Dak was misquoted: "We won't have those tipped INT's this year"

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I'm really not. Many share my viewpoint(s), and just because they don't align with yours, doesn't make it incorrect.
And you are welcome to it. I am just saying prices are determined by market forces not by return on investment. There may be people in the market who valuate on the basis of ROI but at the end of the day that is not how markets work.

Or do you just not believe in objective reality and everything is jsut a matter of opinion?
You're dang right the contract changes his expectations. Indictment? More like reality. You can have whatever perception of me you'd like.
The two notions are not mutually exclusive. In fact, the expectation of a new contract are the justification for said indictment. I have not said whether or not I think that is valid.

My point in that case was that no one is asserting that his contract makes him a better player. That was a strawman.
And you are welcome to it. I am just saying prices are determined by market forces not by return on investment. There may be people in the market who valuate on the basis of ROI but at the end of the day that is not how markets work.

Or do you just not believe in objective reality and everything is jsut a matter of opinion?
I believe in scientific fact(s) and absolute truths, but when it comes to subjective issues like sports, all cards are on the table.
The two notions are not mutually exclusive. In fact, the expectation of a new contract are the justification for said indictment. I have not said whether or not I think that is valid.

My point in that case was that no one is asserting that his contract makes him a better player. That was a strawman.
Do you not hold him to a higher standard now versus while he was on his rookie contract?
Here is my question…a real one..not on a side. Let’s say they do this like they do errors in baseball and there is a criteria for Ints. Then how do you score ones the D drops? There were plenty of those for Dak. In fact right before one against SF, he threw the exact same route..badly..to a defender. I guess my thoughts are QBs can’t have it only one way.
My bad..I got the games confused. It was last game of season vs Commanders. Here is the play and they reference the drop in the telecast. Same guy dropped it and then he got this one. So that was my question in the equation. Does the drop count in the formula?
First, I confirmed the complete criteria for the pass defensed (PDef) statistic. Recording the stat must include:
  1. the defender getting a hand or hands on the ball and either deflecting it or dislodging the ball from the receiver's grasp and
  2. the pass must end in an incompletion
This is obvious stuff but the next step was verifying whether the NFL tallied Kendall Fuller's dropped pick six as a PDef with his actual pick six:



I did not re-watch the game entire but reviewed specific downs according to the official gamebook (link) where Fuller was involved in an incompletion. The gamebook records Fuller in the 3rd Quarter 9:08 2nd-and-9 situation:


and 3rd Quarter 5:49 3rd-and-12 situation:


Fuller does not get a hand on the ball during both incompletions. The statistic does not apply and was not given to him.

The only other plays, recorded in the gamebook that do fit the stat's criteria, are seen in the clips you posted--Fuller's missed pick six and pick six.

Conclusion? The league does not record the drop preventing the pick six but it DOES record the drop occurring indirectly. Logically, the NFL could objectively tabulate dropped interceptions as a minor modifier of the existing PDef criteria.

It is extremely unlikely to ever happen but it is completely doable. It would automatically count against and applied to the defender but could be designated as an associative INT stat for the quarterback as well. I would not have a problem with the addition made for the quarterback. It would help clarify unforced passing errors in particular, which would be a negative for the quarterback. However, greater specificity would help prompt identifying other types of interceptions thrown (i.e. passes through receiver's hands, bounces off offensive linemen, etc.) also that have always been lumped together as one statistic.
Do you not hold him to a higher standard now versus while he was on his rookie contract?
I don't look at player development that way so, no. They are the same person just paid different.

I can understand why others do though.
They aren’t changing the offense. It’s still the same offense, just a “different play caller”. The OC is Brian Schottenheimer, who is also basically from the Air Coryell tree.

And MM was saying Moore scored too many points and didn’t give the defense time to rest, whatever that means.
That is crazy talk for wearing out Parsons our best player on the entire team!
this guy had a whole bunch of balls that should have been picked but were dropped by defenders over the last two years.

must have been dez's fault...no wait it was scott linehans fault....no it was amari coopers fault....no it was tavon austins fault....no it was kellen moores fault......yawn.

give him 50 million...i cant wait to see it and him get his very soon.

pretty funny stuff...linehan was brought in because he was more creative than garret and bill linehan.....then moore was promoted because he was more creative and had a close relationship with dak....now mccarthy is calling plays and running his offenseand dak is blaming the guy who talked him up the most.

after that qb keeper two years agoi cant believe this guy is still a celebrity....all time playoff blunder and the media still loves him. amazing stuff.
No matter what Dak tries to do to set things straight, the haters are going to misconstrue his messages to reflect poorly upon him. He'd surely be well advised to stop trying to reinterpret his intentions for those so determined to reflect badly on him. His intentions are very well-intended and should not be hatefully misconstrued by some who ultimately end up reflecting poorly upon themselves. There too many who come here to do more harm than good. Here's hoping they eventually choose to go elsewhere with their negativity. They, rightfully, only deserve to be ignored as fans.
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