Twitter: Dak's average target separation among all QBs


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The hilarious part about all this is that for years the unwillingness (or inability) to make tight window throws was one of the chief arguments as to why Dak was no good. Now that he's making more of them than just about any QB in the league it has now turned into "well he only looks at one receiver so that's why he's having to make more tight window throws." The fact that this whole "stares down one receiver" and "can't read defenses" narratives are still out there for a guy who is TOP FIVE ALL TIME in interception percentage may be the stoopidest take ever posted on this site which is saying a lot. I mean do people really not know that if you stare down receivers and can't read defenses you tend to throw a LOT of picks?
:hammer:100%~!~ I literally read a Facebook post the other day some sports idiot stated this exactly we would still be two and two even with Trey Lance this year that why did we sign Prescott if we were gonna be 500 because Lance would have had us at 500 as well... Did he not realize that there's no run game average offensive line play maybe I can say inconsistent not bad but there are times where it's a jailbreak and Prescott's gotta make early decisions quick and throw an accurate ball or run or dump it off somewhere and then you add in the separation rates the terrible vanilla scheme is somehow people still think Cooper rush or Trey Lance can do similar things and I just don't know what they're watching I don't know what they think could happen in these games when you get people that either 1 Cooper rush is a stoic stain in the pocket with a very average arm at best and he needs more time and he needs a run game whenever the defenses do this where they can play coverage like they are and get to the quarterback with four guys stop the run and there's nothing else and you know the defense isn't doing their job and we're gonna have to score more points Cooper rush with fail miserably like he did against the Rams and the eagles at the end of this little run he had and if you look at the other games closely he wasn't doing anything but average with everything else around him playing elite you give Prescott this kind of elite play and we'd be four and oh right now literally that's the difference and Trey Lance I don't know what they're looking at he may be able to run the football but he sets his dudes up to get knocked out in games and I'm literally stands there and throws balls so high or so behind or where they're being LED right into a linebacker safety I mean what were they watching?


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It’s hard to get a lot of separation when the majority of the routes are stop routes curls or short out routes
Wait, I thought that was Kellen Moore’s fault. It’s hard to diversify the routes when your QB can’t read the field..


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Wasn't there already a thread about this from AC?

Are you guys starting to use the same material in defense of Dak?
Recycling excuses.. been doing it for years…

Dak holds the ball too long, meaning delivers late. Thus, target of separation is obfuscated by that.

Shorter routes have less separation, but it’s more than enough. Dallas “West Coast” uses short passes for runs.


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Target of separation is also defined by who you choose to throw to.

Dak can’t see the field…


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Dak can’t see the field…
Yes thats right.

The commentators of games are trying to put it like its a great skill of dak to be able to make those throws. And whats more they make it sound like the other defense is so great there are no other options.

Truth is he just locks on one WRs and does not make the necessary reads. There are other options he could throw to that are more open. He just lacks talent and skill to find them.

Whats even more he is not able to make those tight window throws on a constant basis. So a OC will shy away to call those plays. Just because the negative outcome of the play is very probable.
It has almost gotten to a point where I think getting proven wrong is at fetish levels with some of yall.

Why else would someone continously post opinions that have been proven wrong over and over and over and over again?

Google is free.
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What I have noticed more this year than in some past years is Dak is opting to throw “tight window throws” when other receivers are open but he is forcing that throw anyway. Just because a QB throws the ball into a tight window doesn’t mean that was his best or only option. I also think this year with no running game defenses are able to focus a little more on stopping the pass which leads to better coverage And the same goes for the fact that our pass protection (this is from personal opinion not any stats I’ve seen) hasn’t been quite as good as in prior years so teams are getting pressure without blitzing which also allows them to focus more on covering.
Also don’t forget that this offense is designed for Dak. He’s mostly good at slants, dump offs, back shoulder fades, seams, and comebacks, which are tight coverage throws by nature. He’s not good at throws to the flat, out breaking routes, or legit posts and fades, which tend to get better separation. Id also say his timing is usually behind which deletes separation by the time his ball areives


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
It is way too easy to defend smaller guys who are no longer fast running come back routes. Coaches need to do a better job scheming guys open, players need to do a better job running routes.