Twitter: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader: Making the Team


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You know the tv show on CMT is going into its 15th season? No matter how the Cowboys perform, the DCC remain relevant. But those 70s movies were awesome if you were a teenage girl at that time like me.:D

In 1969, we were on vacation in Texas. Stopped in Plano, then down to Houston and Galveston where my mom had some relatives.
I was 10 years old. My cousin, who was just getting out of high school at the time, in Plano. Now I don't recall a lot from the trip. Maybe 10 things that stick out in my mind. But one was she was talking about trying out for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. As they were going to make them full time over what they had before.

I don't think she ever made it as I do not recall anyone ever talking about it. I also do not remember many things, as one of my brothers pulled a garage door down as I was running out of their garage and it knocked me out. I woke up a few hours later with a huge know on my head and a bad headache. Had, and still have a pretty good memory, but some events from that trip I do remember. :laugh:

But I do remember being exited about going as I loved the Cowboys of course. We made the drive from Ohio.


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Shut up, yes they are, and always will be! Some might be sluttier, but not hotter!! ;)

They all have to start somewhere.........guess who drew the short straw?
