Game Day Dallas Cowboys at Washington Commanders 1st Half

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I think his ankle was down before you can see the ball is loose.

Don't listen to Olsen who was saying it was clearly out when the ball wasn't even visible, then a few frames later it's still clearly in Dowdle's arm.
That is what I seen as well.
Yeah that was weird. You see the ball moving, but you also see Rico's glove on it till he hits the ground.

Mike didn't even bother.
That’s probably because the refs missed it. When the call comes in from NY, it’s been replayed and you can’t challenge. That said, I didn’t like the call.
no it's not not that simple mike mccarthy doesn't blow the red flag.not fumble when you are held up and momentum stopped and it comes out .It why forward momentum is part f the game anyone can rip bal;l out iof held up that long..
First you cant challenge a turnover. They are automatically reviewed.

Second the whistle is only blown if forward progress is stopped and it was not. He was moving forward, and then falling forward as the ball was ripped out. Therefore forward progress was not stopped so they had no reason to blow the play dead.
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