. This really isn’t as complicated as you’re making it. At this point you’re just trying to instigate argument


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But they didn't....
And that's the same attitude why they never feel the need to improve. 25 years of this crap..that wasn't a win. That was a game that exposed them for what they are. Barely good enough to get by, but there's always next year, right?

They should have walked away from this game with their heads down in shame, and Dak thinking that was a good finish is why he is barely good enough too.

I miss Jimmy, and the spark that Irvin used to bring to the sidelines. A Bill Parcell type coach that doesn't congratulate a team that barely squeaked by a much lesser team.


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Yes, I’m exaggerating when I refer to the “Dak is bestest” people. Call it lie if that makes you feel better. This really isn’t as complicated as you’re making it. At this point you’re just trying to instigate argument

Not at all. We already have division on this amongst "fans". We already know there's two type of fans. One that likes Dak and one that doesn't. We don't need to make that division even worse than it already is by lying. Its like me sitting here saying that everyone who doesn't like Dak thinks he's the worst QB in the league. Its silly and just going to result in unnecessary debates.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
And that's the same attitude why they never feel the need to improve. 25 years of this crap..that wasn't a win. That was a game that exposed them for what they are. Barely good enough to get by, but there's always next year, right?

They should have walked away from this game with their heads down in shame, and Dak thinking that was a good finish is why he is barely good enough too.

I miss Jimmy, and the spark that Irvin used to bring to the sidelines. A Bill Parcell type coach that doesn't congratulate a team that barely squeaked by a much lesser team.
Well then go follow another team and stop crying...some of you guys have NO clue!


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That was so bad. Positive being the Defense saved the game with an incredible stop in the clutch after Prescott threw his second interception against the worst team in football. This isn't a time to he hailing Prescott whilst Hurts is sitting on 31 TDs, 3 Interceptions and 12-1 on a rookie contract.


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Lol....so you think we fans make a difference in winning and losing?

No, but you are the reason Jerry hasn't changed. You believe his BS. Anyone who was happy with that win yesterday is swallowing the kool aid. That indirectly keeps him doing what he's doing.

I sold my season tickets 5 yrs ago. I had them in Irving, and from opening day here. No reason to give Jerry my money.

That was a horrible game for a team about to enter the playoffs.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
No, but you are the reason Jerry hasn't changed. You believe his BS. Anyone who was happy with that win yesterday is swallowing the kool aid. That indirectly keeps him doing what he's doing.

I sold my season tickets 5 yrs ago. I had them in Irving, and from opening day here. No reason to give Jerry my money.

That was a horrible game for a team about to enter the playoffs.
I am the reason! Wow! Sorry I let the fanbase down....it's all my fault!:lmao2::lmao::lmao2:


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Fumble then pick on back to back plays and the homers will talk about his game winning drive. Do that against one of the top 30 teams in the league and that is a loss right there.
That's the beauty of Dak
He doesn't have to try hard