Game Day Dallas Cowboys at Jacksonville Jaguars Overtime

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bailing them out LMAO the O scored 34.. next excuse. the d gave up huge plays couldn't get sack had guys open all game.
Im talking about the end of the game. The D got the turnover. A single 1st down seals the game. Our D had a rough second half, but they still did enough to win it in the regular time. Heck, a run on 3rd down probably would have sealed the game.
1st and 10 Dallas

3 wide pitch POllard breaks a tackle gets to the 40.
and @Vanilla2


ARTICLE 1. PLAY SITUATIONS. The Replay System will cover the following play situations:
(a) Plays involving possession (see Section 3, Article 2).
(b) Plays involving touching of either the ball or the ground (see Section 3, Article 3).
(c) Plays governed by the goal line (see Section 3, Article 4).
(d) Plays governed by the boundary lines (see Section 3, Article 5).
(e) Plays governed by the line of scrimmage (see Section 3, Article 6).
(f) Plays governed by the line to gain (see Section 3, Article 7).
(g) Number of players on the field (see Section 3, Article 8).

(h) Game administration (see Section 3, Article 9).
(1) Penalty enforcement.
(2) Proper down.
(3) Spot of a foul.
(4) Status of the game clock.
(i) Disqualification of a player (see Section 3, Article 10).
(j) Other reviewable plays (see Section 3, Article 11).

ARTICLE 9. GAME ADMINISTRATION AND CONSULTATION. The Replay Official and designated members of the Officiating
department may consult with on-field officials, or conduct a replay review, or advise the game officials on specific, objective
aspects of a play when clear and obvious video evidence is present, and/or to address game administration issues, including,
but not limited to:
(a) penalty enforcement;
(b) the proper down;
(c) spot of a foul;
(d) the game clock;
(e) possession;
(f) completed or intercepted pass;
(g) touching of a loose ball, boundary line, goal line, or end line;

(h) location of the football or a player in relation to a boundary line, the line of scrimmage, the line to gain, or the goal line; or
(i) down by contact (when a player is not ruled down by contact on the field).
Nothing in this Article precludes a Head Coach or Replay Official from initiating a challenge or review otherwise allowed under
Rule 15, Section 1.
Marcus Blandino
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